Chapter Twelve

I enjoyed every waking moment of the six months I stayed at Stanley's. He and Jayla treated me just like I was a part of their family. We did everything together. We went to the movies, the park, out to dinner, and every Sunday, Jayla and Stanley went to church. They tried their best to get me to go with them, but I always refused. Stanley continuously left little post-it notes with different Bible verses taped all over the house. The bathroom, kitchen, living room, you name it, there was a Bible verse posted somewhere. Every time I went to open the refrigerator, there was a post it that read Psalm 23, “The Lord is my Shepherd.” I memorized just about all of the verses. I had no choice because they stared me in the face wherever I went. That was Stanley's way of trying to get me to believe in God. I couldn't blame the brotha for trying.

Stanley worked odd jobs to get by. I couldn't understand how he kept the bills paid on the little money that he was bringing in. I asked him what his secret was and all he stated to me was, “My secret is Malachi 3:10-11.” I found myself picking up his Bible and reading the scripture for myself. After reading it, I still didn't understand.

I went back to school and worked part-time as a waitress at the diner where Stanley and I had rekindled our friendship. My life was finally looking up. I thought about my mother a lot, but I still refused to have any dealings with her. Who knew though? Maybe in the future when she realized that John was nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing, she and I could go back to being mother and daughter, and I could share all the bad and good things that had happened since she left. But until then, I had to go on living my life without her in it.

Stanley and I grew closer and closer. He could no longer hide the strong feelings he had for me, and what was shocking to me was that I was attracted to him as well. There was no doubt in my mind that once I got my life all the way right, he and I would be together.

He always stressed to me, though, that he wouldn't consider having another relationship with anyone unless marriage was on the table. He wasn’t trying to just do the dating thing and put himself out there like that with no hope of a real future with the woman. He explained to me that he'd already gone against God's word when he had Jayla out of wedlock, and he refused to make the same mistake again. I knew I was wrong for this, but I would challenge his Christian ways just to see how strong he was. I would sometimes walk around the house in a pair of short shorts and a cut off t-shirt to see if I could get a reaction out of him. Stanley would just smile, grab his Bible, and walk into another room.

Stanley didn't have any female friends that he was seeing on a regular basis. He did mention that a couple of women at the church were trying to get at him, but instead of indulging in the devilish things they had planned for him, he kept his head buried in his Bible.

One Saturday, I decided to work a double shift at the diner. It was way past midnight when I finally made it home. Stanley and Jayla had both turned in so they could get up for church the next morning. I tiptoed into the kitchen to pour myself a glass of milk, and on the table sat a manila envelope addressed to me. I picked up the letter to see if I could recognize the handwriting, but couldn't. The envelope felt kind of thick, so I anxiously ripped it open and began reading the letter.

Dear Hayden, first off, I want to apologize to you for trying to force myself on you. Hopefully you can find it in your heart to one day forgive me. You know me well enough to know that that was way out of my character. I had to admit that I was hurt by the fact that Sticky had left me. And if you're wondering, no, we're still not together, which is fine with me. I had to move on. You see, you can't dwell on the past. You have to let go and let God do His thing. I know you have never been big on God, but Hayden, He is real. You are walking proof. I know it sounds funny, me of all people talking to you about God, with the lifestyle I live. I hope you're not mad because your friend, Stanley, contacted me. Hayden, he's a cutie. Too bad I'm gay (smile).

He and I talked a while and he explained a lot of things about you that I overlooked. Trust me, it was nothing too personal, just some things I know you would have shared with me if I'd given you the chance to be Hayden instead of Pure. He talked my head off about the Bible too and even had me reading a few scriptures. I found your stash of money and wanted to spend it, but I prayed one day that you would stop being so pigheaded and come by and ask me for it. My prayers were answered when Stanley showed up at my door. All your money is in the envelope. I burned up all your clothes, so I threw in some extra cash to replace them. Hayden, Stanley is your Guardian Angel. Hold on to him and treat him right, because God puts people in our lives for a reason.

Love Bonita


“Bonita,” I said with a smile, amused by the fact Benny had signed her birth name on the letter.

Tears flowed as I folded up the letter and placed it back into the envelope. I pulled the money out, counted it, and walked into my room. I lifted up the mattress and placed the envelope underneath before climbing in bed and drifting off to sleep…with a huge grin on my face. Sleeping on top of fifteen G’s had to be just as uncomfortable as that princess who slept on that pea in the story my mother used to tell me when I was little. But I wasn’t about to complain.

The next morning, the smell of sausage woke me up from a deep sleep. Stanley was in the kitchen doing his regular, preparing Sunday morning breakfast. I got up, went to the bathroom and took care of my hygiene. I walked into the kitchen and smiled at the sight of Stanley and Jayla working together as a team. One scrambled the eggs while the other threw a couple of slices of cheese on top.

"Good morning, Hayden," Jayla said with a huge smile.

"Good morning, y'all," I replied before taking a seat at the table.

"You goin' to church with us today?" Stanley asked, playfully.

I shot Stanley an I-wish-I-would type look and he chuckled and continued on with breakfast.

After breakfast, I sat in the living room studying for the quiz I had in school the next day when Stanley and Jayla walked in all dressed for church.

"I found this ten thousand dollars in my jacket pocket this morning. Do you know how it got there?" Stanley asked me.

"Nope," I replied, smiling. I laid my book down on top of the coffee table and looked up at Stanley. He looked quite stunning in his light-gray shirt, black slacks, and black Eddie Bauer wing tips.

"Oh, come on." Stanley sat down next to me on the couch and began tickling me. "I'm gon' tickle you until you tell me," he said.

"Stop, Stanley," I wiggled and laughed.

"Tell me then," he said.

"Okay, okay," I said, moving his hands away from me.

"Benny gave me my money back. So to show my appreciation for all that you have done for me, I broke you off a li'l somethin’ somethin’."

"Hayden, I can't take this money from you. You worked hard for this," he said, placing the money in my hand.

"Stanley, you gon' take this money. You deserve it," I said in a demanding tone.

"Wow, you never cease to amaze me," Stanley said before leaning over and planting a kiss on my lips that sent an electric shock right through me. The kiss seemed to surprise him just as much as it surprised me.

"Oooo," Daddy's got a girlfriend," Jayla sang, happily.

I was in shock. The softness of his lips had me wanting to take him to the bedroom and do some dangerous things to him.

Stanley smiled and stood up. "You sure you don't wanna come with us?" Stanley asked. He counted out one thousand dollars and put it in a Tithes envelope.

"I’m sure." I stood up from the couch to walk them to the front door.

"I think you're scared," Stanley said.

"Scared of what?" I asked confused.

"Scared that if you come to church, you might like it," he answered.

"The only thing I'm scared of is mice." As soon as I finished my sentence, a tiny mouse shot across the living room floor. "Eeeekkkk!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "Was that a mouse?" I asked, hoping Stanley would say no.

"I'm afraid so," he replied, laughing.

"Stanley, that's not funny," I said, terrified, slapping his arm.

"See ya when we get home from church," Stanley said, opening the front door.

"No, you can't leave me here alone with that rodent," I shouted, looking around to see if the mouse was gone.

"Well, I'll tell you what, me and Jayla are going to church. So your best bet is to get dressed and come with us," Stanley continued laughing.

I looked around the room. Every little thing I looked at on the floor had me thinking that it was the mouse. "Give me five minutes," I said, running to my room to get dressed. “You are not going to leave me here alone with Mickey.” Fifteen minutes later, I walked out the room dressed in a navy blue dress with the long jacket to match and a pair of navy blue pumps. I accentuated my ensemble with my silver hoop earrings, necklace and bangles. I did look rather good if I had to say so myself.

"You look beautiful," Stanley said with the sexiest gaze in his eyes. He leaned over and gave me another soft kiss on my lips.

"You sure do," Jayla agreed.

"Thank you. Now let's get out of here," I said, looking around, "before that thing shows back up."

Stanley, Jayla and I walked a few blocks to the church. My heart raced with anticipation as we got closer to the door. I didn't know how my life would turn out after today. I guess I would just have to wait and see. But I did know one thing; if there really was a God, hopefully He would introduce Himself to me since I was coming to His house. And you know what? He did. And I knew beyond a doubt that my life would never again be the same. And this time…that was a good thing.




Counterfeit Hope

By Iniko