So you’ve made it to the acknowledgments…Congrats! You get to learn about the incredible people who helped make Elemental Queen a reality.
You see, as much as my introverted self wishes I could do every aspect of publishing alone, I can’t. I’m many things, but an omniscient, all-doing publishing savant I am not. If it takes a village to raise a child (or however the saying goes) then it takes an incredible horde of awesome people to raise or a book.
Be sure to include Gwen, Lea-Andra Robitaille and Rohak Bora as Betas
Thank you to Lea-Andra Robitaille and Rohak Bora for their amazing beta reading.
Thank you to Jessica Nelson for her proofread so I won’t get emails raving about how riddled with errors my books are.
Thanks to Christian for his incredible cover designs, and for taking my jumbled mess of ‘the cover should look like this but not like that’ vagueness and turning into something amazing.
To Gwen Jarvis for being an upbeat and go-getting VA, and being my second brain when mind decides to desert me.
Finally, as always, thanks to my friends and family (if they’re reading this). They may not read my books, they may not even like my books, but they usually like me, and their love and support helps make this possible.