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Academy of Elizabethtown, NJ
Adams, Abigail
Adams, John
Adams, Samuel
adultery, punishment for
Ajax (slave)
alchemic approach to four humors
Alexander, William (Lord Stirling)
Alien and Sedition Acts
America, early government of
American independence. See also Declaration of Independence
American soldiers
André, John
anonymous pamphlet
anonymous writing
antifederalism, federalism vs.
army pay crisis
army training and transformation
Arnold, Benedict
Arnold, Peggy
Arnold Tavern
art of war mastered
Articles of Confederation
Asia (ship)
Attucks, Crispus
Aurora (newspaper)
Bank of New York
Bank of North America
Bank of the United States
Battle of Brandywine
Battle of Camden
Battle of Capes
Battle of Germantown
Battle of Monmouth
Battle of Saratoga
battlefield glory dream
battles, major
Bayard, William
Beekman, David
Beekman and Cruger
Benson, Egbert
Bill of Rights
boat trip to America
Boston Harbor
Boston massacre
Boston Tea Party
Boudinot, Elias
Boxwood Hall
Brandywine, battle of
Breed’s Hill
Brooklyn Heights
Burgoyne, John
Burke, Aedanus
Burr, Aaron
Arnold, P., and
as attorney general
Church, J., duel with
election as vice president
Hamilton, A., attack on
Hamilton, A., duel with
Hamilton, A., working with
law practice
at Lee, C., court-martial trial
and Washington
Weeks defended by
Burr, Theodosia
business knowledge
Callender, James Thomson
Camden, battle of
Capes, battle of
care of men in command
Chesapeake Bay
childhood home
Church, Angelica Schuyler
Church, John Barker
civic works
Clingman, Jacob
Clinton, George
constitution ratification and
Hamilton, A., campaigning against
Hamilton, A., letter to
Clinton, Henry
slaves in British Army and
Code Duello of 1777
Coercive Acts
College of New Jersey
colonies, history of
complicated life, x
Congress. See Continental Congress; New York Provincial Congress; U.S. Congress
Connecticut Compromise
Hamilton, A., defense of
national bank and
ratification of
signing of
writing of
Constitutional Convention
Continental Army
pay issues
recruitment problems
slaves serving in
soldier death
von Steuben transforming
at Yorktown
Continental Congress
formation of
Hamilton, A., lobbying
independence declared by
Continental money
“Continentalist” essays
Cooper, Myles
Cornwallis, Charles, 150, 150–51
country house construction
Coxe, Tench
Croucher, Richard David
Cruger, Nicholas
Cruger’s Wharf
Customs Department
federal government taking over
Hamilton, A., view of
Declaration of Independence
Declaratory Act
Delaware River
desertion, lashing men for
discipline, in army
Duer, William
Eacker, George
Earl, Ralph
early success
East River
attacks via
economics, wartime
Edwards, Evan
of Burr, as vice president
of Hamilton, A., to Congress
England, Jay treaty with
family tree
farewell letters
Fawcett, Rachel (mother)
death of
divorce of
illness of
imprisonment of
federal government
debt of
executive of
financial troubles
immigrants holding office in
location of
revenue generation for
revenue needed by
state debt assumed by
Federal Hall
federalism, antifederalism vs.
Federalist essays
Federalist Party
field command
appointment to
field guns
finding his voice
Fish, Nicholas
flour mill destruction
Fort Bunker Hill
Fort George
Fort Lee, NJ, fall of
Fort Ticonderoga
Fort Washington
alliance with America
American independence recognized by
Laurens appointed minister to
navy of
revolution in
United States relationship with
war with other European countries
Franklin, Benjamin
Fraunces Tavern
Frederick the Great
freedom of the press
French and Indian War
Gates, Horatio refusing to comply with orders on Washington leadership skills Washington undermined by
Gazette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser (newspaper)
Gelston, David
Genêt, Edmond Charles
George III (King)
Germantown, battle of
Gibbs, Caleb
Giles, William Branch
government borrowing
the Grange (New York)
the Grange (St. Croix)
Grasse, Comte de
Greene, Nathanael
on Cornwallis
Hamilton, A., eulogy for
supply management by
Hamilton, Alexander. See also specific topics
Hamilton, Angelica
Hamilton, Elizabeth Schuyler
civic works
yellow fever
Hamilton, James (father)
Rachel split from
Hamilton, James (son)
Hamilton, James, Jr. (brother)
Hamilton, Johnny
Hamilton, Philip
Hamilton, William Stephen
Hamilton coat of arms
Hammond, Judah
Hancock, John
hatred of slavery
Hemings, James
Hemings, Sally
The History of the United States for 1796; Including a Variety of Interesting Particulars Relative to the Federal Government (Callender)
Hopewell, New Jersey
Hosack, David
House of Representatives
Hamilton, A., investigated by
Howe, Richard
Howe, William
dog of
human decency, importance of
yellow fever
Federalist restrictions on
rights to hold office
import duties
impressive work
Independence Hall
international trade
Intolerable Acts
Jay, John
Jay Treaty
Jefferson, Thomas
agriculture economy and
Alien and Sedition Acts and
on Burr
election of
federal government location and
national bank opposed by
King’s College (New York City)
Kips Bay
Knox, Henry
Knox, Hugh
Kortright and Company
Lafayette, Marquis de
arrest of
at Yorktown
Lansing, John
lashing men for desertion
Laurens, John
death of
Hamilton, A., friendship with
imprisonment of
Lee, C., challenged to duel by
promotions of
on slavery
Lavien, Johann Michael
Lavien, Peter (half-brother)
law practice
Lear, Tobias
Lee, Charles
court-martial request
court-martial trial of
Laurens duel challenge
Washington criticized by
Lee, Henry
Lee, William (slave)
letter to father
letter to Knox, Hugh
letter to Washington
life time line
Lincoln, Benjamin
Little Lion nickname
Livingston, Brockholst
Livingston, Kitty
Livingston, Robert
Livingston, Sarah
Livingston, Susanna
Livingston, William
lobbying Congress
Long Island route, of British
Louis XVI (King)
Hamilton, A., defense of
Lytton, Ann (aunt)
Lytton, James, Jr.
Lytton, Peter
Madison, Dolley
Madison, James
Alien and Sedition Acts and
Hamilton, A., friendship with
national bank opposed by
public debt and
vulnerability of
Manhattan Company
Manhattan Well Mystery
Manumission Society. See New York Society for Promoting the Manumission of Slaves
Massachusetts Bay charter of 1691
McDougall, Alexander
McHenry, James
medical practices, in 1700s
meeting future wife
Mitchell, Ann
Mohawks, on Lee, C.
Monmouth, battle of
Monroe, James
Morgan, Daniel
Morris, Gouverneur
Morris, Robert
Morristown, NJ
du Motier, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert. See Lafayette, Marquis de
Muhlenberg, Frederick
Mulligan, Hercules
Napoleon Bonaparte
Narragansett Indians
Nassau Hall, College of New Jersey
national bank
National Gazette (newspaper)
natural leader and organizer
Hamilton family home
New Jersey. See also College of New Jersey
New Jersey plan
New York, constitutional ratification convention
New York African Free School
New York City, 29
British leaving
Congress in
rebuilding of
violence reaching
vulnerability of
New York City restoration plans
New York Harbor
British war fleet arriving in
New York Provincial Company of Artillery
New York Provincial Congress
New York Society for Promoting the Manumission of Slaves
New York Supreme Court
newspaper launch
New-York Evening Post (newspaper)
New-York Packet (newspaper)
Nicholson, James
Nicoll, Henry
Nicoll, Samuel
“no taxation without representation
Northwest Territory
Observations on Certain Documents Contained in No. V & VI of “The History of the United States for the Year 1796,” in Which the Charge of Speculation Against Alexander Hamilton, Late Secretary of the Treasury, Is Fully Refuted (Hamilton, A.)
O’Hara, Charles
Olive Branch Petition
Oneida Indians
Paine, Thomas
Paoli Massacre
parents’ relationship
Paterson, William
Pendleton, Nathaniel
Pennsylvania Packet (newspaper)
Congress in
yellow fever epidemic
Phocion (pen name)
Phoenix (ship)
Pickering, Timothy
Pierce, William
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth
Pinckney, Thomas
political cartoon
Postlethwayt, Malachy
Practical Proceedings in the Supreme Court of the State of New York (Hamilton, A.)
presidential campaign of 1789
presidential campaign of 1792
presidential campaign of 1796
presidential campaign of 1800
Prevost, Theodosia
Congress in
prisoner exchanges
promotions sought
public water systems
Putnam, Israel
funding problem to send troops
letter to
quitting army
Randolph, Edmund
Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States (Blue Book)
Report on the Establishment of a Mint (Hamilton, A.)
Report on the Subject of Manufactures (Hamilton, A.)
report on U.S. financial state
Report Relative to a Provision for the Support of Public Credit (Hamilton, A.)
republican friends
Republican Party
resignation from Treasury secretary
Revere, Paul
Revolutionary War
darkest days of
debt incurred in
end of
final negotiations
major battles
outbreak of
Reynolds, James
Reynolds, Maria
Rhode Island, black regiment formed by
Rochambeau, Comte de
Rose (ship)
Royal Danish American Gazette (newspaper)
Rush, Benjamin
Saint Croix
Saint Kitts
Sands, Gulielma
Saratoga, battle of
scholarship money
Schuyler, Angelica. See Church, Angelica Schuyler
Schuyler, Elizabeth. See Hamilton, Elizabeth Schuyler
Schuyler, Peggy
Schuyler, Philip
bounty on
death of
Schuyler mansion
Schuylkill River
Seabury, Samuel
on patriots
Second Continental Congress
Senate, Hamilton, A., confirmed by
siege cannons
slave auctions
slave ships
slave trade
agriculture economy and
army recruitment from
Constitutional Convention debate over
Hamilton, A., and
Laurens on
military service and
sugar trade link with
Society for the Relief of Poor Widows with Small Children
Society of the Cincinnati
soldier training
Sons of Liberty
South Carolina
Stamp Act
Staten Island
Stevens, Ann
Stevens, Edward, “Ned,”
Stevens, Thomas
Stirling (Lord). See Alexander, William
sugar trade
Sullivan, John
supplies, elusive
supply collection
Tariff Act
tax collectors
Hamilton, A., serving as
tea protest
Tilghman, Tench
trade, cycle of early
Treasury Department
Treasury secretary
Treaty of Paris
tribal nations, relations with
Trinity Church
Troup, Robert
typhoid fever
United States (U.S.). See also America, early government of
army of
capital location
federal government debt
first presidential election
France pressuring to join war in Europe
France relationship with
Hamilton, A., report on finances of
Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce (Postlethwayt)
unofficial adviser to von Steuben
U.S. See United States
U.S. Congress
Army standoff with
Hamilton, A., election to
leaving Philadelphia
in New York City
in Philadelphia
U.S. Mint
Valley Forge
Van Ness, William
Varnum, James Mitchell
Venable, Abraham
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Wollstonecraft)
constitutional ratification
losing regiments
Virginia plan
von Steuben, Frederick William Ludolf Gerhard Augustin
Vulture (ship)
Wall Street
War Department management
wartime economics
Washington, George
affection for Hamilton, A.
Burr and
cabinet formed by
candidacy for president
on Congress-army standoff
at Constitutional Convention
death of
election of
farewell address
and Gates
Hamilton, A., field command denied by
Hamilton, A., marriage wishes from
Hamilton, A., quitting service of
as hero
Howe’s dog returned by
improving conditions
inauguration of
invitation to Hamilton, A.
Jay treaty and
last man leaving Brooklyn
and Lee, W.
and Lee, C.
national bank and
as president
re-election of
shoe reward idea
slavery and
slaves in army opposed by
uniform of
U.S. Army and
war strategy of
on well-trained army
West Point inspection
Whiskey Rebellion and
Washington, Martha
Washington Monument
Wayne, “Mad Anthony”
Webster, Noah
Weeks, Ezra
Weeks, Levi
West Point
Westchester Farmer. See Seabury, Samuel
Whiskey Rebellion
whiskey tax
White Plains
Wilson, James
Witherspoon, John
Wolcott, Oliver, Jr.,
Wollstonecraft, Mary
women, on battlefield
Yates, Robert
yellow fever