Abandonment meetings, 92, 93–94

Acheson, Dean, 204, 249

Action plans, 15, 16


in implementation, 135

strength and, 95

Adenauer, Konrad, 246

Adler, Alfred, 219

Adorno, Theodor W., 129

Advice, 171–172

Advisors, 101, 205

Age, 244–247, 254

Akers, John, 7

Allen, Paul, 4

Apple, 74, 96

Artioli, Romano, 99

Assembly line work, 34–35


as basis of decision making, 75

of performance and development, 158–159

of productivity, 38

Assets, effective use of, 114, 245

Assignments. See also Tasks

guide and monitor fulfillment of, 176–177

jobs and, 173–177

people decisions and, 25, 91, 127, 145, 174–177, 184

thinking through, 174–175

understanding, 176


decision making based on, 81

questioning, 56, 62, 80–81

of responsibility, 248–251, 258–259


performance, development and, 24, 63, 65

positive, 236, 239–240

Augustine (saint), 25

Barezzi, Antonio, 216

Beatty, Jack, 214

Beauvoir, Simone de, 191–192

Becquerel, Antoine Henri, 191

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 204, 224

Berkshire Hathaway, 42

Bernstein, Leonard, 129, 231–233, 235

Bezos, Jeff, 140

Biden, Joe, 178–179, 181, 191

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 6, 42–43

Blair, Tony, 253

Bonpland, Aimé, 160, 161


effective cooperation and, 178, 179–182

making your boss effective, 180–181

never underestimating, 182

Welch on, 182

Branson, Richard, 171, 237

Braque, Georges, 166–168

Brin, Sergey, 101–103

Buffett, Warren, 40, 42–43, 171

Bugatti, Ettore, 98–99

Bush, George W., 213

Business, organization of

enabling employees to do their job and, 31

enabling executives to do their job and, 32

focus on what customers pay for and, 30–31

Business ethics, 241–242

Business mission, 3–6

choice and implementation of, 49

objectives and, 40–41, 123, 140

three building blocks of, 4–5

values and, 3, 144

Business purpose

definition of, 8, 10

strategy and goals associated with, 29

Caesar, 133


allocation, 42

productivity of, 35, 38

Careers, 183–185

Cézanne, Paul, 166–169

Chamberlain, Neville, 138

Chanel, Coco, 44–50


in market or sectoral structures, sudden, 84

from outside organizations, 22–23, 84

in perception, mood, and meaning, 84

recognizing change that has already occurred, 106

Chaplin, Charlie, 35


managers with strong, 62

performance and, 184

Chiang Kai-shek, 187

Churchill, Winston, 137–139, 141–142, 155

on Hopkins, 197

Marshall, Roosevelt, Stalin and, 174, 187

working method of, 205

Circumstantial constraints, 20

Clausewitz, Carl von, 134

Clear rules of conduct, 189

Clement VII (pope), 115

Clinton, Bill, 190

Clinton, Hillary, 190–192, 194


harnessing strengths of, 126–127

managing, 179

speaking with, 176, 199

Collins, Jim, 172


with managers, 42

motivation through information and, 229–230

responsibility and, 41, 250

Competitive advantage, 7, 22, 47

Compromise, 13–14, 19–21

Conductors (musical), 90, 117–119, 155. See also specific individuals

managers compared to, 118–119, 129–132, 232–233

Connors, Jimmy, 228

Consensus, 12, 263–264

Contributions, 212–215, 221

Drucker on, 212, 215, 221

enjoyment from profession and, 234

objectives of employees and personal, 41

performance of organizations and individual, 115, 118–120

to whole, 119–120, 227

Cooperation, effective, 178–182

Copernicus, Nicolaus, 80–81

Corn Laws, 55

Corning Inc., 99

Corot, Camille, 166

Corporate culture

appraisal of, 65

effective management and, 152

of effectiveness and professionalism, 38, 150–153

people decisions and, 144–145

of performance and responsibility, 154

values and, 144

Corporate social responsibility, 24, 26, 241

Costs inside organizations, 42

Craftsmanship, 6

Cray, Ed, 188

Creative destruction, 60, 95–97

Creativity, 244–247

Critical dialogue, 170–171

Cubism, 168

Culture. See also Corporate culture of debate, 62

effective management and country, 41

of effectiveness, 38, 150–153

Curie, Marie, 191

Curie, Pierre, 191

Customer value, 28

creating, 7–10

delivering, 47

performance, responsibility and, 150–153

Customers. See also Noncustomers

effective management and, 258–259

needs and requirements of, 8, 30, 47, 49, 74

organizations structured around, 27–33

proximity to, 47

relations with, 9, 22, 27–28, 30–31

satisfaction of, 42, 151

what they’re willing to pay for, 30–31, 49, 74

da Vinci, Leonardo, 91, 114

Data, 53, 62

Davis, Jacob, 208

Deadlines, 16, 131, 263

Debate, culture of, 62

Decision making. See also Effective decision making; People decisions

advisors compared to decision-maker, 205

assessments as basis of, 75

based on assumptions, 81

based on missing or incorrect information, 54

consensus in, 12, 263–264

differences of opinion and, 5, 12, 14, 148

feedback and, 16, 135

implementation and, 15–16, 263–264

information for, 54, 56–57, 181

planning and, 135–136

Degas, Edgar, 166, 168

Delegating, 198–199

Dell, Michael, 27–28, 30–33, 140

Dell Computer Corporation, 27–28, 30–33

Demanding tasks for high aspirations, 156–157

Dependency lists, 179–180

Detail, 105, 122, 123


assessments of performance and, 158–159

employees’ process of, 41

performance, attitude and, 24, 63, 65

research and, 8

responsibility and, 251

Dialogue partners, 166–172, 180

Differences of opinion

decision making and, 5, 12, 14, 148

Sloan on, 12, 62

Disabled people, 127, 196–197

Discipline, 54, 223–225

Discussions on core issues, 62

Dissent, 12, 14

Doing, learning by, 205

Drucker, Peter F., 57, 212–215

Adventures of a Bystander, 113

advice from, 172

books by, 90, 213, 214, 218

on business purpose definition, 8, 10

on contributions, 212, 215, 221

The Economist and, 56, 212, 213

The Effective Executive, 90, 179

feedback and, 68

foreign languages and, 66

on leadership, 260

learning and, 205

The Practice of Management, 8, 63, 179

on responsibility and business ethics, 241–242

on self-renewal, 212, 215

Sloan and, 20–21, 146–147

on Verdi, 217

Duty, 234–235

Dynamic imbalance, 95, 96

The Economist, 55–56, 212, 213

Edison, Thomas, 82–84

Education, 162–164. See also Training

Effective cooperation, 178–182

Effective decision making, 11–16

alternatives and, 14–15

defining what is right with, 13–14

dissent in, 12, 14

managers in, 12, 164

recognizing and defining problem in, 12–13, 17–18

setting specifications with, 13

Effective management, xviii, 40–43

corporate culture and, 152

country culture and, 41

regarding customers, organizations and society, 258–259

essential principles for, 40–42

insights into, 261–264

three main areas of, xix–xxi

Effectiveness, 91

culture of, 38, 150–153

through information, 53

Efficiency, 91, 199–200

Eiffel, Gustave, 77–78, 96

Einstein, Albert, 125–126, 128, 141

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 68, 155, 173, 175, 204

Ellison, Larry, 140

Embracing trust, 209–210

Employees. See also People decisions; Workers

age of, 244–247, 254

business organization enabling, 31

development process of, 41

enabling employees to do their job, 31

nurturing people, 154–159

performance, development and attitude of, 24, 63, 65

personal contributions and objectives of, 41

quality of, 41, 144

staff turnover, 144, 148

Enjoyment from profession, 231–235

contributions and, 234

duty and, 234–235

high demands on yourself and, 234

results and, 233–234

Escher, M. C., 17–18

Executives, enabling, to do their job, 32


motivation from high expectations about performance, 228

results and, 87, 135–136

Expertise and specialist knowledge

contribution to whole through, 119–120

general knowledge compared to, 161–163

management know-how versus, xviii–xx, 163

Federer, Roger, 226–229

Feedback, 66–69

analysis, 126

decision making and, 16, 135

as key to continuous learning, 67

self-management and, 68

Financial independence, 45, 47–50

Financial resources, 24, 63, 64


four secrets of, 113

implementation and, 262

managers and, 112–114

motivation by concentrating on strengths and efforts, 228

organizations and, 114–116

on resources, 47, 48, 113

on single objective, 111–120

on tasks, 113, 114

of time, 113

on what customers pay for, 30–31

Follow up, 176–177, 264

Ford, Henry, 34, 104

Foreign languages, 66–67

Fortune 500, 28

Fortune magazine

advice and, 171–172

Buffett’s interview in, 42–43

Page’s interview in, 101

on Southwest Airlines, 151–152

on Welch, J., 143

Frankl, Viktor, 141, 219–222, 227, 235

Franklin, Benjamin, 201–202

Franz Joseph I (Emperor), 157

Frederick the Great, 133–134

Free trade, 55

Freud, Sigmund, 219

Friction, 134

Fuller, Richard Buckminster, 113

Functional reliability, 54, 68


planning for, 135

recognizing future that has already happened, 104–107

Gates, Bill, 3–4, 6, 7, 140. See also Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Internet and, 39, 103, 147

on Sloan, 16

Gauguin, Paul, 166, 168

General Electric, 93, 120, 143–148. See also Welch, Jack

General knowledge, 161–164

General Motors, 9, 11–12, 16. See also Sloan, Alfred P., Jr.

Geocentric world view, 80–81

Gerstner, Lou, 7–10

Globalization, 47


achieving, xv–xvi, xix

business purpose associated with strategy and, 29

shared values and common, 139

Goebel, Heinrich, 82

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 161–162, 202, 225

Good people

breathing space for, 148

opportunities for, 194

strengths and weaknesses of, 145

surround yourself with, 143–149

Google, 101–103

Governor, centrifugal or flyball, 67

Gracián, Baltasar, 66–67

Graf, Steffi, 191

Grameen Bank, 255–260

Great leaders, xvii–xviii

Grove, Andy, 7, 124

advice from, 172

IBM and, 24

Intel and, 58–61

Only the Paranoid Survive, 61

Guerrilla marketing, 86

Guillaumin, Jean-Baptiste Armand, 166

Halifax, Edward, 138

Hawking, Stephen, 196–197

Healthy eating, 252–254

Healthy skepticism, 60, 61, 62

Hearing yourself talk, learning by, 204–205

Hewlett, Bill, 154, 159

Hewlett-Packard, 32, 154, 159. See also Packard, David

Heyse, Paul, 246–247

Hidden champions, 47–49, 193

High demands on yourself, 234

High equity ratio, 48

Hippocrates, 67, 241–243

Hippocratic Oath, 241

Hiring. See Jobs; Nurturing people; People decisions

Hopkins, Harry, 197

Horowitz, Vladimir, 148

Humboldt, Alexander von, 160–162, 165, 246


Gerstner and, 7–10

Grove and, 24

Intel and, 60

Microsoft and, 4

Watson at, 8

Icons, xv–xvii, xxi–xxii, 169, 191

Ideas, implementation of, 73–76, 83

Image, 25–26

Immelt, Jeff, 146


adaptability in, 135

choice and business mission, 49

decision making and, 15–16, 263–264

focus and, 262

follow up and, 176–177, 264

of ideas, 73–76, 83

objectives and, 261–262

problems arising during, 12

scheduling time and, 262–263

of strategy, 25

Impressionism, 166–168, 170

Improvements, potential, 123

Individual contributions and performance of organizations, 115, 118–120

Individual productivity, 36–37


absorbing, by reading or listening, 204

compiling, 53, 68

for decision making, 54, 56–57, 181

effectiveness through, 53

exchange of, 181

form of, 53, 54

harnessing, 51–54

from inside organizations, 52–54

knowledge workers and, 52–53

list of recipients of, 53

missing or incorrect, 54

motivation through communication and, 229–230

about noncustomers, 56

from outside organizations, 54, 56–57

personal responsibility and, 53–54

productivity through, 53

system for gathering, 56–57

Innovations, 24, 63. See also specific individuals

capability for, 41

creative destruction and, 95–97

managing, xix–xxi, 152

market observation and, 74–75

new knowledge and, 84, 102

opposition to, 77–78, 96–97

pilot test for, 79

productivity of knowledge and, 36

seven main sources of, 83–84

systematic approach to, 82–84

Innovation performance

defining, 64

judgment of, 75

measuring, 74

Integrity, 148, 158, 186–189

Intel, 58–61, 60. See also Grove, Andy

Internet, 39, 101–103, 147, 194

Jobs. See also Enjoyment from profession

assignments and, 173–177

for disabled people, 127

enabling employees to do their job, 31

enabling executives to do their job, 32

job descriptions and tasks, 174–175

job design, motivation through people decisions and, 229

job title, 36

Jobs, Steve, 73–74, 83, 140

Jodl, Alfred, 68

Johnson, Lyndon B., 179, 205

Jones, Reg, 146

Jordan, Michael, 24

Julius II (pope), 111, 170

Karajan, Herbert von, 89–90, 113

Kelleher, Herb, 25, 150–152, 172

Kennedy, Jackie, 48

Kennedy, John F., 179, 205

Kepler, Johannes, 80

Knight, Phil, 22–26

Knowledge. See also Expertise and specialist knowledge

access to, 51

general, 161–164

innovation based on new, 84, 102

interdisciplinary approach to, 98–100, 164–165

management, 37–38

productivity of, 35, 36

as resource, 144

Knowledge organizations, 38–39

Knowledge society, 144, 164, 179, 193

Knowledge workers

information and, 52–53

productivity of, 35–38, 120

Koechlin, Maurice, 77–78

Krames, Jeffrey, 214

Kreisky, Bruno, 237

Kroc, Ray, 104–107

Labor productivity, 34–38

Lafley, Alan G., 171

Lagerfeld, Karl, 48

Lauda, Niki, 236–239

Leadership, 259–260

Leading by example, 139–140, 188, 242, 251

Learning, 67, 204–205, 250

Lenovo, 33

Leo X (pope), 114

Leroy, Louis, 168

Levi Strauss & Company, 208–209

Life plan, 212–215

Lincoln, Abraham, 52

Listening, 204, 205, 250

Long-term objectives, 200

Loving or feeling devoted to someone, 221

Maciariello, Joseph A., 214

Mahler, Gustav, 118, 129–130, 132, 157, 232

Management. See also Effective management; Self-management

knowledge, 37–38

by objectives and self-control, 119, 129–132

as responsibility, 249

results-driven approach of, 121–124

scientific, 34–35

by walking around, 159

Management know-how, xv–xx

expertise and specialist knowledge versus, xviii–xx, 163

as key to success, xv–xix


communication with, 42

conductors compared to, 118–119, 129–132, 232–233

definition of, 12

in effective decision making, 12, 164

focus and, 112–114

leading by example, 139–140, 188, 242, 251

performance, development and attitude of, 24, 63, 65

quality of, 42

with strong characters, 62

training of, 143, 162–165

Welch, J., on, 120


innovation, xix–xxi, 152

organizations, xix–xxi

people, xix–xxi, 152

workers, 179

Manet, Édouard, 167, 170

Mann, Thomas, 130, 223–225

Markets. See also Shared market

observation of, innovations and, 74–75

sudden changes in sectoral structures or, 84

and target groups, clearly defined, 48

Market leaders, 47–48

Market research, 79

Market standing, 24, 41, 63, 64

Marketing, guerilla, 86

Marshall, George, 155, 173–177

Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin and, 174, 187

integrity of, 186–187

on Patton, 205

Truman and, 187, 204, 249

Marshall Plan, 186, 187, 249

Mateschitz, Dietrich, 85–86

Matisse, Henri, 167–168

Maucher, Helmut, 147, 153

Maximum profit, 48–49

McCain, John, 181

McCarthy, Joseph, 187

McDonald, Richard and Maurice, 104–105

McDonald’s fast-food restaurants, 104–107

McEnroe, John, 228

McLuhan, Marshall, 113

Meaning, search for, 219–222, 227

by loving or feeling devoted to someone, 221

by serving a cause, 221, 235

by turning suffering into achievement, 221

Means, measures and objectives, 135


abandonment, 92, 93–94

for productivity, 38

Mengelberg, Willem, 129

Mentors, 169–170, 205

Menuhin, Yehudi, 155

Menzel, Adolph von, 224

Messner, Reinhold, 194

Michelangelo Buonarroti, 111–112, 114–116, 169–170, 224, 246

Microcredit, 255–258, 260

Microsoft, 3–4, 6, 38–39. See also Gates, Bill

Miklauz, Stefan, 238

Minimum acceptable outcome, 20–21

Minimum profit, 48–49, 65

Moltke, Helmuth von, 134

Monet, Claude, 166, 167, 168

Money, time and, 93, 198

Monthly report, additional first page in, 87

Moore, Gordon, 58–59

Motivation, 220–221, 226–230

through communication and information, 229–230

by concentrating on strengths and focusing efforts, 228

from high expectations about performance, 228

through people decisions and job design, 229

through remuneration and promotion, 230

from results and contribution to whole, 227

from thinking constructively, 228–229

Munger, Charlie, 42

Napoleon Bonaparte, 133

NASA, 99–100

Needs, 4–5

and requirements of customers, 8, 30, 47, 49, 74

Neo-Impressionism, 166, 168–169

Nestlé, 147, 153, 163

New knowledge, 84, 102

Newcomen, Thomas, 66

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 222

Nike, 22–26

NIKI airline, 237–238


information about, 56

value of, 10, 23

Nurturing people, 154–159

by assessment of performance and development, 158–159

with demanding tasks for high aspirations, 156–157

by drawing on strengths, 157

within organizations, 156

with suitable post and right superior, 158

Obama, Barack, 178–179, 181, 183–185, 191, 194

Objectives. See also Shared objectives

business mission and, 40–41, 123, 140

conditions for, 124

criteria for, 131–132

of employees, personal contributions and, 41

implementation and, 261–262

key areas for performance targets and, 24–26, 63–65

long-term, 200

management by objectives and self-control, 119, 129–132

means, measures, and, 135

of organizations, 38, 115, 119–120

results as basis for measuring attainment of, 131–132

setting and defining, 123–124

single, focus on, 111–120

Oliver, Jamie, 252–254


exploitation of, 48, 101–103, 102, 238–239

for good people, 194

problems compared to, 18, 86–87, 236, 240

Organizations. See also Business, organization of; Knowledge organizations

changes from outside, 22–23, 84

costs inside, 42

dependencies within and outside, 180

developing strengths of, 128

effective management and, 258–259

focus and, 114–116

individual contributions and performance of, 115, 118–120

information from inside, 52–54

information from outside, 54, 56–57

managing, xix–xxi

nurturing people within, 156

objectives of, 38, 115, 119–120

productivity of, 37–38

purpose of, 28, 119, 127, 258

results outside, 42

society of, xvi

structure of, 27–33, 119

structured around customers, 27–33

three fundamental questions about, 29–33

values and, 139–141

working methods in types of, 206


minimum acceptable, 20–21

predictions compared to, 67

Packard, David, 154–156, 159

Page, Larry, 101–103

Patton, George, 145, 173–176, 205, 229

Paul III (pope), 115–116

Pennant-Rea, Rupert, 55–56


managing, xix–xxi, 152

nurturing, 154–159

as resources, 155

People decisions. See also Employees; Good people; Workers

assignments and, 25, 91, 127, 145, 174–177, 184

basic premises about, 145–148, 174–177

considering several candidates, 146, 175

corporate culture and, 144–145

in interests of company, 193

motivation through job design and, 229

responsibility for incorrect, 177

speaking with colleagues and superiors of candidates, 176

staff selection, 188–189

surrounding yourself with better and brighter people, 147–148

time for, 146–147

track record in, 175–176

Welch, J., and, 143–148, 174, 229

Perfection, striving for, 216–218

Performance. See also Innovation performance; Productivity

assessment of development and, 158–159

character and, 184

corporate culture of responsibility and, 154

customer value, responsibility and, 150–153

development, attitude and, 24, 63, 65

motivation from high expectations about, 228

of organizations, individual contributions and, 115, 118–120

tangible results and, xix

targets and objectives, key areas for, 24–26, 63–65

values and, 140, 141

working methods and, 203–204

Personal contributions and objectives of employees, 41

Personal responsibility, 53–54

Phidias, 218

Physical resources, 24, 63, 65

Picasso, Pablo, 166, 168, 244–245

Pilot test, 79

Pissarro, Camille, 101, 166–171

Planning, 133–136

Positive attitude, 236, 239–240

Poverty, 255–260

Presidential election, 2008 U.S., 102


arising during implementation, 12

opportunities compared to, 18, 86–87, 236, 240

recognizing and defining, 12–13, 17–18

Productivity, 24, 34–39, 63

assessment of, 38

of capital, 35, 38

individual, 36–37

through information, 53

of knowledge workers, 35–38, 120

labor, 34–38

meetings for, 38

of organization, 37–38

question about, 64

of time, 35, 38

value creation as parameter for, 38

of workers, 34–38

Professionalism, 16, 68

corporate culture of effectiveness and, 38, 150–153

Profit, 24, 47, 48–49, 63, 65

Promotion, 183–185, 230

Public responsibility, 63, 65

Purposeful abandonment, 89–94

basic considerations for, 91–92

procedures for, 92–94

Rachmaninov, Sergey, 148

Rattle, Sir Simon, 90, 117–118, 233

Reading, 204, 205

Red Bull, 85–86

Renoir, Auguste, 166, 167, 168

Research and development, 8


financial, 24, 63, 64

focus on, 47, 48, 113

knowledge as, 144

people as, 155

physical, 24, 63, 65

wasting, 91–92, 245

Responsibility. See also Corporate social responsibility

acting responsibly, 241–243

assumption of, 248–251, 258–259

business ethics and, 241–242

communication and, 41, 250

corporate culture of performance and, 154

customer value, performance and, 150–153

development and, 251

for incorrect people decisions, 177

leading by example and, 251

listening, learning and, 250

management as, 249

personal, 53–54

public, 63, 65

results and, 250

standing by, 250

tasks and, 250

world, 139


as basis for measuring attainment of objectives, 131–132

enjoyment from profession and, 233–234

expectations and, 87, 135–136

motivation from contribution to whole and, 227

outside organizations, 42

performance and tangible, xix

responsibility and, 250

results-driven approach of management, 121–124

Reuter, Paul Julius, 51–52

Risk, minimizing, xvi, 68

Roddick, Anita, 191

Rodzinski, Artur, 232

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 186, 197

Churchill, Marshall, Stalin and, 174, 187

as listener, 204

Truman and, 178, 204, 248

Rubinstein, Arthur, 128

Ruiz, Hector, 172

Schmidt, Eric, 102

Schoenberg, Arnold, 96–97

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 66–67

Schultz, Howard, 171

Schumacher, Michael, 121–124

Schumann, Clara, 191

Schumpeter, Joseph Alois, 60, 87, 95–96

Scientific management, 34–35

Self-control, management by objectives and, 119, 129–132

Self-management, 37, 68, 257

Self-renewal, 92, 212, 215

Seurat, Georges, 168, 169

Shared market, 115

Shared objectives

of organizations, 38, 115

powerful partners to attain, 259

Shared technology, 115

Shared values, 139, 140

Shockley, William, 58–59

Signac, Paul, 168

Simon, Hermann, 128, 193

Sisley, Alfred, 166

Sistine Chapel, 111–112, 115, 224

Skepticism, healthy, 60, 61, 62

Sloan, Alfred P., Jr.

on differences of opinion, 12, 62

Drucker and, 20–21, 146–147

Gates on, 16

General Motors and, 9, 11–12, 16

Society. See also Knowledge society

effective management and, 258–259

of organizations, xvi

Solomon (King), 19–20

Solutions, 13, 100

Sony, 87, 95–96

Southwest Airlines, 25, 150–152, 172

Specialists, 185. See also Expertise and specialist knowledge

Specifications, setting, 13

Sphere of action, 55–57

Stalin, Joseph, 174, 187

Stop-doing lists, 92–93

Strategic inflection points, 61–62, 65

Strategy. See also Planning

back-to-basics, 159

context and, 22

as evolutionary process, 24

fine-tuning, 22–26

and goals associated with business purpose, 29

implementation of, 25

structure and, 29

Strauss, Levi, 208–209

Strengths, 5

adaptability and, 95

awareness of unique, 112

developing, 126, 128

drawing on, 125–128, 157

drawing on your own, 125–126

harnessing of colleagues’, 126–127

motivation by focusing efforts and concentrating on, 228

values and, 126, 141

weaknesses and, xxii, 5, 29, 68, 126–127, 145, 157

Strozzi, Giovanni, 111


of organizations, 27–33, 119

organizations structured around customers, 27–33

strategy and, 29

sudden changes in market or sectoral structures, 84


Chanel on, 50

exploiting, 85–88

as learned, xv–xvii

management know-how as key to, xv–xix

Suffering into achievement, turning, 221

Sunzi (Sun Tzu), 133


focus on, 113, 114

high aspirations and demanding, 156–157

job descriptions and, 174–175

promotion and big, 184–185

responsibility and, 250

time for, 200

Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 34–35

Teachers, 169


exploiting opportunities from new, 101–103

relevant, 31

shared, 115

Thinking constructively, 228–229, 236–240


blocks of, 37, 113, 200

delegating, 198–199

effective and efficient use of, 199–200

eliminating wastes of, 198

focus of, 113

implementation and scheduling, 262–263

intelligent use of, 196–200

keeping records of activities, 198

money and, 93, 198

for people decisions, 146–147

productivity of, 35, 38

for tasks, 200

Total Factor Productivity (TFP), 35

Track record, 175–176

Training, 37

investing in, 160–165, 246

of managers, 143, 162–165

Truman, Harry, 248–249

as listener, 204

Marshall and, 187, 204, 249

Roosevelt and, 178, 204, 248

Trust, 189, 208–211

Turner, Ted, 172

Turner, William, 168

The unexpected, 83

Unique events, 13

V for victory sign, 141–142

Values. See also Customer value

being true to, 137–142

business mission and, 3, 144

conflict of, 141

corporate culture and, 144

creation and productivity, 38

of noncustomers, 10, 23

organizations and, 139–141

performance and, 140, 141

shared, 139, 140

strengths and, 126, 141

van Gogh, Vincent, 166

Vasari, Giorgio, 91

Verdi, Giuseppe, 216–218

Walter, Bruno, 119, 155, 232

War, 133–134, 173–174

Watson, Thomas, Sr., 8

Watt, James, 66–67, 126

Weaknesses, strengths and, xxii, 5, 29, 68, 126–127, 145, 157

Welch, Jack, 140

advice from, 172

on bosses, 182

Fortune magazine on, 143

on managers, 120

on mentors, 170

people decisions and, 143–148, 174, 229

purposeful abandonment and, 93

Welch, Suzy, 140

Will to succeed, 47, 48

Wilson, James, 52, 54, 55

Winograd, Terry, 101


harnessing potential of, 190–195

microcredit and, 256–258

Workers. See also Knowledge workers

exploitation of, 25–26

managing, 179

productivity of, 34–38

Working methods, 201–207

absorbing information and, 204

fundamentals on, 202–203

improving, 199

learning and, 204–205

methodological tools for, 206–207

performance and, 203–204

types of, 205–206

Writing, learning by, 204

Young, Simone, 191

Yunus, Muhammad, 255–260

Zola, Émile, 167