Table of Contents
Chart of Four Thousand Years of Jerusalem's History
The Geographical Setting of Jerusalem
Melchizedek and Abraham at Salem, ca. 2000 B.C.
Jerusalem at the Time of David, Ca. 1000-960 B.c.
Jerusalem at the Time of Solomon, 960-921 B.c.
Jerusalem in the Days of the Divided Kingdom, 921-721 B.c.
Events Leading to the Fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.c.
The Return to Jerusalem, 539-333 B.c.
Hellenistic Jerusalem, 332-63 B.c.
Jerusalem at the Time of Jesus
Jerusalem in Revolt, A.D. 66-70
Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina, A.D. 71-324
Jerusalem and the Rabbis, A.D. 70-500
Byzantine Jerusalem, A.D. 324-638
Islamic Jerusalem, A.D. 638-1099
Crusader Jerusalem, 1099-1187
Later Islamic Jerusalem, 1187-1517
Ottoman Jerusalem, 1517-1917
Jerusalem, the Jews, and the Church
Jerusalem, the Muslims, and the Church
Jerusalem from World War I to Partition, 1917-1947
Jerusalem, the Divided City, 1948-1967
Jerusalem and International Law
Political Solutions for Jerusalem
Jerusalem Today
The Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem
The Meaning of Jerusalem
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6