Life of Zanna Documentary

Andrzej Mazur Interview

AM: Yes, I saw Mr Hicks that day, when I went outside for a cigarette, he was coming into the building. I often saw him hanging around. I never liked the look of him. His long hair and tattoos. No. I never liked him, especially not for lovely Miss Zanna.


PRODUCER: So, you saw him coming into the building just before?


AM: Yes. He was entering the flat and he looked angry. Unhappy. He, erm, he had the expression . . . [Passes hand over his forehead and pulls down.]


PRODUCER: A frown?


AM: Yes, a frown, exactly. I passed him in the hall. Then I went for my cigarette.

I had seen him before. I was suspecting an affair between him and Miss Zanna. He visited the times when Miss Paige and Mr Shane were away. I am the maintenance man. I notice all the things happening in the block of flats. Not much gets past me. [Laughs.]

When people are going to work, when they come home. Usually the days run like clockwork. I know the times. I notice everything.

He had been around maybe four times, or so. Never when the others were there. I cared about Miss Zanna, she was kind to me, not everyone is nice to the supervisor. So I worried about what she was doing. I listened, I heard sometimes Zanna shouting about Mr Shane. “He’s bad, jealous. Angry.”


Of course, it’s not my job to get involved with personal things. I’m just the maintenance man. I fix things, the bloody rubbish intercom mostly. I take in parcels when residents are not home. I have favourites, like Miss Zanna and Miss Paige, but I try not to get involved. But, of course, I see a lot.

I don’t judge Miss Zanna. Life is hard. We all try to get through. No one is perfect. Mason Hicks, I think he loved Zanna and wanted her to go be with him. And when she said no, he was angry and he killed her.

It was very sad. She was so lovely. A very lovely girl. She always asked after my children when I brought parcels. My children, Antoni and Julia, see?

[He takes his phone from his pocket and shows the screensaver to the producer. There is a picture of two blonde children hugging on the screen.]


PRODUCER: Very sweet.


AM: Thank you. I love them very much.

[As AM puts his phone away, he has tears in his eyes. His voice breaks.]

When I think of Miss Zanna, I think of them. Someone hurting them.

[He sighs and blinks his tears away.]

As for that man, as we say in Poland, baba z wozu, koniom lżej.

[SUBTITLES READ: Good riddance to bad rubbish.]