Life of Zanna Documentary

Paige White Interview

PRODUCER: Let’s talk about the escorting profile.


PW: Oh gosh, yes. That caused mayhem. That was a nightmare. Zanna was upset, very upset. It was a shock.


PRODUCER: How did Zanna respond?


PW: Well, she cried. She denied that it was real.


PRODUCER: How did Shane respond?


PW: He was supportive.




PW: Yes, we both just wanted Zanna to be okay.


PRODUCER: Did you think it was fake?


PW: I didn’t know. But I wanted to be as supportive as possible, no matter what.


PRODUCER: Did you ever have any thoughts about who was behind it?


PW: Honestly, it could have been anyone. Most likely a sad Instagram follower who decided to mess with Zanna. These people do strange things. Having experienced it first-hand now, I know the bizarre things these online stalkers will do all too well.

It was devastating to Zanna, and of course, it went on to have catastrophic, irreparable effects. If I’m honest, I think it was that profile, and the fallout from it, that was the catalyst behind Zanna’s kind of breakdown, and all the decisions she made next.