Jessica Baines Interview
JB: After Ms White was taken away from the scene by an officer, we set about gathering evidence at the scene. The victim was not undressed at the scene but still, I suspected a potential sexual assault, so a pathologist was called to the scene to take swabs. It’s . . . well, it’s very undignified. She was partially undressed, the clothes taken away by forensics, in case trace evidence was found on them. Seeing her body like that was hard. A woman not much younger than me, with so much drive, passion and promise. To have it so unfairly taken away from her. So unjustly. No one pictures their life ending this way. We all like to believe we have at least some control, a say in where we end. How we die. I resolved to do the best I could to solve this case for her.
A number of pieces of DNA were found on the victim. Her boyfriend, Shane’s, to be expected. While blood and semen are often the most useful forensic markers, in this case, it was saliva that was illuminating. Sadly, saliva is nowhere near as reliable as those I mentioned before. It is not as rich a source of DNA, and the results can be variable and inconclusive more often. In this case, a few strands of DNA were found. Shane’s, as previously mentioned, a strain that tested positively for Mason’s and two more which had no match.
Time of death was estimated to be between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. This laid out our enquiry parameters. We are able to cross-check alibi times. We were looking for someone who had been in the vicinity of the flat between these times who had a motive.
The phrase “caught red-handed” comes to mind, doesn’t it?
He denied it, of course, but he was at the flat within the possible perameters of Zanna’s time of death, as laid out by the coroner. Shane was with his father. Paige had worked at a café, as the owner testified, and then had bought things to bring back to the flat for a movie night. Still, I was hoping for extra corroboration to seal a case for the prosecution.
That’s when Zanna’s apartment building supervisor came forward and told us he had seen Mason entering the building. Had seen this man visiting before and had heard the pair arguing on numerous occasions. It was enough to make the arrest and put this dangerous man in prison.
PRODUCER: Did you ever suspect Paige?
SJB: Personally, no. I didn’t. The nature of the body, the way it was found? No.
A crime like that, it would have involved brute force. I don’t believe it’s possible, or at least not remotely likely, that another woman would commit it. It was a classic stalking case. It’s my honour to say I led the charge. It was one of the key reasons I was promoted.