ABA. See American Birding Association (ABA)
Academy of Natural Sciences, 97, 183 n
Audubon speaks at, 65
Adolphus Heermann in, 114–115
Ord as president of, 63
women in, 91
youngest elected member of, 84
acclimatization societies, 128–130
Adak Island (Aleutian Islands), 276–277, 279, 281
Adams, Marjorie Valentine, 257
Agassiz, Elizabeth Cabot, 157
Agassiz, Louis, 157
Agua Caliente Park (Arizona), 5
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, 273–281
Sandhill Crane Festival (Fairbanks), 297
Shemya (Aleutian Islands), 276
Unalaska Island (Aleutian Islands), 276
albatross, yellow-nosed, 245, 246, 247
alder flycatcher, 238, 239, 259, 286
Aleutian Islands, 273–281
Aleutian song sparrow, 141
Alexander, Annie Montague, 240–241
Alexander, Wilfred B., 244–245
Allen, Arthur A (“Doc”), 235–236
Allen, Francis, 206
Allen, J. A., 136
Altamaha River (Georgia), 34–35
American Bird Conservancy, 312
American Birding Association (ABA), 217–219, 235
ABA Checklist Area, 287 n
financial crisis, 261–262
growth of, 259–261
North American Birds (journal), 262
origins of, 256–259
Winging It (newsletter), 262
American Birds (journal), 262, 294
American bittern, 72
American green-winged teal, 286
American kestrel, 168
American Museum of Natural History (New York City), 103, 132, 148–149, 171, 183, 185–186, 233, 243, 248, 256
American Ornithologists’ Union (AOU), 100, 143–144
Brewster Medal, 134
Christmas Bird Counts (CBCs), 149–150
formation of, 132–133
American Ornithology (Wilson), 47, 48–52, 56–57, 60–63, 83–84, 99
American Ornithology magazine, 198
American plover, 239
American redstart, 23
“American” swallow, 25
American tree sparrow, 135, 195–196, 307
American woodcock, 72
anhinga, 35
Apaché Indians, 7, 108, 113, 120
Arbor Day, 155
Aristotle, 29
Agua Caliente Park (Tucson), 5
Charles Bendire in, 107–114
“Patagonia picnic-table effect,” 5
Asian crested mynah, 129
Attu (Aleutian island), 259, 278–279
audio field guides, 235–239
Audubon, Harriet Bachman (granddaughter of John James), 106
Audubon, John James, 3, 8, 52–60, 63–74
assistants of, 65–68
bird identification and, 72–73
in Cincinnati, 64–65
death of, 102
journals of, 53 n
in Louisville, 52–53
science of ornithology and, 69–70
vision problems, 101–102
The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America,
Audubon, John Woodhouse (son of John James), 68–69, 101
Audubon, Lucy Bakewell (wife of John James), 53, 54
in Cincinnati, 64–65
death of, 104
death of husband, 102
in Europe, 68
Audubon, Victor (son of John James), 93, 101, 102
Audubon Ark, The (Graham), 157
Audubonians, 143–144
Audubon magazine, 153, 154, 162, 233, 261, 287
Audubon Park (now Washington Heights), 101–103
Audubon Society. See also National Audubon Society
Audubon’s shearwater, 245
Audubon’s warbler, 96, 285–286
Auk, The, 132, 139–140, 160, 169, 205, 237, 283–284
automobile culture, growth after World War II, 232–233
Babcock, Charles, 155
Bacinski, Pete, 222–223
Baicich, Paul, 302
Bailey, Florence Merriam, 118, 152, 162, 163
birding and, 159
bird walks and, 133
Bailey, Vernon (husband of Florence), 134, 195, 213–214
Baillie Birdathon (Canada), 263
Baird, Spencer Fullerton
Audubon and, 99–101
life history information, 179
Martha Maxwell and, 123–124
specimen collectors and, 110–122
Baird, William, 99
Baird Ornithological Club, 230
Baird’s sandpiper, 117
Baker, J. A., 174
Baker, John, 2
bald eagle, 11, 24, 73, 80, 82, 88, 103, 266–267, 283
Baltimore oriole, 11, 71, 152, 286, 309
banding, 4, 56, 219, 252, 253, 256, 301, 302–307, 313–314
band-tailed pigeon, 85
barred owl, 180
Bartram, John (father of Billy), 30–32, 77–78, 84
Bartram, William (Billy), 31–40, 84
background of, 30–33
business ventures of, 32–33
folk wisdom and, 70–71
lost species and, 74–76
new species and, 38–39
specimens and, 37–38
trek through the southeast U.S., 33–39
Bartram’s Garden (Philadelphia), 30–32, 39–40, 77–78
Batchelder, Charles, 128 n, 181
Bates, Mary Emily, 119
Beal, Foster, 135
Beazley, Mitchell, 223
Beck, Rollo, 248
Beecher, Henry Ward, 152
Bellona Marsh (Los Angeles), 5
Bell’s vireo, 95–96, 98, 119–120
belted kingfisher, 55
Bender, Karl Emil. See Bendire, Charles
Bendire, Charles
background of, 109
at Camp Lowell (Arizona), 108
as curator at the Smithsonian, 179–181
in the U.S. Dragoons, 107–114
Benson, Maxine, 126–127
Bent, Arthur Cleveland, 138–139, 180–183, 233, 303
Beverly Hillbillies, The (TV program), 227–230
Bewick, Thomas, 96
Bewick’s wren, 96
Bicknell’s thrush, 181–182, 183
Big Sit!, 288–289
birdathons, 263–265
bird clubs, 176, 177–179, 242, 263
Birdcraft (Wright), 175
birding. See also field guides; lists
diversity of birders, 298–300
emergence of, 69–70
excise taxes and, 310–311
folk wisdom and, 70–71
history of American, 6–7
statistics on, 6
after World War II, 231–242
before World War II, 231
birding festivals, 297, 298, 310
Birding magazine, 5, 210, 256–259, 262–264, 270, 291, 293, 294, 298, 302
Bird-Lore magazine, 133, 134, 148, 162–164, 172, 194, 261
Birds of America (Audubon), 59, 64–66, 68–71, 76–77, 92–93, 96, 99–100, 102, 103
cost of, 69
Birds of the Ocean (Alexander), 244–245
Birds of Village and Field (Florence Merriam Bailey), 134, 194
Birds Through an Opera-Glass (Florence Merriam Bailey), 133, 134–135, 194–195
Bird Watcher’s Digest (magazine), 258 n
Birdwatcher’s Digest, The (newsletter), 256, 257–258, 265
bird-watching, birding versus, 284, 302
bitterns, 72
black-and-white warbler, 56
black-bellied storm-petrel, 246
black-billed magpie, 82
blackbirds, 149
red-winged, 136
blackburnian warbler, 152
black-capped petrel, 246
black duck, 147
black-eared bushtit, 286
black rail, 265
black-tailed gull, 5
black-throated green warbler, 55–56
black vulture, 75
Blom, Rick, 270
eastern, 129–130
blue goose, 286
blue-winged teal, 27
boat-tailed grackle, 286
bobwhites, 152
Bochan, Bonnie, 1–2
Bonaparte, Charles Lucien, 65
Bonta, Marcia, 163
Boone, Daniel, 98 n
Boone and Crockett Club, 150
Borror, Donald J., 237–238
Boston Society of Natural History, 138–139
Mount Auburn Cemetery, 5
Bouton, Jeff, 217–219
Boyle, Bill, 222–223
Bradford, Samuel, 48
Bradley, Guy, 160
Brady, Mathew, 95
Brand, Albert R., 236–237
Brandt, Irving, 171
breeding behavior, Gilbert White and, 30
breeding-bird studies, 177, 301, 308–309
Brewer, Thomas M., 129–130
Brewster, William, 127–128, 139, 157
Brickell, John, 20
Brisson, Mathurin-Jacques, 29–30
British Ornithologists’ Union, 132
Ibis, 132 n
Bronx County Bird Club, 185–186, 202, 205, 206, 214, 231, 270–271, 300
Brooks, Allan, 242
brown-headed nuthatch, 147
brown noddy, 28
brown pelican, 11
Brownsville, Texas, landfill, 5
buff-breasted sandpiper, 136
bufflehead, 147
Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc de, 29–30
Bull, John, 214
Bullock’s oriole, 286
indigo, 36
lark, 89
lazuli, 85
Townsend’s, 73–74
Burroughs, John, 136, 152, 162–163, 175, 203
black-eared, 286
common, 286
Cabeza de Vaca, ûlvar Nùnez, 9
Cable Sable sparrow, 286
cage birds, 162
Bellona Marsh (Los Angeles), 5
Golden Gate Audubon Society (San Francisco), 249
Kings Canyon National Park, 172
Museum of Paleontology (Berkeley), 240–241
PRBO Conservation Science, 254
Salton Sea, 251
San Miguel Island, 242–243
Santa Cruz Island, 276
Tijuana River valley, 251
Yosemite National Park, 172
California condor, 82, 92, 138, 219
Baillie Birdathon, 263
Canadian Maritimes, 9
Migratory Bird Treaty Act (1918), 161
Vikings and, 9
Canterbury, Dan, 287 n
canvasback, 147
Cape May (New Jersey), 4–5, 218–219
Cape May Bird Observatory (New Jersey), 221, 253, 255, 263–265
Cape May warbler, 61, 73, 96, 183–184, 255
Cape Sable sparrow, 286
Cape Verde shearwater, 246
crested, 76
Guadalupe, 248
Carolina parakeet, 13, 15, 23–24, 36, 52, 76, 94, 139
Carson, Rachel, 3
Carter, Jimmy, 209
Caspian tern, 79–80
Cassin, John, 91–92, 114, 116, 126
Catesby, Mark, 8–9, 13, 17–29, 30
background of, 17–18
continental drift theory and, 25–27
lost species and, 74
migratory birds and, 24–26
paintings of birds, 19–27
science of ornithology and, 69–70
cave swallow, 291
CBC. See Christmas Bird Counts (CBCs) cell phones, 269
Centennial Exposition (1876), 123–124, 125
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 306
Central Park (New York City), 5, 171, 184, 189, 233
Chapman, Frank M., 139, 148–149, 152, 159, 162–164, 176, 183, 193–200, 203, 270
chat, yellow-breasted, 19, 137
Cherokee, 33
Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel islands, 5
chestnut-collared longspur, 89, 259
Cheyenne, 104
chickadees, 228
mountain, 97
Chihuahuan ravens, 5
Child of the Water, 7
Chiricahua Apache, 7
Chiricahua Mountains (Arizona), 250, 291
Christmas Bird Counts (CBCs), 6, 145–150, 176, 178–179, 213, 277, 281, 283–285, 297, 308
chumming the water, 245
Churchill, Sylvester, 110–112
Citizen Bird (Wright and Coues), 164–166
feeder studies, 307
migration counts, 307–308
project for urban birders, 308
Clark, Charlie, 258
Clark, Olga, 258
Clark’s nutcracker, 83
Colorado, Rocky Mountain Museum, 123–124
Color Key to North American Birds (Chapman), 196–199, 211
common bushtit, 286
common redpoll, 307
Comstock, Anna Botsford, 163
condors, California, 82, 92, 138, 219
Connecticut, Audubon Society, 164
conservation, 104, 105, 300. See also Audubon Society; National Audubon Society; specimens and collectors
federal wildlife reserves, 155
predictions for, 310–314
state actions in, 160
taxes and, 310–311
wardens for bird-nesting islands, 160
continental drift theory, 25–27
cordilleran flycatcher, 239
cormorant, great, 291
Cornell Laboratory of Natural Sounds, 221
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, 2, 183 n, 221, 235–237, 267–268, 307, 308
Corps of Discovery, 79–84
Cory, Charles B., 143–144, 161
background of, 116–117
birders and, 118
Century Dictionary and, 121–122
checklists of, 130–132
journal editing, 118
Martha Maxwell and, 124–127
“Sparrow Wars” and, 129–130
and the U.S. Geological Survey, 121
women’s rights and, 118–119
country lists, 256
counts. See also lists
birdathons, 263–265
Cranmer, Thomas, 12 n
creation stories, 7
crested caracara, 76
“cropped” vultures, 75–76
Tamaulipan, 5
Cruickshank, Helen, 214
cryptic species, 238–239
Culbertson, Alexander, 98–99
Eskimo, 136
Custer, George A., 104
Cuvier, Georges, 66
Dare, Virginia, 11
dark-eyed junco, 286
Dartt, Martha Ann. See Maxwell, Martha Dartt
Dartt, Mary, 127
David, Jacques-Louis, 59
death omens, 70–71
Delaware Valley Ornithological Club, 176
descriptive ornithology, 254–255
diademed sandpiper-plover, 288
dickcissel, 73–74
Distribution of the Birds of California (Grinnell and Miller), 243
Doubleday, 198
Drennan, Susan Roney, 255
Drury, William, 247
ducks, 54
black, 147
blue-winged teal, 27
hunting, 170
identifying, 184
“red-eyed,” 8
whistling-, 4
Ducks Unlimited, 311
Duncan, William, 43
Dunne, Pete, 210, 222–223, 255, 263–265, 266
dusky seaside sparrow, 286
Dutcher, William, 160–162, 166
Earl of Derby, 103
Easterla, David, 258
eastern bluebird, 129–130
Eastern Egg Rock (Maine), 3
eastern meadowlark, 265
eastern towhee, 11
eastern warbler, 251
East India Company, 27
Eckelberry, Don, 212, 214, 219
Eckstorm, Fannie Hardy, 163–164
ecology, 241–243
economic ornithology, 135–140, 150
Edge, Rosalie Barrow, 170–175
Edwards, George, 46–47
eggs (oology), 112–115, 136–138, 179–181, 248
egrets, 23
Ehrlich, Paul, 209–210
electronic field guides, 270
Elements of Botany (Barton), 39
Emanuel, Victor, 254 n
Emergency Conservation Committee (ECC), 171–174
Emerson, Guy, 289
England. See Great Britain English sparrow, 129–130, 168
environmental movement, 209–210, 257
Eskimo curlew, 136
Eurasian spotted redshank, 291
Eurasian tree sparrow, 128–129
European goldcrest, 25–26
European starling, 129
evolutionary biology, 241–243
extinction, 73–76, 94, 136, 139–140, 151
Farallon Islands (San Francisco), 249, 250–253
Fea’s petrel, 246
feathers for hats, 136–137, 148–161
Feduccia, Alan, 20
feeders, 307
Fenimore Pass (Aleutian Islands), 274, 280
field glasses. See optics field guides, 6, 175–179, 187–226
audio, 235–239
electronic, 270
Golden Field Guide series, 211–213
of Lane, 234–235
of Pettingill, 234
pocket, 214
regional, 234–235
Spanish-language, 298–300
specialty, 216–217
Field Guide to the Birds, A (Peterson), 190–191
field identification, 141–143, 177–179, 183–186, 282. See also field guides field marks, 184, 207, 211, 214, 217, 223, 282, 296
house, 307
Oriental greenfinch, 279
tropical, 128
Fisher, James, 289–290
flickers, 71, 152, 195, 285–286
red-shafted, 286
yellow-shafted, 286
flight drawings, 225
Audubon Society chapter, 256
legal protection for birds, 160
cordilleran, 239
gray-spotted, 278
great crested, 58
Hammond’s, 116
little, 238–239
narcissus, 279
Pacific-slope, 239
western, 239
Forest and Stream magazine, 104, 136, 149–150, 152, 153–154
fox sparrow, 141
French Royal Academy of Sciences, 66
in the New World, 9–10
FrogWatch USA, 308
Fuertes, Louis Agassiz, 118, 202, 219
Fuertes red-tailed hawk, 140
Gabrielson, Ira, 248
gadfly petrel, 246
Gambel, William, 97–98
Gambel’s quail, 97
gannets, 69
blue, 286
greater white-fronted, 82–83
snow, 23
genetics, 4, 131 n, 239, 286, 306
George IV, King, 103
Georgia, Altamaha River, 34–35
Gibbons, Felton, 167
Glacier National Park, 104
glass bird cages, 137
goatsuckers, 70–71
goldcrest, European, 25–26
golden-crowned kinglet, 25–26, 73
golden eagle, 7, 103–104, 106 n, 174–175
Golden Field Guide series, 211–213
Golden Gate Audubon Society (San Francisco), 249
goldfinch, lesser, 85
good bird/bad bird judgments, 167–170, 172–175
Grace’s warbler, 119
Graenlendinga Saga, 9
Graham, Frank, Jr., 157, 171–172
Grant, P. J., 216
gray-spotted flycatcher, 278
great blue heron, 23
Great Britain
British Ornithologists’ Union, 132
Migratory Bird Treaty Act (1918), 161
in the New World, 10–28
Royal Society, 20
great cormorant, 291
great crested flycatcher, 58
great curassow, 254 n
greater prairie-chicken, 21
greater sage-grouse, 82, 89–90
greater white-fronted geese, 82–83
greater yellowlegs, 291
great horned owl, 23, 167, 182, 229–230
Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (New Jersey), 266
great-tailed grackle, 286
Great Texas Birding Classic, 268
Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail, 268
great white heron, 286
great-winged petrel, 249
horned, 8
western, 259
greenshank, 278
Grinnell, George Bird, 239–240
death of, 104
Grinnell, Hilda Wood (wife of Joseph), 241–242
Grinnell, Joseph
background of, 239–240
ecology and, 241–243
at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (California), 241–243
Griscom, Ludlow, 183–186, 202, 205–207, 222, 245, 270, 284–287, 289, 301
rose-breasted, 166
grouse, 54
Gunnison’s sage-, 275–276
sharp-tailed, 259
sooty, 85
Guadalupe caracara, 248
Guadalupe Island, 248
“Guerrilla Birding Team,” 223, 264
Guide to the Birds of New England and Eastern New York, A (Hoffman), 195–196
Gulf Stream, 246
black-backed, 247
black-tailed, 5
Heermann’s, 114
identifying, 206
laughing, 27
ring-billed, 77
Thayer’s, 286
Gunnison’s sage-grouse, 275–276
gyrfalcon, 291
hairy woodpecker, 27
Hall, Minna B., 157
Hamerstrom, Fran, 309
Hammerstrom, Carl, 202
Hammond, William, 115–116
Hammond’s flycatcher, 116
Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America (Chapman), 194, 203
Handbook of Birds of the Western United States (Bailey and Bailey), 195, 196, 213–214
Handbook of Birds of the World, 190
Harlan’s hawk, 96, 140–141, 286
Harriot, Thomas, 13
Harrison, William Henry, 155
Harris’s sparrow, 95
Harvard, Museum of Comparative Zoology, 183
Hawk and Owl Society, 172–173
Hawk Mountain Sanctuary (Pennsylvania), 172–175, 201, 212, 230, 232, 234, 264, 269, 283
Kittatinny Ridge, 172–175
red-shouldered, 58
red-tailed, 140–141
sharp-shinned, 167
short-tailed, 76
Hayman, Peter, 216
Heermann, Adolphus, 114–115
Heermann’s gull, 114
Hemenway, Augustus, Jr. (husband of Harriet), 155–156
Hemenway, Harriet Lawrence, 155–159, 160, 170, 181
Henslow, John S., 96
Henslow’s sparrow, 96
Herald petrel, 246
great blue, 23
great white, 286
yellow-crowned night-herons, 22
Hickey, Joseph, 231, 300–302, 305
Higginson, Francis, 12–13
Hoffmann, Ralph, 195–196, 242–243
Hog Island Audubon camp (Maine), 1–3, 4
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 152
hooded warbler, 23
Hopi, 8
Hornbeck, Blanche, 200–202
horned grebe, 8
Houghton Mifflin, 206
house finch, 307
house (English) sparrow, 129–130
house wren, 168–169
Xantus’s, 115
hybrid birds, 285–286
Ibis, 132 n
scarlet, 74
white, 34–35
indigo bunting, 36
Ipswich sparrow, 286
ivory-billed woodpecker, 19, 28–29, 52 n, 76, 139–140, 166, 236
Jackson, Andrew, 69
parasitic, 247
pomarine, 247
Jaques, Francis Lee, 202, 300–301
Jean Ellen duPont Shehan Audubon Sanctuary (Maryland), 145–148
Jefferson, Thomas, 15, 39, 48, 50, 81–82
Jewett, Sarah Orne, 157
Jonsson, Lars, 216–219, 223–224
dark-eyed, 286
Oregon, 210
Junior Audubon program, 170, 200–202
Big Year, 290–294
Spanish-language field guides, 298–300
Keith, Anthony, 290
Keith, Stuart, 256–258, 260, 287, 290, 291
Kellogg, Louise, 240–241
Kellogg, Peter Paul, 235–236
kestrel, American, 168
Key to North American Birds (Coues), 121, 192–194
Kincaid, Edgar, 254 n
western, 85
kingfishers, 167
belted, 55
kinglets, 71
ruby-crowned, 73
king rail, 266
Kings Canyon National Park (California), 172
Kipling, Rudyard, 203
Mississippi, 57 n
snail, 76
swallow-tailed, 75
Kittatinny Ridge (Pennsylvania), 172–175
Knopf, 214–215
Kress, Steve, 3
Lacey Act (1900), 161
Lake Erie
Point Pelee, 5
Lakota, 7
Lane, Jim, 234–235
lark bunting, 89
laughing gull, 27
Lawrence, Samuel, 155
Lawson, Alexander, 47–48, 65, 91
Lawson, Helen, 91
Lawson, John
Lawson, Malvina, 62
lazuli bunting, 85
least tern, 82–83
Le Moyne, Jacques, 9–10
Leslie, Charles Robert, 45–46
lesser goldfinch, 85
Lewis and Clark trail, 79–84, 86, 89
Lewis’s woodpecker, 83
Libby, Mark, 246–247
life birds, 2
life histories of birds, 23, 141, 163, 179, 181–183, 300–302, 303
life lists, 132, 211–212, 256, 257, 277–279, 285, 286–289, 293
Limberlost books, 163, 166–167
limpkin, 34
Lincoln’s sparrow, 69
Linnaean Society, 183, 185–186
Linnaeus, Carolus, 28–29, 30, 31, 130
Linné, Carl von. See Linnaeus, Carolus
lists, 271–272, 277–294. See also counts
country, 256
Great Texas Birding Classic, 268
North American, 285
state, 256
Superbowl of Birding, 268
trip lists, 288–293
Little Bighorn debacle, 104
little flycatcher, 238–239
Long, Stephen, 84–86
Long Point Bird Observatory (Lake Erie), 252, 253
Lord’s Day Alliance, 172–173
Los Angeles, Bellona Marsh, 5
lost species, 73–76, 94, 136, 139–140
Louisiana, Rainey Wildlife Sanctuary, 170–171
“Louisiana” tanager, 83
Lucy’s warbler, 213
black-billed, 82
yellow-billed, 307–308
Maine, 246–247
Eastern Egg Rock, 3
Monhegan Island, 247
Mount Desert Island, 163
Manomet Bird Observatory (Massachusetts), 253
Manomet Conservation Science (Massachusetts), 253
Manual of the Ornithology of the United States and Canada (Nuttall), 86, 191–192, 193
Marchant, John, 216
market hunting
for game birds, 135–137
Marsh, O. C., 104
martins, 25
Jean Ellen duPont Shehan Audubon Sanctuary, 145–148
Tilghman Island, 145–148
Boston Society of Natural History, 138–139
Manomet Bird Observatory/Manomet Conservation Science, 253
Mount Auburn Cemetery (Boston), 5
Museum of Comparative Zoology (Harvard), 183
New World exploration and, 12
Superbowl of Birding, 268
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 127
match hunts, 148–149
Maxwell, James (husband of Martha), 122–123
Maxwell, Martha Dartt, 122–127, 130
background of, 122–123
Elliott Coues and, 124–127
taxidermy and, 123–127
Maxwell’s owl (eastern screech-owl), 124, 130
McCaskie, Guy, 249–251, 254–255, 258
McClellan, George B., 112
Mckenzie, Owen, 99
McLeod, Columbus, 160
eastern, 265
Merriam, C. Hart, 133–134, 139
Merriam, Florence. See Bailey, Florence Merriam
Mewaldt, Dick, 252
Mexico, Yucatan Bird Festival, 297
Michigan, Whitefish Point, 5
migrant traps, 251
migratory birds
Audubon and, 63–64
Bartram and, 37
Catesby and, 24–26
migration counts, 307–308
protection for, 161
Gilbert White and, 30
Migratory Bird Treaty Act (1918), 161
Miller, Alden, 243
Miller, Oliver Thorne, 162
Mill Grove (Pennsylvania), 54–56, 59, 64, 77, 94, 106
millinery industry, 136–137, 148–161
Minnie’s Land (Audubon home in New York City), 92–93, 101–104
Mississippi kite, 57n
Mitchell Lake (Texas), 5
northern, 213
Monhegan Island (Maine), 247
moral symbols, birds as, 166–167
mountain chickadee, 97
Mount Auburn Cemetery (Boston), 5
Moyer, Sarah, 106n Murdoch, Floyd, 292–293
Murphy, Robert Cushman, 243, 245
murrelet, Xantus’s, 115
murres, 117
Museum of Comparative Zoology (Harvard), 183
Museum of Paleontology (California), 240–241
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (California), 240–243, 248
muskrat trapping, 170
mynah, Asian crested, 129
myrtle warbler, 285–286
naming of birds
Coues and, 130–132
folk names in, 71–73
nicknames of ornithologists and, 254n
Old and New World, 71
place names in, 96
narcissus flycatcher, 279
Nashville warbler, 239
Natchez Trace, 83n
National Audubon Society, 105, 156, 312
annual convention, 260
Austin Audubon (Texas), 257
Connecticut chapter, 164
critics of, 170–175
Emergency Conservation Committee versus, 171–172
Florida chapter, 256
formation of, 159–170
Golden Gate (California), 249
Mitchell Lake (San Antonio) center, 5
New York chapter, 198
National Geographic Society, 215–216, 261
National Museum of Natural History, 110–112, 114, 117, 123–124, 127
naming of birds, 130–131
specimen collectors, 110–122
National Survey on Recreation and the Environment, 299–300
national wildlife refuge system, 155
Native Americans
George Grinnell and, 104
of the southeast, 33
stories and myths of, 7–8
Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, The (G. White), 30
Natural History of Birds, A (Lewis), 92
Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands (Catesby), 19–27, 29, 36, 40
Natural History of North-Carolina (Brickell), 20
Natural History of Uncommon Birds, A (Edwards), 46–47
Nature Conservancy, 173, 212, 306
Nature Conservancy magazine, 276
nature-faking, 162–163, 175, 203
Navajo, 108
Nebraska Birding Trail, 5
Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art (Pennsylvania), 302–305
netting, 252
Newfoundland, 9
New Guinea, 248
New Jersey
Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, 266
Sandy Hook Bird Observatory, 267–268
New Voyage to Carolina, A (Lawson), 13–17, 20
New World
English exploration of, 10–28
French exploration of, 9–10
naming birds in, 71
New York Audubon Society, 198
New York City
Audubon Park (now Washington Heights), 101–103
Big Year lists, 289
New-York Historical Society, 102
New York Zoological Society, 150
common, 8
nightingale, 128
nightjars, 265–266
Noah’s Ark, 26–27
North American Birds (journal), 262
North American Breeding Bird Survey, 212
North Carolina
New World exploration and, 10–11
Roanoke, 10–11
North Dakota, ABA conference in Kenmare, 259–260, 291, 292
northern mockingbird, 213
northern oriole, 286
northern shrike, 129
brown-headed, 147
white-breasted, 256
Nuttall, Thomas
Gambel and, 97
Nuttall Ornithological Club, 127–132, 136, 139, 157, 176, 181, 206, 247
Nuttall’s oak titmouse, 97
Nuttall’s whip-poor-will, 101
Nuttall’s woodpecker, 97
Nuttall’s wrentit, 97
Ohio State University, Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics, 237–238
Old Man, 8
Old Spanish Trail, 97
Olympic National Monument (Washington), 172
On the Plains (Dartt), 127
oology, 112–115, 136–138, 179–181, 248
“opera-glass fiends,” 118, 143, 177
optics, 140, 179, 218, 232, 269
orange-breasted thrush, 71
Oregon, Sauvie Island (Portland), 5
Oregon junco, 210
Oriental greenfinch, 279
Bullock’s, 286
northern, 286
Ornithological Biography (Audubon), 53n, 56–57, 92–96, 99–100
Ornithologist and Oologist, 138
ornithology. See also citizen-science
descriptive, 254–255
federal legislation protecting wild birds, 135
history of American, 8–10
myths concerning, 176–186
nicknames of ornithologists, 254 n
official inventory of North American birds, 131–132
as profession, 127–144
“Sparrow Wars,” 128–130
specimen collectors. See specimens and collectors
Osprey, The, 162
outdoor recreation, 6
owls, 4, 90, 169, 205, 212, 265–266, 307
barred, 180
Pacific golden-plover, 239
Pacific-slope flycatcher, 239
Pagago, 108
“painted” vultures, 75–76
parakeets, Carolina, 13, 15, 23–24, 36, 52, 76, 94, 139
parasitic jaeger, 247
Parker, Ted, 290, 290n, 291–292
partridges, 13
passenger pigeon, 12–13, 51, 57n, 63–64, 94, 103, 136
passerines, 212
“Patagonia picnic-table effect,” 5
Pawnee, 104
Peale, Charles Willson, 84, 85–86
Peale, Titian, 84–86
Pearson, T. Gilbert, 166, 169–171, 175
pelagic seabirds, 243–256
Aleutian Island, 273–281
chumming the water and, 245
East Coast, 245–247
brown, 11
Penn, William, 13
Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art, 302–305
Percy, George, 11–12
peregrine falcon, 4–5, 58, 94, 138
Peterson, Roger Tory, 73, 170, 186, 245, 254n, 281, 289
in the Army Corps of Engineers, 231
Big Year, 256–257
death of, 209
Hog Island Audubon camp (Maine) and, 2–3
Sibley and, 220
trip lists, 289–290
black-capped, 246
Fea’s, 246
gadfly, 246
great-winged, 249
Herald, 246
Pettingill, Olin Sewall, Jr., 2, 234
phalarope, Wilson’s, 63
Philadelphia vireos, 96
photography, 163, 213–215, 220, 234, 269, 295–296
pigeons, 308
band-tailed, 85
white-crowned, 58
wild, 15
Pincelli, Tom, 298
pine warbler, 1
pipits, 95
red-throated, 251
Pliny, 29
plovers, 286
American golden-, 239
diademed sandpiper-, 288
Pacific golden-, 239
Wilson’s, 63
pocket field guides, 214
Point Pelee (Lake Erie), 5
Point Reyes Bird Observatory (California), 5, 219–220, 251, 252–255
pomarine jaeger, 247
Pough, Richard, 172–174, 212, 235
Prater, Tony, 216
PRBO Conservation Science (California), 5, 219–220, 251, 252–255
Project Feeder-Watch, 307
purple finch, 27, 130–131, 265
quail, 135–136
Gambel’s, 97
Rabine, Jean. See Audubon, John James
radar studies, 26
rails, 265–266
black, 265
king, 266
Rainey Wildlife Sanctuary (Louisiana), 170–171
Ralph, William, 180
ravens, 7
Chihuahuan, 5
red-bellied woodpecker, 147, 307
“red-eyed” duck, 8
red-eyed vireo, 56
red knot, 136
redpoll, common, 307
red-shafted flicker, 286
redshank, Eurasian spotted, 291
red-shouldered hawk, 58
redstart, American, 23
red-tailed hawk, 140–141
red-throated pipit, 251
red-winged blackbird, 136
Reed, Chester A., 197–200, 202, 210
Reeves, L. P., 160
Reid, Martin, 298
Ridgway, Robert, 124, 130–132, 135, 139
ring-billed gulls, 77
Rio Grande Birding Festival (Texas), 298
“Roaring Forties,” 249
Robbins, Chandler S., 212–213, 269, 308
Robinson, Debi, 249
Rock Creek Park (Washington, D.C.), 5
rock wren, 5
Rocky Mountain Museum, 123–124
Roosevelt, Theodore, 128, 150, 155, 162–163, 203
rose-breasted grosbeak, 166
rosy-finches, 3
gray-crowned, 279
Royal Institution (Edinburgh), Audubon paintings at, 66
Rozier, Ferdinand, 52, 53, 57, 60, 64
ruby-crowned kinglet, 73
ruby-throated hummingbird, 4, 15–16
Rush, Benjamin, 81–82
Saab, 264
Salton Sea (California), 251
sanderlings, 15
Sandhill Crane Festival (Alaska), 297
sandpipers, 278
Baird’s, 117
buff-breasted, 136
diademed sandpiper-plover, 288
upland, 265
Sandy Hook Bird Observatory (New Jersey), 267–268
San Francisco
Golden Gate Audubon Society, 249
San Miguel Island (California), 242–243
Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge (Texas), 4
Santa Cruz Island (California), 276
Santa Fe Trail, 97
sapsucker, yellow-bellied, 208–209
Sargent, John Singer, 156
Sauvie Island (Oregon), 5
saw-whet owl, 152, 302–307, 313–314
Say, Lucy (wife of Thomas), 91
scarlet ibis, 74
scarlet tanager, 152
screech-owl, 70, 124, 130, 168
seabirds. See pelagic seabirds
Seminole, 33
Seton, Ernest Thompson, 162, 175, 202–205
700 Club, 287
sewage lagoons, 5
Shalaway, Scott, 310–311
Sharp, William, 44–45
sharp-shinned hawk, 167
sharp-tailed grouse, 259
Shaw, George, 29
Shearwater, Debra Love, 249
Shearwater Journeys, 249
Audubon’s, 245
Cape Verde, 246
Shemya (Aleutian Islands), 276
Sherman, Althea, 167–169
short-tailed hawk, 76
shrike, northern, 129
Sibley, David Allen, 219–226
seabirds of the Aleutian Islands, 273–281
World Series of Birding and, 265
side hunts, 148–149
sight records, 177–179, 183–186, 284
Silva, Héctor Gómez de, 299
600 Club, 287
skylarks, 128–129
Small, Arnold, 258
smew, 278
Smithsonian Institution, 100
Alexander Wetmore and, 149
snail kite, 76
Snake River, 86–87
Snetsinger, Phoebe, 288
snipe, 13
Wilson’s, 216
snow geese, 23
Society of American Foresters, 150
Solander, Daniel, 37
songs of birds. See sounds of birds
song sparrow, 72, 141, 162, 177, 224–225
sooty grouse, 85
sounds of birds, 36, 211, 221, 235–239, 259, 269, 286, 299
south polar skua, 245
South Sea islands, 248
in Arizona territory, 108
Spanish-language field guides, 298–300
sparrows, 69–70, 147, 152, 167
Aleutian song, 141
Cape Sable, 286
dusky seaside, 286
Eurasian tree, 128–129
fox, 141
Harris’s, 95
Henslow’s, 96
house (English), 129–130
Ipswich, 286
Lincoln’s, 69
swamp, 1–2
white-throated, 146
specimens and collectors, 126, 136–144, 176
Baird, 110–122
Bartram, 37–38
Bendire, 110–114
field identification and, 141–143
National Museum of Natural History, 110–122
Wilson, 83–84
spiritualists, 119
Stallcup, Rich, 249–252, 254–255
stamps, waterfowl, 312
starlings, 167
European, 129
state lists, 256
Stein, Robert, 238
Stone, Witmer, 169, 178–179, 237, 283–284
storks, wood, 34
storm-petrels, 60, 63, 245, 246
black-bellied, 246
Stratton-Porter, Gene, 163, 166–167
Sublette, Milton, 88
suffrage, 158–159
Sunday shooting, 172–173
Superbowl of Birding, 268
Sutton, Clay, 223
Sutton, George Miksch, 167, 172
“American,” 25
cave, 291
swallow-tailed kite, 75
swamp sparrow, 1–2
swifts, 212
Systema Naturae (Linnaeus), 28–29
Tamaulipan crow, 5
tanagers, 64
“Louisiana,” 83
scarlet, 152
western, 83
Tanner, James T., 236
taxes, 310–311
taxidermy, 64, 68, 90, 123–127, 137, 154, 204
Taylor, Joe, 259–262, 268–270, 278–279, 287, 291
Taylor, Tom, 259
teen birders, 3–4, 185–186, 200–202, 205, 206, 214, 231, 268, 270–271, 300
Tennessee Ornithological Society, 256
brown noddy, 28
Caspian, 79–80
least, 82–83
Austin Audubon, 257
Brownsville landfill, 5
Great Texas Birding Classic, 268
Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail, 268
Mitchell Lake (San Antonio), 5
Rio Grande Birding Festival (Harlingen), 298
Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, 4
Thaxter, Celia Leighton, 158
Thayer, Abbott, 160
Thayer’s gull, 286
Theosophists, 119
Thompson, Bill and Elsa, 258n
thrashers, 68
three-toed woodpecker, 69
orange-breasted, 71
Tijuana River valley, 251
Tilghman Island (Maryland), 145–148
oak, 97
tufted, 27
towhees, 286
eastern, 11
Townsend, John K.
taxidermy and, 90
Townsend, Mary (sister of John), 91
Townsend’s bunting, 73–74
Townsend’s warbler, 90
Traill, Thomas, 238–239
Traill’s flycatcher, 238–239, 286
Travels Through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida (Bartram), 36–39, 75–76
trip lists, 288–293
trogons, 182
violaceous, 282
trumpeter swan, 14–15, 23, 64, 82
Tucker, Jim, 256–258, 262–263, 291
tufted titmouse, 27
Tuscaroras, 16–17
Two Little Savages (Seton), 202–204, 206
Udvardy, Miklos, 214
Unalaska Island (Aleutian Islands), 276
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 6, 248, 297
U.S. Geological Survey, 121
University of California
Museum of Paleontology, 240–243
University of Wisconsin, 300–302
upland sandpiper, 265
Urner-Stone Cup, 265
U.S. Army Medical Corps
ornithologists in, 83–84
Van Name, Willard, 171
Vardaman, Jim, 293
Victor Emanuel Nature Tours, 294
Vikings, 9
violaceous trogon, 282
Philadelphia, 96
red-eyed, 56
warbling, 58
yellow-throated, 51
Virginia, New World exploration and, 12
Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America, The (Audubon), 93–94, 101, 102
Vogt, Bill, 206
vultures, 307
black, 75
“cropped,” 75–76
“painted,” 75–76
Wahl, Terry, 249
Walsh, Joan, 221
warblers, 4–5, 22–23, 64, 217, 307
black-and-white, 56
blackburnian, 152
black-throated green, 55–56
Grace’s, 119
hooded, 23
Lucy’s, 213
myrtle, 285–286
Nashville, 239
pine, 1
Townsend’s, 90
Wilson’s, 63
warbling vireo, 58
Washington, Booker T., 156
Washington, D.C., Rock Creek Park, 5
Washington state
Olympic National Monument, 172
Washington State birding trail, 5
waterfowl stamps, 312
Wayne, Arthur, 139–140
Western Birds journal, 254–255
Western Field Ornithologists, 254–255
western flycatcher, 239
western grebe, 259
Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network, 253
western kingbird, 85
western tanager, 83
West Nile virus, 308
Wetmore, Alexander, 149
Nuttall’s, 101
whiskered auklet, 274–276, 280–282
whistling-duck, 4
White, E. B., 209
White, Gilbert, 30
white-breasted nuthatch, 256
white-crowned pigeon, 58
Whitefish Point (Michigan), 5
white ibis, 34–35
white-throated sparrow, 146
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 152
whooping crane, 27, 34, 58, 64, 89
wild pigeon, 15
Wiley, Farida, 233
willow flycatcher, 239, 259, 286
Wilson, Alexander (Sandy), 8, 23, 41–52
bird population estimates of, 51
book on birds, 42
as engraver, 47–48
as Father of American Ornithology, 59
financial struggles of, 66
folk wisdom and, 70
lost species and, 73–74
naming birds and, 71
specimens and, 83–84
Wilson Ornithological Society, 207
Wilson’s phalarope, 63
Wilson’s plover, 63
Wilson’s snipe, 216
Wilson’s warbler, 63
Winging It (newsletter), 262
winter wren, 239
women, 145–186
as benefactors, 240–241
women’s club movement, 158–159
American, 72
Woodcraft, 203
woodpeckers, 212
hairy, 27
Lewis’s, 83
Nuttall’s, 97
three-toed, 69
wood stork, 34
World Series of Birding, 222–223, 263–268, 271
wrens, 71
Bewick’s, 96
house, 168–169
rock, 5
winter, 239
wrentits, 237
Wright, James (husband of Mabel), 164
Wright, Mabel Osgood, 118, 158, 162, 164–166, 175
Wyeth, Nathaniel J., 86–89, 97, 127, 191
Xantus, John, 115–116
Xantus’s hummingbird, 115
Xantus’s murrelet, 115
Yale Peabody Museum, 219
yellow-bellied sapsucker, 208–209
yellow-billed magpie, 307–308
yellow-crowned night-heron, 22
yellowlegs, 58
greater, 291
yellow-nosed albatross, 245, 246, 247
yellow-rumped warbler, 96, 182, 285–286
yellow-shafted flicker, 286
Yellowstone National Park, 104, 155
yellow-throated vireo, 51
Yosemite National Park (California), 172
youth movement, 203
Yucatan Bird Festival (Mexico), 297
Yumans, 108