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Abigail awoke the next morning to her alarm screaming at her. She lifted her head disgruntled to hit the off button on her phone screen. She put her head back down on the pillow for a moment. Before she fell back asleep, she rolled over to get out of her bed. She wasn’t happy about the early training schedule although after seven years she was used to it. She wondered what it would be like to sleep in until seven in the morning.
She blinked slowly then stood from the small bed. She had a twin sized bed in her small studio since she slept alone. She didn’t see a reason to buy a queen-sized bed because she didn’t need one. She enjoyed the spacious layout of her studio apartment without all the extra clutter. She only needed space for one person.
Abbie didn’t bother making her bed. She quickly dressed in athletic leggings and a t-shirt from the small closet nearby. She entered the small bathroom structured between her bed and loveseat. She quickly brushed her teeth then checked her bruises. Her ribs looked slightly worse as the bruises continued to bloom with darker colors on her rib cage. She was used to bruises all over her body after fights. Her childhood was par for the course of getting wounded.
She exited the bathroom to put on her shoes. She grabbed her ear buds after lacing up her tennis shoes. She stretched to get her muscles ready for the intense ten mile run ahead. Finally, she was ready. She looked at her phone to see Ricky had messaged her while she was asleep. Abigail didn’t bother responding right away because she knew he was sleeping. He never liked to get up before ten in the morning unless he absolutely had to.
Abbie quickly unlocked her door then turned around to look at her apartment. She felt like she was missing something but wasn’t sure what. She checked her pockets for everything she needed. Suddenly she remembered to grab her water bottle from the kitchen. She walked past her bed in the corner of the room by the front door to wander to the kitchen. She noticed the newspaper clipping still sitting on the cheap wooden coffee table near her loveseat. She wondered if her father was holding up after her admission the morning prior. She quickly pushed away her thoughts to stay focused on her routine and emotionless heart.
She approached the tall kitchen counter to see the orange lilies still in full bloom on the counter. She hoped Charlie got the hint. She didn’t want to be courted by a mush ball. She wasn’t used to someone being kind or caring. Her father’s embrace alone caused her to tense. She wasn’t used to kind gestures or touches. She was accustomed to rough hits, mean slanders, and sarcasm. Abbie thought Charlie was a joke. She refused to be the punch line.
Abbie plucked her water bottle with cold water from the fridge. She quickly walked to the door to escape the reality inside her apartment. She wanted to run away to gain peace and tranquility. She locked her door then started walking down the stairs. She noticed a familiar white van outside with the floral shop logo. Abbie started running as fast as she could before getting spotted. Her feet hit the pavement as she soared through the air. She cut through the atmosphere as she ran to her safe serenity.
She arrived in Central Park in no time. She slowed down enough to enjoy the nature surrounding her. She felt secure and calm upon seeing the trees and fountains. Abbie had pictures of herself sitting on a blanket for a picnic with her parents. She remembered her mom’s smile. Her father was too busy looking at Abbie’s mom to smile for the camera. He looked genuinely happy and calm, the calmest he was in years. It was the one moment her family actually looked happy and put together.
Abbie started to think about her father as she walked through the park to rest her muscles and mind. She hated rehashing the past. She was good at burying everything, so she didn’t have to deal with anything. As she walked, she started to remember her father’s words. He seemed really sad about her honesty. Abbie knew her father was different since he started attending Alcoholic Anonymous meetings and found a stable job. He was starting to hug Abbie whenever he got the chance and be kind with his words. It all felt out of the ordinary for Abigail. She didn’t know how to deal with his new affections and positive attitude.
Her past was the main reason she couldn’t do relationships. She hated men touching her. She would instinctively put her hands up to fight the moment a man approached her. It was habitual to jump or tense up after an unfamiliar progression toward her. Men always apologized claiming they were just trying to hold her hand or touch her shoulder. She felt like a broken idiot. Eventually she gave up relationships all together. She was happy being alone without obligations of sharing feelings and time with anyone other than her career. Her schedule was already packed with training and fights. She didn’t want to sideline her career for some guy that wouldn’t even last six months.
Abigail started to run back home. She pushed away her thoughts about men and her past with each step. The park somehow helped her to release everything rushing through her mind. She felt safe and allowed to breathe for once.
She arrived home quickly after pushing herself harder toward the end of her run. She showered immediately to wash the emotions and sweat from her lean body. She hated thinking about the past although she didn’t have much else to think about. She was running through life aimlessly, hoping nothing happened to derail her. She kept a clean record and life to ensure nothing out of the ordinary happened. She couldn’t afford her life and career being derailed like her father. She was living proof that condoms didn’t work all the time. She didn’t want to experience the same fate, so she didn’t date. She was unlike all women her age.
Abbie made herself scrambled eggs with toast for breakfast paired with a peanut butter protein shake. After her lovely morning routine was finished, she sat on her loveseat to look over the message from Ricky. He had sent another message while she was making her breakfast. She was surprised he was awake at eight.
8:15 AM
8:30 AM
8:35 AM
Abbie felt numb through and through. She wasn’t excited nor regretful about meeting Ricky. She grew accustomed to his charm and pressing behavior when they were close friends. Abbie slightly missed him after five years of silence.
Abigail started to remember the last time she and Ricky saw each other. He was really rough and hurtful toward her. Even while they dated, he wasn’t kind with his gestures. His kisses were rough and greedy, like he wanted to rip her lips off her face. His vicious attacks were too much to bear. Her father stepped in at the right time because Ricky was getting eager and forceful with his sexual pursuits. He obviously wanted her, but the feeling was not mutual.
She tried to reason with Ricky and tell him about her fears. He refused to listen, claiming a condom was just fine for protection against pregnancy. He wouldn’t listen. Abbie almost succumbed to sleeping with Ricky to get him to shut up. After she refused him the first time, he was kind and waited patiently for her to come around. He tried to test the waters by grabbing her into a kiss then working his hands down her lean body. She would always pull away when he started trying to remove her clothes. He would get angry then yell which would result in an argument instead of sex.
He grew insistent with his almost daily pursuits. The final moment they were together occurred at his apartment. They were watching a movie when Ricky started to run his hand down her arm then up to cup her breast. He started to kiss her while he continued to move his hand. Eventually she grew weightless because he picked her up to position her on his lap. They continued kissing until Abbie felt Ricky start to pull her shirt up. She quickly pulled it back down while he continued kissing her. They started fighting against each other while lip locked. Ricky tried to throw her down on the couch.
He underestimated her, as usual. She quickly flew off his lap to the other end of the room. He started cursing like a sailor as he pursued her. She was ready to fight if needed. He stood right in front of her then tried to grab her hips to bring her against him. Abbie felt his arousal and pulled away harder.
Ricky gripped her harder so she could hardly move. They started yelling at each other while Ricky held her against her will. He pushed her against the wall near the door. She squirmed the best she could until Ricky started trying to kiss her. She smacked him across the face open handed. He returned the action by punching her in the face. Her skull collided with the wall at the massive blow. Her fighting instincts kicked in quickly. She hit him in the ribs then kicked him in the balls to get him off her. She opened the door then high tailed down the hall. She looked back to see Ricky crying and screaming threats on the floor while writhing in pain. She didn’t stop running until she was safely at her father’s apartment.
She was happy she didn’t have her apartment at the time otherwise Ricky wouldn’t have left her alone. Ricky wasn’t one to give up without a fight. He texted her rough messages filled with threats. He claimed her body was his to enjoy and please. Abbie told Ricky to leave her alone. She texted him a threat of her own, claiming she would tell the cops what he did. After two weeks she hadn’t seen him until he showed up drunk at her fight. Her father took care of Ricky after seeing him hit Abbie.
Abbie pushed away the memories clouding her mind. She wanted to see Ricky one last time because she missed her friend. She didn’t want to rehash or reopen their relationship for debate or a second chance. She heard about Ricky and his horrible reputation on the streets. After having a child with the woman Ricky was cheating on Abbie with, Ricky turned to dealing drugs for a local gang. He was on the wrong path, using his fighting skills to coax criminals and regular no bodies.
Abbie brushed off the memories from the past. She returned to her day as normal. She didn’t want to dwell on the thoughts about Ricky and his abusive ways. She couldn’t understand how he hit her twice without facial regret. He claimed he was sorry when he arrived at the arena drunk. Abbie knew he was just saying whatever necessary to get with her. She was a challenge he wanted to take home to conquer. He hated her refusal to submit to his control. Abbie refused to be controlled, abused, or manipulated by any man, regardless of their position or affection.
Abbie started contemplating the lunch meeting with Ricky. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to open a door for him to hurt her again. She tried to not think about it for the rest of the day. She showed up to her boxing session with her father at the training ring. She forced all her emotions away with each hit. Her father wasn’t willing to fight her in the ring since she was so vicious the first time they trained. He quickly hired someone to practice with Abbie who could take the punches. Abbie hit her practice partner harder as if she was throwing herself into the fight. She got lost in the moment by releasing all her pent-up rage and fear.
The man yelled out for a break. He laid on the floor breathing heavy as Abbie stopped. She exited the ring to have a water break along the wall. She wiped the fresh sweat from her forehead then peered at her phone. She didn’t see any new messages from Ricky. She figured he wouldn’t cancel unless he absolutely had to. Her father approached her quickly.
“What the hell is going on with you today?” Her father asked abruptly.
“What do you mean?” Abbie asked.
“Why are you being so hard on Leroy? You are being harder and more gruff than usual. What’s bothering you? Is it the article?”
“No. I actually read the article after you left. It’s really good. Thank you for your kind words.”
“Then what is going on with you?” Her father asked, sternly.
“Well... Um... Ricky reached out to me the other day...” Abbie responded, staring at the wall.
“Did you block his number?”
“No...” Abigail replied sheepishly.
“Abbie, what are you doing? Do you really want to open that again? Do you remember the last time you saw him? I don’t even want to know what he did to you before I stopped him. I can’t believe you would allow him into your life again. Period.”
“He claims that he’s changed. I just miss my friend, Dad!”
“Then get a new friend. You should be making new friends instead of opening yourself up to get hurt by old ones.”
“I’m not good at making new friends if you haven’t noticed. Most of the people I meet make me want to bash their head in.”
“I’ve been there, Kiddo... But you need to really think about this one.” Her father urged.
Abbie nodded in response. Her father’s words weren’t helping her nerves. She wasn’t sure if she could meet Ricky for lunch because she was afraid. She knew it was a public place but that didn’t mean Ricky wouldn’t try something. Abbie thought about the boundaries she could set for herself. She didn’t want to ruin her life by making the wrong decision. Abbie returned to the training ring to console Leroy.
“I’m sorry, Leroy. I was going a little too hard on you today.” Abbie offered.
“It’s okay. It’s your training session. I just feel bad for whoever you face in the ring. No wonder you have so many knockout punches.” Leroy laughed then grinned at her.
“Yeah...” Abbie chuckled in unison.
Abbie finished her training session nicely without being too gruff. Leroy still had a slight limp when he left, but his young body would bounce back. Her body got accustomed to bouncing back through the years so she figured his would too. They talked and laughed for a bit before Leroy left. He seemed to be growing sweet on Abbie, so she was happy to put the brakes on his pursuits before he left.
Her father refused to acknowledge her when he left. Abbie knew her father was scared and didn’t want her to mess up her life. Abbie started walking home while thinking about her conversation with her father. She knew the meeting with Ricky would be tricky. She tried to decide if cancelling the meeting was the best option.
Abbie arrived back at her apartment without difficulty. She sunk into an ice bath to relax her tired muscles. She finished her daily routine then got ready for bed. She rounded out the night by reading a new book. She liked to read romance books although she never wanted to date anyone. It was the only love connection she had in the world. She started reading Cat Got Your Tongue, a story about an abused woman and her journey with healing. She met a man who had a bad past that seemed to rise up at the worst time. It was an interesting book that inspired her to live her life differently, but Abbie needed to sleep. She put the book down then fell asleep with ease because she released her anxiety about meeting with Ricky the next day.
Abbie had a bad nightmare about Ricky. He was laughing evilly at the end of the dream. Abbie woke up in a hot sweat shaking. She told herself it was just a dream although something inside her told her it wasn’t a good idea to meet Ricky. She pushed away her conscious intuition. She got dressed then started her morning routine as usual. She was a bundle of nerves.
She quickly showered then got ready for her meeting with Ricky. She shook slightly while trying to get her clothes on. She didn’t want Ricky to think it was a date by dressing up. She decided to wear leggings and a t-shirt since she was planning on going to the training ring right after lunch. She brushed her pixie cut out for once then tied on her tennis shoes. She grabbed her duffel bag to ensure she had an excuse to leave early. Ricky didn’t know her training schedule, thankfully, so she could leave without him knowing the truth.
Abigail paused by the door and looked at the flowers again. They were still strong since she added water to the vase and the food Charlie left. Abbie took a deep breath then left her apartment. She arrived at the pizzeria promptly at noon. She looked around the room with her dark gray duffel bag over her shoulder. She noticed a familiar face enter the pizzeria right behind her. Ricky smiled at her from his short, stocky frame. Abbie immediately had chills, not the good kind. The hostess escorted them to a table quickly. A waiter attended their table right away.
“What can I get you, miss?” The waiter asked with a kind smile.
“Iced tea please.” Abbie uttered.
The waiter nodded then took Ricky’s drink order. He left only to return with their drinks. They ordered a pizza to share after deciding on a supreme with everything on it. Abbie was reminded of her frequent rendezvous with Ricky at the pizzeria, back when he wasn’t trying to get in her pants. At that time, he saw her as a business encounter, except he called it friendship.
They sat in silence while they waited for their pizza to arrive. Ricky seemed calm and collected as usual. He sat with his hands crossed in front of his big chest and round stomach. Abbie noticed Ricky had grown facial hair and a beer belly. She figured he had been drinking and partying all night since he was only twenty-eight. He didn’t seem to ever grow up, nor want to. The pizza arrived at the table quickly. They ate in silence while Ricky studied her. Abbie hated silence, so she broke it with a dig at his ego.
“How’s your son?” Abbie asked.
“Good, as far as I know. I haven’t seen him in three years. His mom won’t let me visit him.” Ricky replied, sadness gripping his voice. Although Abbie didn’t believe he was actually upset about his absence in his son’s life.
“I don’t blame her, considering your lifestyle.” Abbie retorted.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Ricky asked through gritted teeth. He sounded gruff and haughty about the topic. Bingo. Abbie thought to herself, I hit a nerve.
“I know what you have been up to since you left fighting.” Abbie answered with a stern look.
“You mean after you kicked me out of your life. I had to find something else to occupy my time.” Ricky answered gruffly.
“You were cheating on me anyways. It’s not like you actually cared about me.” Abbie said, exasperated, rolling her eyes.
“I did care about you. I still do.”
“Yeah, well you have a funny way of showing people you care.”
“I tried to sleep with you, Abbie. I think that was enough to show you my feelings about you. I wanted you and I still do.”
“Well, it’s not happening... Ever. So, what are we doing here?”
Abbie wanted to run from the pizzeria. She hated the tension between them. She was happy to be in a public place for their encounter. Her nerves were through the roof. She tried to calm down by stuffing another piece of pizza in her mouth.
“I missed you. It’s been like five years... I figured you missed me too... I thought we could try being friends again or something.” Ricky offered. He tried to reach across the table to touch Abbie.
“Don’t. Don’t try to touch me. I don’t want to be friends.”
“Lovers then?” Ricky smirked with a wink.
“No. My views of sex haven’t changed.” Abbie spit out, bitterly.
“Seriously? Are you still a virgin?” Ricky chuckled loudly, drawing attention to their table.
“That is NONE of your business.” Abbie spit.
“I want you even more now. I want to pop that cherry myself.” Ricky whispered as he got closer to Abbie from across the table.
“Not gonna happen. I’m not interested in anyone right now.”
“Jeez. What the hell is your problem? Don’t you want to let your freak flag fly? Let go and have some fun for once.”
“No because one mistake could jeopardize my whole career.”
“Scaredy Cat.” Ricky flirted. He seemed to be looking behind her. Abbie wondered what he was staring at so intently.
“No. Wise cat that doesn’t need to experience new tricks.”
“I’m not trying to trick you.” Ricky smiled.
“Oh really. This whole lunch situation seems kind of fishy to me. What do you really want here, Ricky?” Abbie stared him down.
“You always did see right through me. I don’t miss that.”
“The truth. NOW.” Abbie urged, sternly.
The waiter suddenly appeared with another iced tea for her. She was happy for the beverage since hers was empty. She had nervously drunk the first glass and was now parched once again. The waiter smiled at her then left the table quickly. Ricky scowled at the waiter, like he was jealous or something. Abbie took a drink of her drink then ate another bite of her pizza.
“Talk. Why are we here?” Abbie asked again.
She saw Ricky start to open his mouth. He closed it quickly then smiled. She felt her body start to go limp. She put her pizza down on her plate then started to panic. She looked up at Ricky to see him snickering at her. Abbie felt lightheaded and nauseous. She got up quickly to go to the bathroom to throw up. Ricky stood then tried to escort her. Abbie refused then started walking to the bathroom. She felt limp and uneasy, like she had been drugged.
She entered the bathroom quickly and tried to lock the door. The lock was broken. She started to panic as she felt bile come up from her stomach. She quickly started to throw up in the nearby toilet. Suddenly she heard him enter the bathroom. She tried to yell for help. She was weak and hardly able to speak. Abbie felt like the room was spinning around her. She stopped throwing up then sat on the floor next to the toilet. She was in no position to fight.
“I guess you aren’t that wise. Are you, Baby?” Ricky laughed.
“Get away from me!” Abbie yelled, weakly.
“It’s not like you can fight me now, you crazy bitch.” Ricky sneered down at her.
Abbie waited for Ricky to make his move. Instead of raping her, he helped her to her feet. He started walking her out of the pizzeria. The waiter stopped them with their pizza. Ricky passed an envelope full of cash then thanked the man before escorting Abbie out of the restaurant. Abbie was at the mercy of Ricky. She was terrified and started praying to a God she didn’t believe in. She knew Ricky was going to rape her if she didn’t fight back.
She was tottering along while Ricky supported her side. She looked up at him to see him sneering down at her. She felt her body growing limp. She stopped walking because she couldn't carry herself. Ricky roughly grabbed her and tightened his grip on her side to keep walking. She tried to fight back with the remainder of energy within her. Ricky hit her a couple times for good measure to make sure she didn’t try to fight anymore. Abigail whimpered in pain as Ricky started to lightly trace her breasts.
“I’m tempted to defame you right here in public. What a great way to experience your first time! You would definitely remember our special time together in front of all of your adoring fans. Our story would make bigger and better headlines than your puff piece in the Bronx times.” Ricky laughed gruffly.
“UGH. NO. Nooo...” Abbie tried to scream. She pushed against Ricky the best she could. Suddenly she felt her body jerked away.
“She said no! Leave her alone.” A familiar voice yelled.
“Who are you to tell me what to do?” Ricky asked. “You have no idea who you are messing with, little man.” Rage filling his voice.
“I don’t need to know who you are. You are trying to take advantage of this innocent woman. What did you do to her?”
“That is none of your concern. Give her back or you will regret it.” Ricky ordered, grabbing Abbie’s arm roughly.
Abbie was starting to get pulled between the two men. She was like a toy being fought over between children who didn’t want to share. She knew the weak man couldn’t take Ricky physically because he had grown in size and smarts. He was able to yank her roughly against him without hesitation or restraint.
The small heroic man didn’t budge though. He gently pulled Abbie back to his side without releasing his grip on her arm. Abbie went fully limp and started to fall to the ground. She felt weightless for a moment until she was shoved hard along with gravity to the ground. She felt pain along her arms and in her head. She heard screaming around her as she started to black out. The world around her started spinning as she began falling beneath the broken cracks in the sidewalk surrounding her.
Ricky suddenly cursed like a sailor then kicked Abbie hard in the rib cage hitting her with a final blow of frustration. He started running away as police sirens blared in the distance. Abbie immediately tried to grab her side but couldn’t move from full body paralysis. Her body laid fully limp on the cement.
She heard cooing around her then felt a gentle hand touching her back. She felt safe and calm from the light touch instead of disgust and fear.
Abbie opened her eyes briefly to see the kind, gentle man who rescued her. Charlie looked at her with concern as he spoke and moved his hand in circles along her back. Abbie couldn’t hear him talking although she saw his lips moving. She was having a hard time hold her eyes open. Her temple felt cold along with the rest of her body. Suddenly she blacked out.