Pantry Essentials: COCONUT, BEANS
Until I started researching for this book, I had no idea that 99 percent of succotash recipes call for tomatoes and peppers. What kind of succotash world had I been living in? What else had my parents not told me? Regardless, I forgive them, because I actually prefer my family’s tomato-and-pepper-free recipe.
The only thing I changed from their version was to replace all of the butter (we’re talking multiple sticks here) with coconut milk to achieve the rich, creamy dish I grew up loving.
1½ cups canned light coconut milk
1½ cups lima beans (a.k.a. butter beans)
Kernels from 4 ears of cooked corn (see Kitchen Notes)
Pinch of cayenne
Sea salt and pepper
Combine the coconut milk, beans, corn, and cayenne in a small pot and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer on low for 40 minutes to an hour, or until most of the coconut milk is absorbed. Make sure to watch the pot and stir a few times while it cooks. Add salt and pepper to taste.
KITCHEN NOTES: After you’ve cut the corn off the cob, make sure to take the back of your knife and run it along the cob to get out all the juice and corn “milk” that remains. This will make the dish even creamier.