
Aches, Dean

Adams, Clover

Adams, Henry

After Seven Years(Molly)

Auger, Milton

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)(1933)


Depression andHundred Days and

Agriculture Department, U.S.

Aichele, Gary

Alsop, Corinne

Alsop, Joseph

American Legion

Anderson, Sherwood


Argentina, ships for

Armour, Thomas

Armstrong, Barbara Nachtrieb

Army, U.S.

Bonus Army and

Arno, Peter

assassination attempts

Associated Press (AP)

Astor, John Jacob

Astor, Vincent

Bain, Mary

Baker, Newton

Balbo, Italo

Ballantine, Arthur

bank crisis

deposit insurance andFDR’s radio speech onfederal holiday andscrip andstate holidays and

Banking Proclamation (1933)

Bank of America

Barkley, Alben

Barnes, Julius

Barone, Michael

Baruch, Bernard

Beard, Charles

Bellow, Saul

Benchley, Robert

Berle, Adolf

Berlin, Irving

Biddle, Francis

Biddle, George

Biddle, Nicholas

Bismarck, Otto von

Black, Hugo

Black, Van-Lear


Civilian Conservation Corps andSocial Security andsee also racism; segregation

Blair, Tony

Bledsoe, Samuel

Bodek, Anne

Boettiger, John

Bonus Army

Borglum, Gutzon

Brady, Dorothy

Brain Trust

Brandeis, Louis

Bretton Woods Conference (1944)

Broun, Heywood

Bryan, William Jennings


balancing of

Budget Bureau, U.S.

Bullitt, William

Bureau of Investigation, U.S

Bush, Barbara

Bush, George H. W.

Bush, George W.


Depression and

Butler, Nicholas Murray

Butler, Smedley

Byrd, Harry

Byrd, Richard E.

Byrnes, James F.

Cabinet, FDR

selection of


election of 1932 and

Campobello Island

Cannon, Lou

Cantor, Eddie


Capra, Frank

Cardozo, Benjamin

Carr, Wilbur

Carter, Jimmy

Carter, John Franklin

Carter, Lillian

Casablanca Conference (1943)

Cermak, Anton

wounding and death of

Chadbourne, Thomas L.

Chamber of Commerce, U.S.

Chandler, Harry

Chase, Stuart

Chicago, Ill.

Depression insee also Democratic Convention (1932)

Chicago Board of Trade

Childs, Marquis


Churchill, Randolph

Churchill, Winston

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Civil War, U.S.

Clark, Bennett

Cleveland, Grover

Clinton, Bill

Clinton, Roger

Cohan, George M.

Cohen, Ben

Columbia Law School

Commerce Department, U.S.

Committee on Economic Security (CES)

Commons, John R.

Commonwealth Club speech (1932)

communism, Communist Party

Comstock, William

Congress, U.S.

emergency session ofFDR’s messages toFDR’s relations withlame duck sessions ofSocial Security andsee also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.

Connor, Cassandra

Constitution, U.S.

Cook, Blanche Wiesen

Cook, Nancy

Coolidge, Calvin

Coolidge, Mrs. Calvin

Corcoran, Tommy

Costigan, Edward

Cotten, Mrs. Lyman

Coughlin, Father Charles

Cowles, W. Sheffield, Jr.

Cox, James A.


Cropley, Charles E.

Crosby, Bing

Cross, Lillian

Cummings, Homer

Curley, James Michael


devaluation ofsee also gold; gold standard

Curtis, Charles

Cushing, Harvey

Cutting, Bronson

Cycles of American History, The (Schlesinger)

Czolgosz, Leon

Dalakas, Marinos

Dall, Curtis

Daniels, Jonathan

Daniels, Josephus

Davis, Elmer

Davis, John W.

Davis, Kenneth

Davis, Livingston

Davis, Norman H.

Dawes, Charles

Deaver, Michael

debt repayment, European

defining moments

Delano, Franklin

Delano, Laura (aunt)

Delano, Laura (niece)

Delano, Sara see Roosevelt, Sara Delano

Delano, Warren


FDR’s saving of

Democratic Convention (1924)

Democratic Convention (1928)

Democratic Convention (1932)

FDR’s acceptance speech atfight over chairmanship oftheme song selection intwo-thirds requirement and

Democratic National Committee (DNC)

Smith’s control ofwomen’s division of

Democrats, Democratic Party

conservativeFDR’s base amongFDR’s new direction forFDR’s unpopularity amonglabor andpatronage jobs andwomen insee also specific elections

department stores

Depression, Great

election of 1932 andFDR’s role in deepening offoreign causes ofHoover and see Hoover, Herbert Depression andNew Deal failure inorigin of name forstock market crash andsee also bank crisis; unemployment

De Priest, Oscar

Dern, George

Despres, Leon

Dewson, Molly

Dickerman, Marion

Dienhart, John


Dodd, Walter F.

Dodd, William E.

Dos Passos, John

Doughton, Robert L.

Douglas, Helen Gahagan

Douglas, Lewis

Douglas, Melvyn

Dow Chemical Company

Draper, George

Dun, Bishop Angus

Durant, Will

Earhart, Amelia

Early, Steve

as press secretary

Economy Bill

Eden, Anthony

Edmunds, H. L.

Eichengreen, Barry

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

election of 1932

campaign contributions inDepression andelection night inFDR’s speeches inpolio andpopular vote inprimaries inProhibition andsee also Democratic Convention (1932)


of 1912of 1920of 1924of 1928of 1930of 1934of 1936of 1938of 1940of 1944of 1980of 2000

Eliot, T. S.

Elizabeth, Queen of George VI

Elks Club

Emergency Banking Act (1933)

Empire State Building


creation of

entitlement programs

Epstein, Abraham

Every Man a King (Long)

Fadiman, Clifton

Farley, Jim

Democratic Convention (1932) andElks trip ofFDR’s break withon first Fireside Chatas Postmaster General

Farm Bureau Federation

Farm Credit Administration


FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)

FDR’s Folly (Powell)

Fechner, Robert

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)

Federal Reserve

bank crisis andboard of governors ofNew York

Federal Reserve Act (1913)

Federal Trade Commission

Feis, Herbert

Ferber, Edna

Fidelity & Deposit Company

Field, Alonzo

financial transparency

Finn, Dan

Fireside Chats

First National Bank of Chicago

First National Bank of Detroit

First New Deal, The (Molly)

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Flynn, Ed

Flynn, Richard

Ford, Edsel

Ford, Gerald

Ford, Henry

Forestry Service, U.S.

“forgotten man,”

Fortas, Abe

Foster, William Z.


debt repayment of

Frankfurter, Felix

Franklin, Benjamin

Freud, Anna

Freud, Sigmund

Friedman, Milton

Fuller, Ida May

Gabriel Over the White House (movie)

Gallagher, Hugh Gregory

Garner, Ettie

Garner, John Nance

election of 1932 andas vice presidentas vice president-elect

Gennerich, Gus

George III, King of England

George VI, King of England


Nazireparations fromin World War I

Gettysburg Address

Giannini, A. P.

Gibson, Hugh

Gill, Brendan

Gish, Lillian

Gladstone, William E.

Glass, Carter

Glass-Steagall Act (1933)

Glenn, John

Goddard, Paulette


Golden Fetters (Eichengreen)

Goldman, Armond S.

gold standard

going off

Gompers, Samuel

Gore, Albert, Jr.

Gore, Albert, Sr.

Gore, Thomas P.

Gorney, Jay

government spending

cuts in

Graham, Katharine

Graham, Philip

Grayson, Cary

Great Britain

debt repayment of

Great Mississippi Flood (1927)

Green, Theodore

Green, William

Grief (Adams Memorial) (Saint-Gaudens)



Gunther, John

Hagerty, James

Hague, Frank


Hand, Learned

“Happy Days Are Here Again,”

Harburg, Yip

Harding, Warren G.

Harriman, Averell

Harrison, Pat

Harrison, William Henry

Hart, Moss

Harvard Crimson,

Harvard University

Havel, Václav “Hawthorne Effect”

health care and insurance

Hearst, William Randolph

election of 1932 and

Hickok, Lorena

ER’s correspondence withER’s relationship with

Hicks, Granville

Hinckley, John

Hiss, Alger

Hiss, Donald

Hitler, Adolf

Hofstadter, Richard

Holmes, Oliver Wendell

Home Owners Loan Corporation


see also Newport Scandal

Hoover, Herbert

Bonus Army andcontemplated assassination attempt againstDepression andelection of 1932 andFDR compared withFDR’s emergency letter fromFDR’s relationship withNew Deal and

Hoover, Ike

Hoover, J. Edgar

Hoover, Lou

Hopkins, Harry

Horner, Henry

House, Edward

House of Representatives, U.S.

Hundred Days and

Howe, Grace

Howe, Louis McHenry

Civilian Conservation Corps anddeath ofER’s relationship withelection of 1932 andas FDR’s confidential secretaryFDR’s polio andInauguration andjealousy ofas political handlerspeech writing ofin transition period

Hughes, Charles Evans

Hull, Cordell

Hundred Days

Brain Trust inconfidence building inFDR’s messages to Congress inlegislation and agencies oforigin of phrase

Hurley, Patrick

Hurst, Fanny

Huston, Walter

Hyde Park, N.Y.

FDR’s childhood invisitors at

Ickes, Harold

NRA and


Inaugural Address (first)

on fearfirst Fireside Chat compared withrestoring hope andtext of

Inaugural Address (second)

Inaugural Parade (1933)

Inaugural Special

industrial sector


Interior Department, U.S.


of FDR



fascism in

It Can’t Happen Here (Lewis)

Jackson, Andrew

Jackson, Gardner

Jackson, Robert

James, Henry

James, William


Jefferson, Thomas


see also anti-Semitism

Johnson, Hiram

Johnson, Hugh

Johnson, Lyndon B.

Johnson, Rebekah

Johnson, Samuel

Jones, Jesse

Jones, John Paul

Joslin, Ted

J. P. Morgan

Jung, Carl

Justice Department, U.S.

Katz, Milton

Kelley, Virginia

Kennan, George F.

Kennedy, David

Kennedy, Jacqueline

Kennedy, John F.

Kennedy, John F., Jr.

Kennedy, Joseph P.

Kennedy, Robert F.

Kennedy, Susan Estabrook

Kerensky, Alexander

Keynes, John Maynard

Khrushchev, Nikita

Kieran, James

Kirby, Rollin

Kirkland, Lane

Krock, Arthur


childFDR andNew Deal andworkweek and

Labor Department, U.S.

LaFollette, Robert, Jr.

Lambert, Samuel

Lamont, Thomas

Landis, Jim

Landon, Alf

Lane, Franklin K.

Lape, Esther

Lash, Joseph

Leach, Agnes

League of Nations

leak through (tickle down) theory

Ledyard, Lewis

Leffingwell, Russell

LeHand, Marguerite (Missy)

FDR’s alleged affair with

Lehman, Al

Lehman, Herbert

Lend-Lease program

Lenin, Vladimir

Leo Pope

Lerner, Max

Leuchtenberg, William E.

Lewis, David

Lewis, Dorothy Roe

Lewis, Sinclair

Lincoln, Abraham

FDR compared with

Lincoln, Sarah

Lincoln, Thomas

Lindbergh, Charles

Lindley, Ernest K.

Lippmann, Walter

Litvak, Anatole

Lloyd George, David

Lodge, Henry Cabot


World Economic Conference in (1933)

Long, Breckenridge

Long, Huey

bank crisis and

election of 1932 and

FDR’s relationship with“Share Our Wealth” plan of

Longworth, Alice Roosevelt

Looker, Earle


Lowell, A. Lawrence

Luce, Henry

Lundeen, Ernest

Lynch, Tom

McAdoo, William Gibbs

MacArthur, Douglas

McClellan, George B.

McCormack, Robert

MacDonald, Ramsay

McDuffie, Irvin

McIntire, Ross

McIntyre, Marvin

MacKaye, Milton

McKinley, William

MacLafferty, James

MacLeish, Archibald



Manchester, William

Mandela, Nelson

Mann, William Lee

Marshall, George C.



Matsuoka, Yosuke

Mellon, Andrew

Melville, Herman

Mencken, H. L.

Mercer, Lucy see Rutherford, Lucy Mercer

Meyer, Agnes

Meyer, Eugene

Michelson, Charlie (the Ghost)

first Fireside Chat and

Michigan, bank crisis in

Miller, Adolph

Miller, Earl

Mills, Ogden

Mitchell, Charles E.

Mitchell, William

Mix, Tom

Modern Corporation and Private Property,The (Berle)

Molly, Nell

Molly, Raymond

bank holiday andFDR’s break withHundred Days andas speech writerin transition period

Mondale, Walter

money supply

Moore, Virginia

“Moral Equivalent of War, The” (James)

Morgenthau, Elinor

Morgenthau, Henry, Jr.

Social Security and

Morgenthau, Robert

Morris, Edmund

Moses, Robert

Moskowitz, Belle

Mumford, Lewis

Murphy, Charlie

Mussolini, Benito

Mussolini Speaks (film)

My Boy Franklin (Sara Roosevelt)

Napoleon I, Emperor of France

National City Bank

National Crime Commission

National Guard

National Industrial Recovery Act (1933)

National Labor Relations Act (1935)

National Recovery Administration (NRA)

Naval Academy, U.S.

Navy Department, U.S.

FDR in

Nehru, Jawaharlal

Nesbitt, Henrietta

Neustadt, Richard E.

New Deal

arguments againstelection of 1932 andHoover andinfluences onuse of phrasesee also Hundred Days

“New Deal for America, A” (Chase)

New Jersey

New Orleans, La.

Newport Scandal

New York

banks inFederal Reserve inWalker case and

New York, N.Y.

ER’s activities inFDR’s house inInner Circle dinner insee also Tammany Hall

New York State Assembly

New York State Senate

New York Stock Exchange

Nixon, Frank

Nixon, Hannah

Nixon, Richard

Norris, George

North Sea, mining operation in

Noye, Philippe de la

Ochs, Adolph

O’Connor, Basil

old-age pensions

O’Neal, Edward A.

Osborne, Thomas Mott

Palmer, A. Mitchell

Parker, Dorothy

Parks, Lillian Rogers

patronage jobs

Patton, George S.

Peabody, George Foster

Peabody, Rev. Endicott

Pecora, Ferdinand

Peek, George

Pepper, Claude

Perkins, Frances

on FDRFDR’s governorship andas secretary of laborSocial Security and

Phillips, William

Pierce, Franklin

Pinchot, Gifford

Pinkerton, Jim

Pittman, Key

Pittsburgh speech (1932)


election of 1932 andFDR’s respect for common man andFDR’s “walking” andas national metaphornewsreel and photo prohibition andonset oftreatment for

Porcellian Club

Posner, Richard

Post, Bob

Powell, Jim

Presidential Power (Neustadt)

presidential transition

assassination attempt andbank crisis andCabinet selection and

Progressive movement, progressives


election of 1932 and

Proskauer, Joseph M.


“Psyche” (Moore)

Public Works Administration (PWA)

public works projects

Quayle, Dan


Raines, Howell

Rand, James

Raskob, John J.

Rauch, Basil

Rayburn, Sam

Reagan, Jack

Reagan, Nancy

Reagan, Nelle

Reagan, Ronald

Reagan Revolution

Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)

Reed, David A.

Reichstag fire

Reilly, Michael

Reluctant First Lady (Hickok)

Reno, Milo

Republican National Committee


in election of 1928in election of 1932in HouseHundred Days andProgressiveSocial Security and

Reston, James (Scotty)

Revolutionary War

Richburg, Donald

Ritchie, Albert

Robey, Ralph

Robinson, Joe

Rock Creek Cemetery

Rockefeller, John D.

Roerich, Nicholas

Rogers, Archie

Rogers, Will

Roman Catholicism

Roosevelt, Alice see Longworth, Alice Roosevelt

Roosevelt, Anna

marriage of

Roosevelt, Betsey Cushing

Roosevelt, Betty

Roosevelt, Edith

Roosevelt, Eleanor

alleged affairs ofanti-Semitism andassassination attempt andbackground ofblacks andat Campobellodeath ofelection of 1932 andon FDRFDR’s affair andFDR’s correspondence withFDR’s polio andFDR’s relationship withas first ladyHickok’s relationship with, see Hickok, Lorenaliberalism ofmarriage ofas motherpolitical role ofpress conferences ofwriting of

Roosevelt, Elliott

marital problems and divorce of

Roosevelt, Franklin, Jr. (first)

Roosevelt, Franklin, Jr. (second)

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano:

appearance ofassassination attempt againstathletic activities ofbackground ofbirth ofcharm ofchildhood trauma ofcollecting habits ofconfidence and hope restored bycourage ofdeath ofas dilettanteeducation ofenergy ofEuropean travels ofextramarital relationships offinances and investments offlexibility, experimentation, and improvisation ofgoverning style ofas governorhumor ofillnesses of see also polio Inaugurations ofintelligence ofinternationalism and isolationism ofiron will, drive, and fortitude ofleadership ofliberalism and progressivism ofas mama’s boymanipulative streak ofnicknames ofoptimism ofpolitical instincts and genius ofpragmatism ofpresidential ambition ofpress coverage ofreligious feeling ofsailing ofsecurity ofstorytelling oftheatricality oftraditions broken byunderestimating ofvoice ofin Wilson administrationwriting of

Roosevelt, Isaac

Roosevelt, James

Roosevelt, James

FDR’s polio and

Roosevelt, James, Jr. (Rosy)

Roosevelt, James, Sr.

illness of

Roosevelt, John

Roosevelt, Kermit

Roosevelt, Sara Delano

death ofER’s relationship withFDR’s political career andFDR’s relationship with

Roosevelt, “Taddy”

Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr.

Roosevelt, Theodore, Sr.

ER’s relationship withFDR compared with

Roosevelt Library

Roper, Daniel

Rosenman, Sam

Brain Trust andspeech writing of

Rosenthal, Harold

Rosenvelt, Claes Van

Ross, Harold

Rove, Karl

Rowe, James

Rutherford, Lucy Mercer

Safire, William

Saint-Gaudens, Augustus

Schacht, Hjalmar

Schiff, Dorothy

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.

Schwab, Charles M.

“Second Bill of Rights” speech (1944)

Secret Service

assassination attempt andInauguration and

Securities Act (1933)

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)


Senate, U.S.

Agriculture Committee ofBanking and Commerce Committee ofelections forFinance Committee ofHundred Days and

Shakespeare, William

Sheaffer, W. A.

Sheehan, “Blue-Eyed Billy,”

Sherwood, Robert

Shouse, Jouett


Sims, Ruth

Sinatra, Frank

Sinclair, Harry

Sinclair, Upton

Smith, Alfred E.

in election of 1928election of 1932 andFDR’s relationship withas “Happy Warrior”

Smith, Carlton

Smith, Ellison D. (Cotton Ed)

Smith, Merriman

Smoot-Hawley tariff

Snell, Bertrand H.

social contract, U.S.


Social Security

Social Security Act (1935)

Society for Promoting Financial Knowledge

Sondheim, Walter

South Carolina

Soviet Union

Spanish-American War

speeches of FDR

acceptancecampaignradioState of the Statesee also Inaugural Address (first)

Starling, Edmund

State Department, U.S.

Steagall, Henry

Steffens, Lincoln

Stevenson, Adlai

Stiles, Lela

Stimson, Henry L.

in Hoover administration

Stockman, David

stock market

Stone, Harlan Fiske

Suckley, Daisy

Sullivan, Lawrence

Sumner, William Graham

Supreme Court, U.S.

packing of

Swanson, Claude

Swope, Herbert Bayard

Taconic State Park Commission

Taft, William Howard

Taggert, Thomas

Tammany Hall

FDR’s relationship with

Tarbell, Ida


Taussig, Charles


Depression andSocial Security and

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

“Tentative Outline of a Possible Line of Approach to our Banking Problem” (Mill)

Terkel, Studs


Thaw, Harry K.

“Third Way” politics

Thomas, Elmer

Thomas, Lowell

Thomas, Norman

Thompson, Dorothy

Thompson, Huston

Thoreau, Henry David

Todhunter School for Girls

Tolstoy, Leo

Townsend, Francis E.

Townsend Plan


Trading with the Enemy Act (1917)

Traylor, Melvin

Treasury, U.S.

banking crisis andSocial Security and

Trotsky, Leon

Trout, Robert

Truman, Bess

Truman, Harry S.

Tugwell, Rexford

agriculture issues andFDR’s speeches andin transition period

Tully, Grace

Twain, Mark

Twentieth Amendment


in Chicago

unemployment insurance

United Nations

Untermyer, Samuel


Vallee, Rudy

Vandenberg, Arthur

Vanderbilt family


benefit cuts andsee also Bonus Army

Veterans Administration, U.S.

Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy

Victoria, Queen of England

Volstead Act

wages and income


Wagner, Robert

Wagner Act (1935)

Walker, Jimmy

Wallace, Henry A.

as agriculture secretary

Walsh, Thomas J.

War and Peace (Tolstoy)

Warburg, James P.

Ward, Geoffrey C.

War Department, U.S.

Warm Springs, Ga.

FDR’s death atprospective Cabinet selections at

Warm Springs Foundation

Washington, D.C.

Bonus Army inFDR Memorial on the Mall inMayflower insee also White House

Washington, George

Washington, Martha

Waters, Walter

Watson, Edwin (Pa)

Wehle, Louis

Welles, Orson

Welles, Sumner

Wharton, Edith

Wheeler, Burton

White, Stanford

White, William Allen

White House

ER’s visits toFDR’s visitors atFDR’s visits toFireside Chats atgovernors’ conferences at

Wilbur, Ray Lyman

Williams, Joseph

Willkie, Wendell

Wills, Garry

Wilson, Edith

Wilson, Edmund

Wilson, Woodrow

in electionsFDR in administration ofWorld War I and

Winant, John G.

Winchell, Walter

Wing, Wayne

women’s rights

Woodin, William

bank holiday andnamed treasury secretary

Wordsworth, William

World Economic Conference (1933)

World War I

debt repayment andveterans of

World War II

Wyatt, Walter

Yellin, Jack

yellow journalism

Young, Stark

Zangara, Guessers