Yasmin and Mahmoud pulled down the security shutter and locked it tight. Trembling, Radha set the silver pistol on the glass counter and sank into a seat.

‘Where on earth did you get that gun?’ Mahmoud asked.

‘Your grandfather won it in a poker game years ago. I didn’t even know it was loaded.’

‘Are you saying you didn’t mean to fire at him?’ Yasmin asked incredulously.

Radha shook her head. ‘I was so nervous. It just went off accidentally.’

‘But what about the whole “five bullets” thing?’ Mahmoud asked.

Radha shrugged. ‘It’s a line from my favourite action movie,’ she said mischievously.

Yasmin and Mahmoud looked at each other and then burst out laughing.

Their laughter was cut short by a thunk-thunk against the shutter door.

‘Someone’s there!’ Mahmoud said. ‘Are they back?’

Radha reached for her weapon.

‘Wait!’ Yasmin urged. ‘Listen.’

‘What’s going on?’ a man demanded.

They sighed with relief—the voice outside belonged to Mr Adib.

‘It’s Mum and Dad,’ Yasmin said. She ran to the shutter and unlocked it.

‘Locked up during business hours?’ Mr Adib enquired, pushing through the door with colourfully wrapped presents held in his big arms. ‘What is the big idea?’

Mrs Adib’s worried frown deepened when she stepped inside and saw the broken plaster and shattered jewellery display. ‘What in the world happened?’

With the shutter locked tight, the family gathered at the kitchen table. Yasmin, Mahmoud and Radha took turns to explain as Mr and Mrs Adib listened in disbelief.

‘I-I-I—’ Yasmin’s father said, face red with anger. ‘This is an outrage!’

Mrs Adib nodded. ‘And what you did, Radha, was the silliest—and bravest—thing since Cleopatra had a nap with a snake. But—thank you for keeping them safe.’

The women hugged, teary-eyed.

Yasmin felt a tug of guilt. ‘If I hadn’t entered the DARE Awards, none of this would’ve happened,’ she said softly.

‘Nonsense,’ Mr Adib said. ‘You must not blame yourself.’

‘We have to call the police,’ Mrs Adib said.

Mr Adib stroked his beard thoughtfully. ‘Jackal is the police. He might have protection higher up. It could make things worse.’

‘He said he would be back,’ Yasmin said fearfully. ‘We have to do something!’

‘I will call my brothers,’ her mother said decisively. ‘No-one gets through them.’

Yasmin had three uncles. All of them were huge and had served in the army. Once they were here, the shop would certainly be safe.

‘Good idea,’ Mr Adib said, clapping his hands.

Yasmin’s heart fell at the idea of leaving when her family and the shop were threatened. She wondered if she should call Miss Chen and ask for her SpaceSkimmer flight to Athens to be delayed until she was sure things would be all right.

‘We will be fine,’ her father said with a smile, as if reading her mind. ‘Besides, if they dare come back, we have your pistol-packing grandmother to take care of us.’

Radha chortled.

‘Now, we must not let this spoil your big day.’

Mrs Adib nodded. ‘Time to open your present!’

Yasmin tore open the wrapping paper to reveal an expensive new backpack. ‘Red, white and black!’ she said. ‘Very stylish and very patriotic. I love it. Shukran!

‘No, thank you,’ her mother said. ‘For being the best daughter parents could hope for. We’re so proud.’

Mrs Adib nodded at the other gift on the kitchen counter. ‘And this is for the best son in the world.’

Mahmoud’s eyes widened. ‘For me? Really?’

Yasmin’s parents nodded. He ripped the paper open and unfolded a red leather motorbike jacket wrapped around a yellow helmet. He tried it on and checked himself out.

‘These are awesome, thank you!’

‘Well, they’re a present for us, too,’ Mrs Adib said with a laugh. ‘You know how we worry about the way you ride.’

Mahmoud nodded and hugged his parents.

Yasmin was glad her brother was happy. He had been so supportive of her and genuinely glad when she’d won a DARE Award. She hoped that his wish to be a movie stuntman paid off one day—and that she might even be able to help him realise that dream somehow.

Comforted by the thought of her uncles coming, and warmed by the gifts from her parents, Yasmin began to wonder if the rest of the DARE seven were OK. If Jackal wanted to kidnap her for ransom, she hoped crooks in other countries hadn’t gotten similar ideas about her friends. Who knew what sort of creeps might be drawn out of the woodwork by their fame and fortune?