
This book marks a new chapter in my life. I would like to thank my agent, Stefanie Von Borstel, for her wise counsel and for seeing the potential in this book before anyone else. Also, Marisa Solís, my developmental editor, for her unique perspective and extraordinary suggestions that ultimately resulted in a better book. New Harbinger’s Melissa Kirk for her timely support, as well as Julie Bennett, Jesse Burson, Bridget Kinsella, Nicola Skidmore, James Lainsbury, and the rest of the New Harbinger team. Hilaree Robinson, Jeremy Robinson, Jessica Carloni, and Dee Dee Debartlo also gave invaluable editorial support and advice throughout the book process.

Thank you to Dr. Nichia Faria, who is not only a friend but talked extensively with me about current pediatric health and wellness issues. Thank you to all the parents for their stories and the elementary and middle school teachers I interviewed and observed; you gave life to this book and are the purpose behind it. I am grateful for Elyse Bachrach, Steve Renner, Molly Wilson, Millissa Gass, Megan Thunburg, Megan Sharples, Scot Villeneuve, Tim Cook, and Dave Underhill for their unfailing support and help with creating TimberNook, which carries out the mission of this book. Also, my deepest thank you to Richard Louv for his inspiration and generous support of my work.

I especially thank my husband, Paul Hanscom, who believed in this book and TimberNook from the beginning. Thank you for your constant love, support, and guidance. Without you, there would be no book, no TimberNook. I’m so grateful for my loving parents, who taught me at a young age to reach for the stars. They have loved and supported me with every endeavor I’ve taken on. Much gratitude goes to my mother-in-law, Sue Hanscom, whom I view more as a friend than anything. Thank you for your constant encouragement and the reminders to keep things simple. And finally, to my girls, who served both as my original inspiration and my biggest cheerleaders. You fill my life with joy every day.