
This book is a work of fiction, but the story within is inspired by real-life. However, it is important to make it clear that whilst the ongoing ructions within the Catholic Church are all-too real, the details in this book are entirely made up.

To the best of my knowledge, the Granadians are a fictional order and I have done my best to ensure that they bear no resemblance to any real-life Holy Orders, either current or historic. Similarly, there is no Diocese of Hertfordshire and Essex, and the priests, schools and other characters are entirely fictional. Any resemblance or similarity to real persons or institutions is purely a coincidence.

Writing a book is always a team effort, and I have many to thank for their assistance. First of all, the team at HQ Digital and Harper Collins have been as wonderful as ever, in particular my editor Clio Cornish, Nia and the digital team, the talented graphic artists that produce my beautiful covers and the proof-readers and others that turn a Word document full of mistakes and errors into a fully-functioning book. A special shout-out also goes to Malk Williams, who so brilliantly brings Warren to life in the audiobooks. I really enjoy our chats, and I hope to work with you more in the future.

As with all of my books, there is a lot of detail that, if left to my own devices, I could get horribly wrong! So big thanks to Charlotte for her pharmaceutical knowledge (if they ever read our Facebook Messenger conversations, I will have a lot of awkward questions to answer!). As always, my two favourite lawyers, Caroline and Dan have helped me with their expert knowledge of PACE and the limits of search warrants. Special thanks goes to Richard, my medical advisor. Thanks so much for your openness and honesty mate, I hope you are happy with what I’ve written.

As always, Hertford Writers’ Circle have been generous with their feedback, particularly on that difficult opening section. The Crime Writers’ Association continue to provide friendship and advice, and I’m very proud to be part of such an organisation.

The book that you see before you differs dramatically from the book that I first typed ‘The End’ on, so many months ago. So many thanks again to my Beta-readers, Dad and my beloved Cheryl, who again provide inspiration and critical feedback in equal measure.

Finally, I want to say thank you to you, the reader. Feedback and reviews are always appreciated, but just knowing that so many strangers have given up their time to read my work makes it all worthwhile.

So until next time,

All the best,
