

Preface: Demonic Possession

1. Moving In

2. What Stephen Heard

3. Settling In

4. More Voices

5. Summer into Fall I

6. Sleeping Downstairs

7. More Visitors

8. School’s In

9. Sleepless Thoughts

10. Making a Deal

11. Changes

12. Ghosts of Christmas Present

13. The New Year Begins

14. Winter into Spring

15. House Guests

16. Laura

17. Summer into Fall II

18. The Ghost Hunters

19. The Darkness Closes In

20. A Skeptical Blessing

21. Physical Attacks

22. A Prison Without Bars

23. The Investigation Begins

24. The Researchers

25. Demons Under Scrutiny

26. Attention from the Church

27. Father Nolan

28. The Exorcism

29. A Few Months Later
