NEIL STUFFED his paperback into his jacket pocket when I waved at him. “Hey, chica.”
“Hey! You’re here,” I said stupidly.
“I had to see this paragon for myself. Hi. We met on the lawn a few days ago.” He extended his slim hand to Nicky. I watched their alpha-dog greeting. He had to remind me that I just met her. So he thinks I’m a slut.
I unlocked the front door and cased the place for my sister, who was not on the piano bench. Nicky started the perimeter-prowling behavior she’d done last night while Neil looked at me, eyebrows raised, asking silent questions.
I set the diary down on the coffee table next to a stack of junk mail. I looked at the little book for a second. Whatever that key is that Jerome told me about, it’s in there. I’m about to find out some big secret. I wondered why I was so scared to read it.
“She’s back here,” Nicky reported from the kitchen door just as I heard Laura’s muffled voice. “On the phone.”
“Cool. I’m going to make coffee,” I said. It occurred to me that Laura and Nicky hadn’t met. Awkward. Neil arranged himself on the couch, legs crossed, a look of anticipation on his long face. I felt like I owed him way more than just the explanation he’d been given so far.
I took my time with the coffee, setting four of Mom’s most stable pottery mugs on a wicker tray with spoons and what remained of the milk. I figured Laura would come back inside eventually. I felt guilty about her, knowing what I knew. Knowing that my whole life had changed, and hers, as far as she knew, had stayed the same. For the first time, I was doing something Laura hadn’t already done. Sure, she knew about the Realm, but she wasn’t really experiencing it firsthand if she was earmuffed by glamour whenever the subject of the fey came up. Did the effect wear off, ever? Would she go all woozy every Halloween when little girls in fairy wings came to the door? Not that anyone would notice the difference. My sister’s natural state was already pretty spaced-out.
When I returned to the living room, Nicky and Neil were chattering, each with one arm over the back of the couch. “Hugh Jackman’s too old, though. Right vibe, but it should be somebody in their twenties.”
“How about Jesse Williams—thanks,” Neil said to me. He took the tray and settled it on the edge of the table. I handed him the honey bear and sat in Mom’s frayed recliner with my cup.
“All right, guys and guysettes, time to face the music,” Nicky said, and in a flowing motion she was on her feet.
“What?” I said. I wanted her to stay.
“I need to get with Blossom to make sure the damage is controlled,” she explained.
I could not begin to follow the intricacies of communication in the Summer Court. I walked her to the door and pulled it shut behind us for a real good-bye kiss in private, or at least out of sight of Neil.
“Do you have to take off?” I asked when we finally separated.
“I wanted to see you home safe, but yes. Can I call you later? And we can talk about what’s in the book and stuff?”
“And stuff, yeah.” She took the driveway in a compact sprint, no sign that she’d been injured an hour ago. I held my hands on my stomach to hold in the heat of her body as long as I could as she receded and finally turned the corner and was gone.
Neil bounced on a couch cushion when I came back into the room. “Confession time,” he announced.
“What did you do now?”
“Not me. You.”
“Well, I just broke into Timothy’s place to steal my own sister’s journal.”
“Not crimes. Passions. Wait a minute, what? Okay, never mind. Passions first.”
I told him about last night in as little detail as I could. He pried more out of me. When the laughter trickled to a halt, he said, “Are you in love?”
“I mean, she’s a total player, she must be. And she said she didn’t have a girlfriend, but that only means at the moment. What if she has, like, girls on tap?”
“Oh my God, you are. How did you leave it this morning?”
“You know. I found those leaves in my magical inbox. She was going to talk to Blossom about… you know the thing when the Queen, um, kissed me the other night at the park?”
“Not one, but two hot women who can turn parking tickets into gold or whatever.” He pulled a pillow onto his lap and started untangling a tassel.
“It might be a—she gave me something. Some kind of ability. Then. It helped me last night. And today.”
“Shut up, gutter boy.” He didn’t know about my time at the Winter Court last night. I hadn’t told him. How could so much have happened in less than twenty-four hours? I summarized as best I could.
“He was going to kill you,” he said when I told him about the Winter Queen’s muscleman in the dressing room. His voice was still, a flat surface, the way it got when he was about to lose his temper.
“I don’t think so. Not while she still needed me—the Winter Queen. But I did think he was going to—I mean, at first I thought it was him. The Woodcutter. The guy who killed Margaret.”
“So he was going to kill you, or somebody was.” Neil yanked on a loose thread with too much force, and I heard ripping. “Just maybe not right away. And now you’ve got them pissed off.” He looked at me, stony and then soft.
“They want the Woodcutter to do the dirty work. And I still don’t know who that is. I thought for a minute today that it could be Timothy, but Nicky says it can’t be.” My mind was spinning with speculation.
“Josy, shut up for one second! You’re going to get killed!” he burst out. “Sorry. I’m sorry. I just don’t know what’s going to happen now.” His eyes were on the rope of trim he’d just pulled free.
Neil and I were not mushy friends. I knew he cared about me from the way he snuck red velvet cupcakes into my locker on my birthday and how he would slag on Nicole Kidman for being a skinny hag to make me feel better about being fat. When his boyfriend dumped him last year, he drove straight to my house and marched into my room to pull my quilt over his head without saying a word. His voice faltered now, and I jumped in. “It’s okay, it’s all okay. Even Laura. She’s fine. She’s always with her new teacher—who is supposed to be her big magic bodyguard—or else practicing. What, are they going to break into the house? The Winter people are probably all done with us now that we burned down their poncy theater anyway. Admit defeat, evildoers.” I squashed the part of me that was still scared after last night. And the part that was thinking they really can hurt us. And I don’t know how much I can count on Hill. And next time, there might not be a rescue squad.
“Don’t rule that out. They could break in,” Neil said.
“Nicky did some kind of magic security. Last night when we got here I saw her walking around. She did it just now too. She says it’s like her talent, something about getting doors open or keeping them closed.”
“Really. She got something open last night.”
“Shut up, gutter boy.”
“Oh yeah, speaking of hot elves with freak talents. Jerome—what did you find out?”
“That Margaret’s diary has some kind of key in it.” I filled him in on the phone call with Jerome and the visit to Timothy’s hideout. I swung my stocking feet off the couch, where they’d been tucked under me, and felt pins and needles in my calves, and my legs remembered numbness from last night in the Winter Court theater. I was bruised too, or at least my armpits ached where the Winter Queen’s man had hauled me around, and my shin burned where I’d hit it, and I felt a raised patch on my cheek that I knew hadn’t even started changing color yet. I felt my pulse throbbing there when I stood up, as if blood were sloshing around loose in my head.
“You okay?” Neil was halfway up and aiming his bony shoulders toward me. I must have shown some kind of painful face.
“Just too much fun.”
“You’re hurt, you idiot. Why didn’t I—I’m getting aspirin.”
“Nah, I’ve been fine all day.” But he padded back from the bathroom with two. Nice boy. I swallowed them with my coffee and tried not to think about the fact that he was now part of my clan according to the Faerie Realm. Which meant I could get him killed too.
“So that’s it?” he asked when he was settled again. He pointed his chin at the pretty little book in the middle of the coffee table. I didn’t know why I’d been hesitating to open it. Other than being afraid of what was in there. It held the answer: who the Woodcutter was, and how to stop him from killing me and Laura. That had to be what the secret was. Otherwise why had Jerome made such a fuss? Everything was going to be okay as soon as I opened it. Come on, tough girl. You’ve come this far.
The front cover was stiff, and the first page stuck to it at one corner where something had been spilled and dried. I pried the thin paper free to see Margaret Helen Grant written in faded ink in the center of the wide-lined page. A drawing floated under her name in blue pencil, one of those complicated Celtic knots that nobody could draw freehand. “It’s a horse,” Neil said after we both stared at it for a long minute. “See the mane? I didn’t know she could draw like that.”
Neither had I. A feeling started in the center of my body, a blunt, frustrated regret that I had barely known my oldest sister. The blue horse on the page looked like the paper one in the puppet theater. I felt a snick in my brain as a puzzle piece snapped into place. The horse was her. There was that puppet that was also her, but the horse was really her. Her spirit. It was so right, so perfectly Margaret. How could I not always have known?
The diary entries started on the second page. The sight of Margaret’s rounded handwriting gave my heart a sudden rush, like all the blood in my body flooded my chest.
May 22, 2008
I do not know how Dr. Hudson got that out of me. She was drawing blood, and she just said something about moving away from Mom and Dad and Robert. She knows Robert’s gone, but I knew what she meant. Nobody can forget about that while I’m still home. They must think I haunt the place, some ghost to keep them from being a happy family.
And then she said “So how’s your appetite?” and it all came spilling out. I wonder if she knew all along. I haven’t taken laxatives or anything, barely even gag myself anymore. Don’t have to, mostly. She wanted to give me meds. I’m 18 now, she wouldn’t have had to talk to Mom. And she wanted me to go back to therapy. She made me promise I’d quit throwing up. No meds if I quit. She said. Can I trust her? I do NOT want another shit storm with Mom. She can’t handle it.
I want to quit. I’ve quit before. Dr. Hudson said it’s a form of hating your body. Shit. There’s no way to be strong in this house. The way Mom looks at me. She’s guilty because of R. I mean she feels guilty. Shit. Why did I say that? I have to get out of here. Be somebody new. Be strong. I’m going to be a doctor. You can’t be a sick fuck if you’re a doctor.
Jerome Desroches said I was a beguiling mortal. Tonight, at the fair. He’s said it before. Hm.
I ran my thumb over the little blue drawing in the bottom right corner. It was a flowering branch with ribbons twisted around it.
“What’s it say?” Neil said.
I looked at him and realized I was already crying.
Margaret was six years older than me. To me she had always been a big girl and later an adult. I had never thought of her as having doubts or complicated feelings or even being vulnerable, the way I felt vulnerable every day to little things like cheerleaders puffing up their cheeks when I walked into the bathroom at school or Mom forgetting to pick me up.
I opened my mouth to tell Neil.
And sang: “There were three sisters lived in a bower….”
The words that were formed in my head were: it’s about Margaret having an eating disorder and being scared of my brother. And meeting Jerome. I tried again to say them.
“They all went out for to pull a flower,” I sang.
My voice felt like it was scraping my throat. I’d never heard this song before, but there it was, coming out of my mouth like there was a remote-controlled speaker in my teeth.
“You don’t have to tell me.” Neil was half smiling, but he looked concerned. He could tell something was wrong.
“You don’t get it”—oh, so now I can talk normally?—“Jerome said there was a spell on the book. Where you can’t talk about what’s in it. You can only read it. You can’t repeat it out loud.”
“Try again.”
I concentrated on the thought It’s about Margaret. I took a deep breath. “They all went out for to pull a flower down by the bonnie banks of fordie-o.”
I tried to squash the hysterical crying-laughter that was bubbling up in my chest. I felt out of control, like someone else was operating my tongue. It was terrifying. “I can’t. If I try to talk about it, I just sing. I’m not trying to sing. I’m trying to talk. That must be how the spell works,” I said.
“So that’s not what she wrote?” he asked. I shook my head. “Whoa. Weird. Okay. You read it, and then I’ll read it, how about. We have to finish Midsummer by Monday anyway. I’ll be right here.” He touched my knee and then swung his long legs away, and I heard him running water in the kitchen sink and then scraping a chair back at the table behind me.
The diary lasted until March 2012, the month Margaret died. I flipped from the last page she had written and settled down to read from the beginning.
The first several dates spanned a few months and about twenty pages, and they were mostly about Jerome. How she had never imagined feeling so clean and whole, how she finally understood why a woman would want to sleep naked or smile instead of cry when someone said she was beautiful.
When I read that, anger and sadness bubbled up in me like the garbage disposal backing up. I pounded my fist into my thigh to stop myself from crying. Margaret. Didn’t you know you were beautiful?
On October 19, 2008 she wrote:
OMG I sound like an idiot. Every Top 40 song. But I can’t help it. Love love love.
Revels end of the month. The Lady will ask all the Court to renew their vow to serve. I will be J’s date—can’t tell if this is a big deal or not. He says there’s some kind of serious hoopla. A solemn feast, is what he said. So I guess no Halloween costumes.
I sat back against the itchy afghan and considered the fact that my sister, like me, had fallen in love with an elf. She’d known more than I did about how the fey world worked. Maybe this book would be a how-to guide for the modern human girl traveling in that weird country that was so close and so alien at the same time.
But then, when the entries had thinned out to every few months, things started to take a strange turn.
December 12, 2009
I don’t know what he means. I want to be immortal. Do I? I’ll never be like them. God. All I have is him to talk to and what he wants is clear: for us to be together and never get old. It’s sweet. It’s what I should want.
But he’s pinched when he talks about it. He can’t lie, but sometimes he just won’t answer when I ask him what it’ll be like.
Blossom this morning. I’d spent the night in the oak with J. She wakes us up all bouncy and she has a basket of scones and a bottle of milk. And wild strawberries. Announces to J that she’s going to “lure your beloved away.”
Sweet air, birds singing, bare skin under the petals. I’m too stupid with happiness most of the time with him to write about how good it is.
Living forever with him beside me.
So Blossom. We sit in her herb patch—in the sun, it’s cold out there in the World but not here in the Realm—and she lays it out for me that J is dealing with the Winters for the mix that will make me immortal. She says “He loves you, but I’ve known him for 90 years and he’s a puppy with a heart bigger than his brain.” I ask her what it means, dealing with the Winters, and she says what I already know—they’re enemies of the Lady of Light, they’ll always take something from you that turns out to be more than you can give. They deal dirty. DEALING. What’s he trading with?
He’s smart, and very old, and this is his world. He’ll know how to keep it together.
If I knew what I wanted, that would make it easier. This. If I have to leave him, if this is trouble, I should do it now.
Can’t always tell what Blossom wants me to do—she’s a doll and most of the time it’s all fun and mead and new clothes with her—but there was a look in her eyes. She doesn’t think J would do it right, he wouldn’t think, he could screw things up, not between me and him but maybe for the Summer Court in general. Is he that crucial? He’s a knight. That means something. She thinks what he does has weight that he doesn’t think out.
Politics. This is over my head. Am I the one who has to say—let’s not? If you give me this it could hurt someone else?
“This.” I don’t even know what “this” means. It means probably never seeing Mom and the girls again. Dad. They’d notice how it changed me? I’m not going to be fey, I’m just not going to get old and die. I won’t get to where I can’t ride in a car or something because I can’t stand iron. And God, I hope I’ll still be able to lie.
Not enough information, can’t solve this equation.
I was amazed by my sister. I ran my fingertips over the bumpy page filled with her blue handwriting. And I felt a blur of shame and envy that made me clench my limbs in tight: I had a fey lover too, and being in the Summer Court had made me feel like I was special somehow. Beautiful, even. But no one was talking about me living forever. Margaret found a refuge, and people who loved her, and a way to be young and stay with Jerome for eternity. I had been resisting the Realm all this time, but Margaret embraced it.
And it had ended her life, way sooner than her life would have ended if she’d stayed away from the fey. And very soon, the fey were going to end mine and Laura’s. For a second I wanted to blame Margaret, but I knew deep down that she hadn’t done anything on purpose to put us in danger. She might not even have known about the Woodcutter and his big assignment to turn all three of us into trophies.
I read the next two entries fast, looking for clues about what happened next. By the end of the year, she and Jerome had reached a truce on the question of Margaret becoming immortal. She didn’t trust that Jerome entirely knew what he was doing—Blossom had convinced her on that point—and in the very long history of Faerie, no mortal had ever before succeeded in “crossing over.” Living forever. I’d have heard of that by now, right? I wondered. And I thought about Nicky telling me that when mortals tried to mess with fey magic for their own gain, it usually backfired.
But then, on March 9, 2011, something must have happened to change Margaret’s mind.
I’m going to do it. I’m going to do it! This is the most important thing I could do. Beautiful beautiful beautiful. My life. My FATE! The first little tiny 22 years will be nothing but a tiny pebble memory. I can travel to every country multiple times. Watch history come and go.
Live out other people’s entire lifetimes. Sad. Am I sad about that? What will I tell the girls? In 10 or 20 years, when they’re getting wrinkles and I’m not aging at all? Seems shallow but it’ll be a real thing.
And I can be with J, a real marriage. Should I worry that he would not marry me otherwise? I can still die—so can he—we could get hit by a train or be shot in line at the DMV. But no sickness, no natural death. It’s all going to be all right. In 50 years I’ll be laughing at my stupid fears.
Oh oh it’s going to be—what I needed when I came to the Realm. Magic in me. Nothing can touch me now. I’ll really, finally be one of the Court.
The season turns in less than 2 weeks. And I will live forever.
She did it. She actually went through with it. Why didn’t Blossom and Nicky tell me? I knew they hadn’t gotten married. Jerome told me they’d gone to Afghanistan together as a way of kicking off their new lives.
Forever. Whatever that was supposed to mean. She only lived for one more year.
Mayday, 2011
I didn’t think it would be like this.
The Lady asked J to leave on his own. It’ll solve some of the difficulties. She says.
It started right away, the Winter Court sending emissaries to her, formal requests for parley at first, trying to set up a battle. Then nastier messages. Says J. I don’t follow it all. Blossom came to me with a backpack full of waybread and a spider cloak lighter than air and the thing that I knew made it a real parting gift, a bottle of rosewater from her clan’s private still. She said it would be better if we both left, on our own. It would minimize the worst. The spell for immortality will wait.
Timothy says this is going to start a war. Not the skirmishes and token-stealing that go on every time a new knight is made, some Summer boy with a braid of some Winter boy’s hair pinned to his vest. But this is much worse. This is real.
The Lady gave us until the seasons turn twice. We have to be gone by the first day of autumn. We can return, she says. Let them win this brewing war. The best way to help them is to be out of the way. They have the force and the gathered will, but it would be best if the tempting center point were removed. She said. That’s me, the mortal girl who is going to lick the odds, and the boy who’s making me fey by trading with the Summer Court’s enemies.
So—I’ll get my stuff together for Doctors Without Borders, back in the World. J can persuade them to take me. He has ties. We’ll meet there together and let this adventure begin in earnest. Alone, together, doing what we said we wanted to be doing anyway. I wonder if there’ll be a way to get back home again.
A tiny stampede was drawn in blue pencil across the next page. A muscular horse tossed its mane and kicked up a cloud of butterflies. Smaller horses galloped behind it, out from between two dark mountains. I looked at the thicket of blue hatch marks and thought she never became immortal. She never got married. They took everything from her: her hope, her home, her life. A deep chill grew under my ribs. Somehow pushing Margaret out of the Realm to head off a political skirmish felt like the coldest fey crime yet.
Then she got to Afghanistan.
September 4, 2011
WOW culture shock. They were not KIDDING. There’s no way I can last here. And I haven’t even started working yet. This is Day 2 of training. I sleep in a bunk bed. “Sleep” is a relative term. What I actually do is lie there counting the stains on the mattress above me and squeak at every noise I hear outside. Michele—roommate—she’s nice. Experienced, or more than a lot of us. She did MSF in the Congo. She’s only 26 but she’s been all over the world. Me, I want to go straight back to California before the sun sets on this horrible desert one more time.
The dust is like a wild animal. The wind and the dust. I thought I’d fight wearing a head scarf, but I slap Blossom’s spider-silk right over my face if anyone even mentions going out. Just the ride here from the airport alone was enough to finish me off. Me and my idealistic ass. I’m going to go home and become a soccer mom just like Mom always wanted. I could not believe the gutted buildings. You can’t change the channel on the real thing, complete with sand in your eyes and stink in the air and destitute little kids coming up to your car. They don’t even beg—they just stand there. Dr. Christie (he keeps telling me to call him Hermann, but I doubt that’ll ever take, not after the pre-med brainwashing) told me not to give them anything. He actually said “the poor will be with you always—that’s from the Bible.” But he’s not a Jesus freak or anything. His wife gave him a t-shirt that says In Goddess We Trust that he sleeps in. She’s here too most of the time, on leave in Canada right now.
Then there’s my own Canadian doctor. J got here a week before me: perfect to get oriented and scope out a way for us to be together. We had to fly separately. We should have been able to swing this thing as husband and wife, only you have to be 24 to get family housing. Funny. Wonder what my ID will look like when I’m 40. I won’t get old.
All right. Try to stick it out. Reasons: 1) walk of shame if I went back home. 2) doing the right thing with MSF, or so I always thought before I got here and realized how mind-bogglingly unprepared I am. Remember. This is the work you want to be doing. 3) possible student loan forgiveness, if I make it out of here alive. And a possible better chance at a good hospital, after med school, ditto. I do still want to do this work. 4) J. We can have a life here, together, figure out how we want to do this thing. My fiancé. He brought me pomegranates when I got here. We’ll be married when we go back home. Whenever that is.
The bottom of the page was filled in by a blue pomegranate tree that grew up the sides and cupped the last paragraph with curling leaves. I wanted to eat a pomegranate right then, feel the seeds explode in my molars. The two breezy letters Margaret had sent home were nothing like her diary. These pages were full of doubt and verve and her unfiltered mind. I never knew her, not really. I never will. The brick of grief in my gut loosened, and I felt crying start in the back of my throat, the crying you feel before the tears actually come.
I read about her and Jerome having picnics on the dusty back stoop of the office, where Margaret wouldn’t have to wear her headscarf and they wouldn’t have to worry about the curfew that clamped down on the city like a pot lid at night. They would climb up on the roof to watch the moon and the dim city stars. Fall started, and Margaret noted that day in her diary, but there were no consequences from the Realm. Or any word from the Summer Queen. She was sad about that. She said she curled up into herself more every day.
By the next month, she and Jerome were fighting.
October 20, 2011
Oh my God, what the HELL is the matter with me? I let a boy put me in this position AGAIN? I hate Jerome for calling me limited. Damaged. Why would I confide in him? He’s just a stupid bighead doctor. No room in that crowded little psyche for anyone but Jerome.
Never give your heart to the fey. No kidding.
And I freeze up. Damage damage damage. He gets under my skin because he’s RIGHT. I can’t remember what my argument is when he’s there, just stare at that patch of plaster coming out through the wall over his head and lose my mind.
Don’t tell a boy you were… whatever. Attacked. Mauled. By your brother and his steady stream of paying friends. There’s no way he won’t take it personally. As a challenge. Just another hill of turf to piss on. Why did I turn out like this? Running from my ghosts all the way to Afghanistan, only to find them sitting there with a warm Pepsi, waiting for me to account for myself.
Running all the way to the Faerie Realm. And it’s mine all mine, my sack of stones, still there on my back.
And there’s the R dream, back again on nightly reruns. Like being awake is such a relief in this concrete breadbox with 4 Canadians who lost all their hope somewhere between customs and the UN aid distribution center. I don’t want to think about R. I want to think about stupid bighead J and how I can get him on a plane back to SF so I can have some privacy. In this gigantic empty desert of a country, I can’t take one step without him underfoot. I swear I’m going to go embedded. Put on a burka and a pair of army boots, everybody’ll think I’m a male reporter. Problem solved.
I almost threw up today. In the kitchen. Jerome bounded off in his stupid boundy floppy-hair way to go do some important world-saving in the stockroom, and the walls spun. Just like before. But then—can’t take a step without a doctor underfoot—there’s Hermann, singing When Johnny Comes Marching Home, horrible morbid song, fussing with the Great Canadian Teapot, not leaving me alone. That guy always wants an audience. His wife needs to come back to town so we can all have a night off.
I’m an asshole. Nothing wrong with Hermann.
And I didn’t throw up. Because I don’t DO that anymore. Because I’m a tough bitch and I have to take care of myself.
All right, stop. I don’t want Michele to see me crying. God help me, she’ll want to talk girl talk.
I read that page over and over again until the letters didn’t look like an alphabet I knew anymore. By your brother and his steady stream of paying friends. I felt my body ice over. I felt my organs stop working. I was not taking that information in. My body was rejecting it. I looked at my hands, still dirty from being in the woods today, shaking now on the satin edges of my sister’s diary. I couldn’t feel them. I pushed air out through my teeth to see if I was breathing. Your brother and his steady stream of paying friends. I’d always known Robert had done something sexual to Margaret, ever since she explained to me and Laura why he was really moving out, but she didn’t tell us anything specific. I realized now that I’d let myself assume it only happened once, that it didn’t hurt, that it was just Robert. That was all awful enough. I never guessed it was this. Gang rape. I made the words march across the screen of my brain, but I couldn’t make them mean anything.
Oh, Margaret. And not even your fiancé understood.
That scared little doctor was almost my brother-in-law. I let that parallel universe unscroll for a second in my head. He’d be sitting in my chair at the kitchen table at Thanksgiving, saying “White or dark?” with carving tools in his colorless hands. Margaret would have a half-fey toddler on her lap who would probably only eat larvae or something. Margaret’s whole future. It was all in my imagination now.
Three or four pages from the end, I found the real clue.
December 22, 2011
Oh. Innocence. Is it over for me here? Midwinter last night. The masked ball. Now that’s random, some formal dance in the middle of—Kabul. And everything that means. But of course I wasn’t IN Kabul last night. Wasn’t in the mortal world at all. I’ll never understand how that works.
Quit stalling.
Robert was there. FUCKING ROBERT. I know it was him.
The long mask faces, hooked bird noses. Plague Doctors, that’s who they were supposed to be, but it was Robert.
I don’t even know if he saw me. But how could he not? I recognized him.
It doesn’t help / Jesus CHRIST I haven’t seen him, not even SEEN him in, since that hideous Xmas they tried to bring us all back together when I was 15 / it does not help that he wore a mask like that back then. Those days. Then. Just say it. The years from when to when, I don’t even remember far enough back. It was him and his friends, then. Ski mask on that gorilla of a boy. I’m older than all of them now. The virgin boy. I wasn’t a virgin then. I was 9 that time.
But this is now, last night. 2011. This year. In my place of refuge.
I must have let out a sound then, when I read that, because Neil said “Everything okay?” And then he looked at my face, and then he was on the couch next to me.
I just shook my head. If I tried to answer, I’d probably start singing. I pointed at the page, my finger on the nine. “I’m almost done,” I said, or I tried to. My voice came out like torn paper.
Neil glanced at the page and gasped like he’d been slapped. He jumped up and ran out of the room. I was afraid he was going to throw something, but he came back with a roll of toilet paper. “Here.” He handed it to me.
“I’m… thanks.” I hadn’t even known I was crying. “I’m almost done, and then we can figure this out, okay?”
“I don’t even know what to say. Yeah. Let me read it when you’re done,” he said.
There was only one more entry.
December 23, 2011
I talked to Jerome. Fuck fuck fuck this is fucked.
Twice a year, at a feast, the Winter and Summer Courts come together. Or—all the Folk are invited. I never heard of Blossom or Sadie or… well, Jerome and Timothy would have, they DID go to the Winter revel last year. Look where that got me. Anyway, it’s a time of truce. Exiles are invited home for one night. So, Midwinter revel on neutral turf, Winter fey are there. Not many. Slinking around. Some skeevy-looking creatures, and then clumps of elves in masks. What else could they be? They looked human, people-sized, usual number of legs, normal hair. There were men and women dressed for a regular revel, the whole range of funky Edwardian to animal skins to the boy in the corset made of actual tiny whales that were swimming up and down his spine. God. I love the fey. But they all had these feather masks, peacock or raven or that one that was all one huge white feather. Blossom told me everyone in a mask was Winter, that’s just how they do it, everyone knows who they are, it’s like your neighbor kid trick-or-treating. Anyway. Then there were six or seven elves, all men, in those Italian masks with gold paint. And at least three Plague Doctors.
I came apart then, back to the tree, mead in me, wanted more. Wanted
Yeah. But I said I’d stay. Alive. I said I’d stay alive. It would hurt Jerome, if he was mortal I’d be saying it would kill him. It would hurt Mom and the girls and Dad. And Robert would win. That’s what it would do.
It would be bad if I was immortal. Bad and crazy and I would need to die every day and I could not. Can they even commit suicide? Could I? I won’t be fey, I just won’t be able to get old. For this ever to end.
But it’s not every day, I know it’s not. Anyway.
If it wasn’t Robert, that elf was his height (thank you 15-yo hypervigilance, I could indeed pick my brother out of a lineup, he is 5’10, I come up to his ear), and had his hair, and his hideous red overgrown hands. And spoke with his voice.
And said, I hope you’ve said your prayers. You won’t see spring.
So it wasn’t an elf, it was R, and he was with the Winter fey, and that is fucked fucked fucked. Because I’m not safe there after all. Because I have no home anywhere now. Because now it’s him and what army.
He said You and what army? when I said I’d kill him. Then. Now he has one.
Rock rock rock. Shake. Die. Just die here in this clean white paper, J doesn’t have to know.
My brother Robert went to the Realm. He was with the Winter Folk. He’d been theirs all along.
He’d threatened Margaret at that party. You won’t see spring.
The book hit the floor as realization sank in. It’s Robert. He’s the Woodcutter.