
10. Pancakes



I stood at the pan flipping over the pancakes. The smell wafted through Noah’s house. I sucked at cooking, but I was quite hungry when I woke up. I don’t know how he would take me making myself at home, probably badly. I don’t think that any of his one-night stands have stayed over or could stay long enough to make him breakfast. Now, I am not someone to pass waking Noah up rudely, but he looked so peaceful when he was asleep.

I was the worst one-night stand. I'm the one-night stand that didn't leave. It didn't feel right to up and leave while he was sleeping. Besides that, for most of the night, we couldn't stay away from each other. His kisses felt like drugs, and his body, oh his delectable body...

I really wasn't expecting last night to turn out like this, but I decided to not overthink it too much and throw caution to the wind. I was right to do so. I slowly moved my eyes to the bruise that was starting to form on my upper arm where he held onto me. I'm sure some more of these bruises would show. It was worth it.

I flipped the pancake over again. I lazily grabbed one of his shorts out of the cupboard along with one of his t-shirts when I woke this morning since I couldn’t find my dress. So, here I stood in his amazingly big house making pancakes in his shorts and shirt with my all too messed bed hair.

I would never expect this in a thousand years.

I placed the pancakes on a plate I rummaged from his drawers and set it down on the counter. I was about to walk into his room when he came out and bumped into me. I almost met the floor when we merged, luckily, he grabbed me just in time.

"I see you're naturally clumsy." He grinned at me while still holding onto my waist. My eyes trailed from his messy blonde hair to his v-line. His hands on my waist made a fire flame through me. My heart started speeding up as the images of last night surfaced.

"What do I smell?" He let go of me, tilting his head up to smell the pancakes. I chuckled lightly.

"I was hungry, so I made us pancakes. They're on the island counter." He pecked me on the cheek and with a grin strutted into the kitchen. I walked into the room and found my dress and underwear under the bed. He came back into the bedroom, looking at me intently. His eyes narrowed while he watched me redress. The want was evident in his shorts.

"Where are you going?"

"I am supposed to be a one-night stand- remember one-night stands don't stay. I’ll grab a few pancakes on my way out." I commented while pulling on my bra and dress. I ran my hand through my tousled hair trying to straighten it out.

"Before you go, please have breakfast with me? Properly." I frowned. Why would he want me to stay? My frown eased. I simply nodded. It’s just breakfast and I had to admit that spending time with him was more enjoyable than I could have ever expected.

He pulled me to him and kissed me like he did last night. I could feel the wetness pool in my underwear and pushed him away a bit to continue dressing. I walked back to the kitchen and picked up a pancake, putting it on a plate. I sat down on the stool as the island, he sat down beside me with his plate and looked at me intently.

"You know, you've surprised me."

"Of course our impromptu sexcapade surprised you. It surprised me too."

"I've never had sex four times in one night.“ I laughed loudly.

He took a bite of his pancake deep in thought. I smiled as he ate, my eyes trailing from his sharp jawline to his gleaming green eyes. I wanted to trail my fingers down his stubble chin so badly.

To think that not so long ago I would have rather wanted to slap him.

"What are you staring at shorty?" He teased, I glared at him.

"I am not short!"

He stood up and turned on the coffee machine," Keep telling yourself that." I rolled my eyes and moved to the cupboard to get the cups I saw earlier. I stood on my tiptoes to grab them, but he grabbed the cups before I could.

"Oh, sure you're not short at all." He smirked as I continued to glare. Before I could take a seat, he held onto my waist and peppered kisses on my neck. I felt my heart skip a beat as I leaned into his embrace. The fire he ignited within me was burning passionately.

I closed my eyes, revelling in the feeling of his kisses.

My eyes shot back open when I realized that this was nothing in his eyes. Just another notch on his bedpost. An outdrawn one-night stand.

I quickly moved away from him.

"I need to get going." I muttered and turned around.

"Wait! I'll give you a ride." Before I could protest, he went to his room and a minute later came back with jeans and a white shirt on, pulling his shoes on mid hop. A smirk formed on my lips-he’s so adorable.

In the car, he kept gazing at me from the side while I gave him curt directions. I didn't know what to say, do I even say something? All I could come up with at that moment was 'Thanks for the sex' and that did not sound like something that I should be saying. He stopped at the apartment moments later. I could feel the guttural sadness spread through me, from top to bottom.

"I guess this is goodbye then."

"I guess so, it was nice to make peace."

"It was, and that little extra too. Goodbye Grace.” He smiled; I stepped out of the car and walked into the apartment. As I suspected Harper was ogling us again through the window and when I walked in looked at me expectantly. At least my walk of shame was short lived.

"How was your night?" I raised my eyebrow at her.

"How do you think? I came home the next morning." I wriggled my eyebrows at her and she started to laugh loudly.

"I told you that dress would work. So, tell me, was the make-up sex any good? I mean he has a reputation for a reason." I sighed, that's right, he has a reputation. One that he wouldn't shed any time soon. Maybe it was a good thing that we were parting ways-our night of fun would only be a great memory.

I had to set myself straight and remember that a guy like him will always be the same and I was nothing special. Harper labelled it correctly, it was only make-up sex.

I placed my finger on my lips. She huffed.

"I do all of this for you and all you can tell me is nothing!" I rolled my eyes at her overdramatic gesture as she threw her arms into the air.

"Never mind. I'll get it out of you one day, just you watch-I'm a master detective if you haven't noticed. Give me four seconds and I can even tell you where you were having dinner and how long his-" I glared at her and she shrugged. I picked up the pillow from the couch and threw it at her.

"Don't you dare. Stop annoying me and go pack up some boxes." She smiled slyly and retreated to her room.

I continued to pack up my things, pack up the life I have known for the past four years

I felt a rush of sadness spread through me as I taped up the last box.

It's time to move on.