

Only by achieving inner peace can a true kung-fu master unfold like a lotus flower,” Master Shifu said in a calming voice.


Tigress, Viper, Mantis, Monkey, and Crane posed in a circle around him, their eyes closed in deep meditation. It was part of the Furious Five’s daily training.

The sound of Po’s voice interrupted the peaceful silence.


Aaaaaaaah! Is that all you got? It’s gonna take more than that to defeat the Dragon Warrior!”

Master Shifu and the Furious Five burst out of the Jade Palace, ready to help defend Po. Who was attacking him? A powerful warrior? An army of ninjas?

“Come on, you,” Po whined, trying to stretch a hammock between bamboo poles. “I just want to take a nap!”

Then he looked up and saw the others. “Oh, hey, guys. How goes the meditating?”


“It was fine until we rushed to save you from your ‘attacker,’ ” Mantis replied.

“Yeah, sweet hammock, huh?” Po said, sitting in it. It pulled back like a slingshot and catapulted him across the courtyard, causing him to knock down the Furious Five on his way!


Tigress jumped to her feet, her eyes blazing. “Master Shifu, can we head into the Training Hall? Suddenly I’m in the mood to hit something.”

Shifu nodded and then turned to Po. “Will you be joining us?”

“Um . . . I kinda pulled my gluttonous maximus wrestling with the hammock here, so I think I’ll just chill a little,” Po replied, settling in for a nap.

Master Shifu shook his head. Po had forgotten what it meant to be the Dragon Warrior. Shifu had to find a way to make him remember.

Suddenly, he had an idea. . . .


The next morning, Shifu gathered Po and the Furious Five together.

“You’ve all been working very hard and deserve a day of relaxation,” he told them. “I’m sending you to the Xiu Xhan Hot Springs.”

“Yes!” cried Po as he followed the others.

But Master Shifu stopped him. “You’re staying here.”

Po frowned. “I really need a break. I was dreaming all night that I was awake, and it was exhausting.”


“I have urgent Dragon Warrior business for you to handle,” said Shifu. “I need you to go to the village and get me . . . an apple.”

“An apple?” asked Po.

“An apple,” said Shifu.

“An apple?” Po asked again.

“An apple,” Shifu replied.

“Seriously?” Po asked. “ ’Cause I could do more than that.”

“I know,” said Shifu. “Just an apple will do.”

Po had no idea why an apple was so important. But he made his way down to the village just the same.

He stopped in front of the first apple cart he saw. He was trying to decide which apple to choose when he saw a small pig staring up at him. Then, suddenly . . .



The pig leaped up and attacked Po!
