Chapter 14. Simple Linear Regression

Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.

G. K. Chesterton

In Chapter 5, we used the correlation function to measure the strength of the linear relationship between two variables. For most applications, knowing that such a linear relationship exists isn’t enough. We’ll want to understand the nature of the relationship. This is where we’ll use simple linear regression.

The Model

Recall that we were investigating the relationship between a DataSciencester user’s number of friends and the amount of time the user spends on the site each day. Let’s assume that you’ve convinced yourself that having more friends causes people to spend more time on the site, rather than one of the alternative explanations we discussed.

The VP of Engagement asks you to build a model describing this relationship. Since you found a pretty strong linear relationship, a natural place to start is a linear model.

In particular, you hypothesize that there are constants α (alpha) and β (beta) such that:

y i = β x i + α + ε i

where y i is the number of minutes user i spends on the site daily, x i is the number of friends user i has, and ε is a (hopefully small) error term representing the fact that there are other factors not accounted for by this simple model.

Assuming we’ve determined such an alpha and beta, then we make predictions simply with:

def predict(alpha: float, beta: float, x_i: float) -> float:
    return beta * x_i + alpha

How do we choose alpha and beta? Well, any choice of alpha and beta gives us a predicted output for each input x_i. Since we know the actual output y_i, we can compute the error for each pair:

def error(alpha: float, beta: float, x_i: float, y_i: float) -> float:
    The error from predicting beta * x_i + alpha
    when the actual value is y_i
    return predict(alpha, beta, x_i) - y_i

What we’d really like to know is the total error over the entire dataset. But we don’t want to just add the errors—if the prediction for x_1 is too high and the prediction for x_2 is too low, the errors may just cancel out.

So instead we add up the squared errors:

from scratch.linear_algebra import Vector

def sum_of_sqerrors(alpha: float, beta: float, x: Vector, y: Vector) -> float:
    return sum(error(alpha, beta, x_i, y_i) ** 2
               for x_i, y_i in zip(x, y))

The least squares solution is to choose the alpha and beta that make sum_of_sqerrors as small as possible.

Using calculus (or tedious algebra), the error-minimizing alpha and beta are given by:

from typing import Tuple
from scratch.linear_algebra import Vector
from scratch.statistics import correlation, standard_deviation, mean

def least_squares_fit(x: Vector, y: Vector) -> Tuple[float, float]:
    Given two vectors x and y,
    find the least-squares values of alpha and beta
    beta = correlation(x, y) * standard_deviation(y) / standard_deviation(x)
    alpha = mean(y) - beta * mean(x)
    return alpha, beta

Without going through the exact mathematics, let’s think about why this might be a reasonable solution. The choice of alpha simply says that when we see the average value of the independent variable x, we predict the average value of the dependent variable y.

The choice of beta means that when the input value increases by standard_deviation(x), the prediction then increases by correlation(x, y) * standard_deviation(y). In the case where x and y are perfectly correlated, a one-standard-deviation increase in x results in a one-standard-deviation-of-y increase in the prediction. When they’re perfectly anticorrelated, the increase in x results in a decrease in the prediction. And when the correlation is 0, beta is 0, which means that changes in x don’t affect the prediction at all.

As usual, let’s write a quick test for this:

x = [i for i in range(-100, 110, 10)]
y = [3 * i - 5 for i in x]

# Should find that y = 3x - 5
assert least_squares_fit(x, y) == (-5, 3)

Now it’s easy to apply this to the outlierless data from Chapter 5:

from scratch.statistics import num_friends_good, daily_minutes_good

alpha, beta = least_squares_fit(num_friends_good, daily_minutes_good)
assert 22.9 < alpha < 23.0
assert 0.9 < beta < 0.905

This gives values of alpha = 22.95 and beta = 0.903. So our model says that we expect a user with n friends to spend 22.95 + n * 0.903 minutes on the site each day. That is, we predict that a user with no friends on DataSciencester would still spend about 23 minutes a day on the site. And for each additional friend, we expect a user to spend almost a minute more on the site each day.

In Figure 14-1, we plot the prediction line to get a sense of how well the model fits the observed data.

Simple Linear Regression.
Figure 14-1. Our simple linear model

Of course, we need a better way to figure out how well we’ve fit the data than staring at the graph. A common measure is the coefficient of determination (or R-squared), which measures the fraction of the total variation in the dependent variable that is captured by the model:

from scratch.statistics import de_mean

def total_sum_of_squares(y: Vector) -> float:
    """the total squared variation of y_i's from their mean"""
    return sum(v ** 2 for v in de_mean(y))

def r_squared(alpha: float, beta: float, x: Vector, y: Vector) -> float:
    the fraction of variation in y captured by the model, which equals
    1 - the fraction of variation in y not captured by the model
    return 1.0 - (sum_of_sqerrors(alpha, beta, x, y) /

rsq = r_squared(alpha, beta, num_friends_good, daily_minutes_good)
assert 0.328 < rsq < 0.330

Recall that we chose the alpha and beta that minimized the sum of the squared prediction errors. A linear model we could have chosen is “always predict mean(y)” (corresponding to alpha = mean(y) and beta = 0), whose sum of squared errors exactly equals its total sum of squares. This means an R-squared of 0, which indicates a model that (obviously, in this case) performs no better than just predicting the mean.

Clearly, the least squares model must be at least as good as that one, which means that the sum of the squared errors is at most the total sum of squares, which means that the R-squared must be at least 0. And the sum of squared errors must be at least 0, which means that the R-squared can be at most 1.

The higher the number, the better our model fits the data. Here we calculate an R-squared of 0.329, which tells us that our model is only sort of okay at fitting the data, and that clearly there are other factors at play.