1 [Originally published as part of “Die Erdbedingtheit der Psyche.” in the symposium Mensch und Erde, edited by Count Hermann Keyserling (Darmstadt, 1927). (The other part became the essay “Seele und Erde,” which is now published as “Mind and Earth” in Vol. 10 of the Collected Works.) The present work, constituting about the first half of the 1927 publication, was published as “Die Struktur der Seele,” Europaische Revue (Berlin), IV (1928), 1 and 2. It was later revised and expanded in Seelenprobleme der Gegenwart (Psychologische Abhandlungen, III; Zurich, 1931), and this version is translated here.—EDITORS.]

2 Trans. from German, Life in Ancient Egypt, pp. 265–67, modified.

3 [Eine Mithrasliturgie, pp. 6–7. As the author subsequently learned, the 1910 edition was actually the second, there having been a first edition in 1903. The patient had, however, been committed some years before 1903. Cf. Symbols of Transformation, pars. 149ff. and 223, and “The Concept of the Collective Unconscious,” par. 105.—EDITORS.]