
25. Maybe



"Our suite is up here." I grabbed her hand as we walked up the granite steps to the room.

Her eyes were wide, I'm glad that my last-minute plan worked. After the dinner with her family and our brief conversation in the car about love, I decided that I wasn't going to wait anymore. I was nervous that Grace would freak out about it but lately, she was more open to things.

I slid the key card in the slot and the door clicked open.

Grace was in awe as she studied the room. It was a beautiful suite that had an immaculate view of the sea, nestled on the top of a mountain.

"This is" She dropped her bag and walked over to the window. I stopped beside her. This reminds me of our morning chats on my balcony. I held onto her hand as we watched the waves. I wasn't up to date with the time difference, but the sun was just about setting.

"I have a dinner planned for us-" My eyes shifted down to where her stitches once were. Before Christmas she had them taken out.

"It didn't leave a scar," She turned to me and followed my eyes to her arm.

"Yeah, I really thought that it would. About the dinner?"

"Oh yes, I think our reservations are for in an hour. Are you feeling better yet?"

She nodded and then looked back out to the sea. She turned and walked to her bag, grabbing something and a towel and heading to the bathroom.

I started getting ready, we worked around each other in the bathroom as we unpacked and got ready.

She was trying to get a dress zipped up, she tugged and jumped and even rolled around the wall as she tried to get it up. I studied her quite amused. She wouldn't ask me for help, she was far too stubborn for that.

"Let me help you with that before you hit the ground." She was mid-roll on the wall and stopped. I tugged the zip up. This is what happened with the last dress she wore to the exhibit. She has a bad track records with the floor and dresses. This time the zip popped off as I yanked it.

I broke it.

"What did I just hear hit the floor? If it's the zip I'm going to murder you." I pursed my lips and looked at her wide-eyed. "Noah!" She huffed and grimaced.

"Luckily for you mister I have another dress." She poked me in the chest and trudged to the closet. I laughed loudly; she was short but scary that's for sure. I straightened out my jacket and grabbed my cufflinks.

It wasn't necessary that we dress up, but I didn't want to spoil our fun. Especially tonight. We can act glamorous if we wanted to.

Grace walked with me down the steps to where the car was waiting for us.

"Wow, this," She slid into the car. I took a seat beside her. I guess she has run out of words to describe this place, but wow was far more accurate.

"We've never done the fancy dinner thing you know. Our very first date was just as nice as this. Oh, I was so nervous for that date."

"Yes, I remember that. Damn you and that dress!" I joked. Grace pursed her lips together before replying.

"That dress has magical powers for sure." I pecked her on the cheek and whispered in her ear, as payback for her sharing on the flight all her dirty dreams with me. "The dress was not going to stay on anyhow, no matter what it looked like."

She opened her mouth just as the car stopped. She abruptly closed it.

We walked into the restaurant together. It was a very exclusive restaurant that catered only to the famous. I had to pull some strings to get us in. Even though we were dressed up I know Grace would appreciate it more if she could have her hair tied up and could wear her baggy shirt and yoga pants as we eat pizza on the couch

We took our seats in a private enclosed booth. She looked at me and smiled.

"You did all of this just for me?" I nodded.

"I'm running out of words to tell you how much I love and need you, my Grace. I decided that I could for once give you more than you could ever dream of and show you."

"You're more than I ever dreamed of." She gave me coy smile.

That's exactly why I was going to do something tonight that I didn't think I'd do in a million years, again. The waiter brought us wine. I inhaled the whole glass in a few seconds. Liquid courage is much needed.

I stood up

"Do you know how many times I've practiced this speech; a lot and I have just forgotten it. Oh, fuck it." I sucked in a breath.

I bent down on one knee. I took out the ring that her father gave me.

After she found out about the accident and I had a chat with her father, I realized that she is the one. I know we've been together for only a few months, but I also know that without her I'll go crazy. Painting a room mural after the short breakup was more than proof enough that I couldn't be so sane without her.

I wanted to wait but when we got home last night, I felt the happiest I've been since...ever. Even with Amanda, I was never this happy. Maybe I was rushing it, maybe she wasn't ready, maybe the timing was perfect.

She's my only Grace and will always be.

"Grace Harris, will you marry me?" Her eyes widened and she started coughing on the wine she was sipping on earlier. She stopped coughing and looked at me.