Solar System Worlds and Orbits
PlanetAverage Distance from Sun (km)Orbital Period
(Earth Year/Earth Days)
Mercury57,900,0000.24 Earth year (88 Earth days)
Venus108 million0.62 Earth year (226.3 Earth days)
Earth149 million1 Earth year (365.25 days)
Mars227 million1.88 Earth years (686.2 Earth days)
Jupiter779 million11.86 Earth years (4,380 Earth days)
Saturn1.425 billion29.5 Earth years (10,767.5 Earth days)
Uranus2.85 billion84 Earth years (30,660 Earth days)
Neptune4.5 billion165 Earth years (60,225 Earth days)
Pluto5.06 billion248 Earth years (90,520 Earth days)

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Composition of Earth’s Atmosphere
Carbon dioxide.0394%
Nitrous oxide0.000032%
Other elements: 0.079 plus water vapor.

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Current and Near-Future Moon Missions
NameMission GoalsCountryStatus
Lunar Reconnaissance OrbiterSurface mappingUSAWorking
Chang’e 2Lunar studies, now studying asteroid ToutatisChinaWorking
LADEEStudy lunar atmosphere and surfaceUSALaunch in 2013
Chang’e 3Soft lander, perform UV astronomyChinaLaunch in 2013
GLXPMoon Express lander, roverPrivate competitionLaunch ~2013
Luna-GlobRobotic lunar base/orbiter comboRussiaLaunch ~2014
Chandrayaan-2Robotic rover, orbiter comboIndiaLaunch ~2016

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Best Times to Observe Mercury
Evening (after sunset)2013 Oct 925.3°E+0.2
Morning (before sunrise)2013 Nov 1819.5°W-0.3
Evening (after sunset)2014 Jan 3118.4°E-0.3
Morning (before sunrise)2014 Mar 1427.6°W+0.4
Evening (after sunset)2014 May 2522.7°E+0.7
Morning (before sunrise)2014 Jul 1220.9°W+0.6
Evening (after sunset)2014 Sep 2126.4°E+0.3
Morning (before sunrise)2014 Nov 118.7°W-0.3
Evening (after sunset)2015 Jan 1418.9°E-0.4
Morning (before sunrise)2015 Feb 2426.7°W+0.3
Evening (after sunset)2015 May 721.2°E+0.5
Morning (before sunrise)2015 Jun 2422.5°W+0.7
Evening (after sunset)2015 Sep 427.1°E+0.5
Morning (before sunrise)2015 Oct 1618.1°W-0.3
Evening (after sunset)2015 Dec 2919.7°E-0.3

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