Chapter 16. Logistic Regression

A lot of people say there’s a fine line between genius and insanity. I don’t think there’s a fine line, I actually think there’s a yawning gulf.

Bill Bailey

In Chapter 1, we briefly looked at the problem of trying to predict which DataSciencester users paid for premium accounts. Here we’ll revisit that problem.

The Problem

We have an anonymized dataset of about 200 users, containing each user’s salary, her years of experience as a data scientist, and whether she paid for a premium account (Figure 16-1). As is typical with categorical variables, we represent the dependent variable as either 0 (no premium account) or 1 (premium account).

As usual, our data is a list of rows [experience, salary, paid_account]. Let’s turn it into the format we need:

xs = [[1.0] + row[:2] for row in data]  # [1, experience, salary]
ys = [row[2] for row in data]           # paid_account

An obvious first attempt is to use linear regression and find the best model:

paid account = β 0 + β 1 experience + β 2 salary + ε
Paid and Unpaid Users.
Figure 16-1. Paid and unpaid users

And certainly, there’s nothing preventing us from modeling the problem this way. The results are shown in Figure 16-2:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scratch.working_with_data import rescale
from scratch.multiple_regression import least_squares_fit, predict
from scratch.gradient_descent import gradient_step

learning_rate = 0.001
rescaled_xs = rescale(xs)
beta = least_squares_fit(rescaled_xs, ys, learning_rate, 1000, 1)
# [0.26, 0.43, -0.43]
predictions = [predict(x_i, beta) for x_i in rescaled_xs]

plt.scatter(predictions, ys)
Using Linear Regression to Predict Premium Accounts.
Figure 16-2. Using linear regression to predict premium accounts

But this approach leads to a couple of immediate problems:

  • We’d like for our predicted outputs to be 0 or 1, to indicate class membership. It’s fine if they’re between 0 and 1, since we can interpret these as probabilities—an output of 0.25 could mean 25% chance of being a paid member. But the outputs of the linear model can be huge positive numbers or even negative numbers, which it’s not clear how to interpret. Indeed, here a lot of our predictions were negative.

  • The linear regression model assumed that the errors were uncorrelated with the columns of x. But here, the regression coefficient for experience is 0.43, indicating that more experience leads to a greater likelihood of a premium account. This means that our model outputs very large values for people with lots of experience. But we know that the actual values must be at most 1, which means that necessarily very large outputs (and therefore very large values of experience) correspond to very large negative values of the error term. Because this is the case, our estimate of beta is biased.

What we’d like instead is for large positive values of dot(x_i, beta) to correspond to probabilities close to 1, and for large negative values to correspond to probabilities close to 0. We can accomplish this by applying another function to the result.

The Logistic Function

In the case of logistic regression, we use the logistic function, pictured in Figure 16-3:

def logistic(x: float) -> float:
    return 1.0 / (1 + math.exp(-x))
Logistic function.
Figure 16-3. The logistic function

As its input gets large and positive, it gets closer and closer to 1. As its input gets large and negative, it gets closer and closer to 0. Additionally, it has the convenient property that its derivative is given by:

def logistic_prime(x: float) -> float:
    y = logistic(x)
    return y * (1 - y)

which we’ll make use of in a bit. We’ll use this to fit a model:

y i = f ( x i β ) + ε i

where f is the logistic function.

Recall that for linear regression we fit the model by minimizing the sum of squared errors, which ended up choosing the β that maximized the likelihood of the data.

Here the two aren’t equivalent, so we’ll use gradient descent to maximize the likelihood directly. This means we need to calculate the likelihood function and its gradient.

Given some β, our model says that each y i should equal 1 with probability f ( x i β ) and 0 with probability 1 - f ( x i β ) .

In particular, the PDF for y i can be written as:

p ( y i | x i , β ) = f (x i β) y i (1-f(x i β)) 1-y i

since if y i is 0, this equals:

1 - f ( x i β )

and if y i is 1, it equals:

f ( x i β )

It turns out that it’s actually simpler to maximize the log likelihood:

log L ( β | x i , y i ) = y i log f ( x i β ) + ( 1 - y i ) log ( 1 - f ( x i β ) )

Because log is a strictly increasing function, any beta that maximizes the log likelihood also maximizes the likelihood, and vice versa. Because gradient descent minimizes things, we’ll actually work with the negative log likelihood, since maximizing the likelihood is the same as minimizing its negative:

import math
from scratch.linear_algebra import Vector, dot

def _negative_log_likelihood(x: Vector, y: float, beta: Vector) -> float:
    """The negative log likelihood for one data point"""
    if y == 1:
        return -math.log(logistic(dot(x, beta)))
        return -math.log(1 - logistic(dot(x, beta)))

If we assume different data points are independent from one another, the overall likelihood is just the product of the individual likelihoods. That means the overall log likelihood is the sum of the individual log likelihoods:

from typing import List

def negative_log_likelihood(xs: List[Vector],
                            ys: List[float],
                            beta: Vector) -> float:
    return sum(_negative_log_likelihood(x, y, beta)
               for x, y in zip(xs, ys))

A little bit of calculus gives us the gradient:

from scratch.linear_algebra import vector_sum

def _negative_log_partial_j(x: Vector, y: float, beta: Vector, j: int) -> float:
    The jth partial derivative for one data point.
    Here i is the index of the data point.
    return -(y - logistic(dot(x, beta))) * x[j]

def _negative_log_gradient(x: Vector, y: float, beta: Vector) -> Vector:
    The gradient for one data point.
    return [_negative_log_partial_j(x, y, beta, j)
            for j in range(len(beta))]

def negative_log_gradient(xs: List[Vector],
                          ys: List[float],
                          beta: Vector) -> Vector:
    return vector_sum([_negative_log_gradient(x, y, beta)
                       for x, y in zip(xs, ys)])

at which point we have all the pieces we need.

Applying the Model

We’ll want to split our data into a training set and a test set:

from scratch.machine_learning import train_test_split
import random
import tqdm

x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(rescaled_xs, ys, 0.33)

learning_rate = 0.01

# pick a random starting point
beta = [random.random() for _ in range(3)]

with tqdm.trange(5000) as t:
    for epoch in t:
        gradient = negative_log_gradient(x_train, y_train, beta)
        beta = gradient_step(beta, gradient, -learning_rate)
        loss = negative_log_likelihood(x_train, y_train, beta)
        t.set_description(f"loss: {loss:.3f} beta: {beta}")

after which we find that beta is approximately:

[-2.0, 4.7, -4.5]

These are coefficients for the rescaled data, but we can transform them back to the original data as well:

from scratch.working_with_data import scale

means, stdevs = scale(xs)
beta_unscaled = [(beta[0]
                  - beta[1] * means[1] / stdevs[1]
                  - beta[2] * means[2] / stdevs[2]),
                 beta[1] / stdevs[1],
                 beta[2] / stdevs[2]]
# [8.9, 1.6, -0.000288]

Unfortunately, these are not as easy to interpret as linear regression coefficients. All else being equal, an extra year of experience adds 1.6 to the input of logistic. All else being equal, an extra $10,000 of salary subtracts 2.88 from the input of logistic.

The impact on the output, however, depends on the other inputs as well. If dot(beta, x_i) is already large (corresponding to a probability close to 1), increasing it even by a lot cannot affect the probability very much. If it’s close to 0, increasing it just a little might increase the probability quite a bit.

What we can say is that—all else being equal—people with more experience are more likely to pay for accounts. And that—all else being equal—people with higher salaries are less likely to pay for accounts. (This was also somewhat apparent when we plotted the data.)

Support Vector Machines

The set of points where dot(beta, x_i) equals 0 is the boundary between our classes. We can plot this to see exactly what our model is doing (Figure 16-5).

Paid and Unpaid Users With Decision Boundary.
Figure 16-5. Paid and unpaid users with decision boundary

This boundary is a hyperplane that splits the parameter space into two half-spaces corresponding to predict paid and predict unpaid. We found it as a side effect of finding the most likely logistic model.

An alternative approach to classification is to just look for the hyperplane that “best” separates the classes in the training data. This is the idea behind the support vector machine, which finds the hyperplane that maximizes the distance to the nearest point in each class (Figure 16-6).

A Separating Hyperplane
Figure 16-6. A separating hyperplane

Finding such a hyperplane is an optimization problem that involves techniques that are too advanced for us. A different problem is that a separating hyperplane might not exist at all. In our “who pays?” dataset there simply is no line that perfectly separates the paid users from the unpaid users.

We can sometimes get around this by transforming the data into a higher-dimensional space. For example, consider the simple one-dimensional dataset shown in Figure 16-7.

A Non-Separable One-Dimensional Data set
Figure 16-7. A nonseparable one-dimensional dataset

It’s clear that there’s no hyperplane that separates the positive examples from the negative ones. However, look at what happens when we map this dataset to two dimensions by sending the point x to (x, x**2). Suddenly it’s possible to find a hyperplane that splits the data (Figure 16-8).

Becomes Separable In Higher Dimensions
Figure 16-8. Dataset becomes separable in higher dimensions

This is usually called the kernel trick because rather than actually mapping the points into the higher-dimensional space (which could be expensive if there are a lot of points and the mapping is complicated), we can use a “kernel” function to compute dot products in the higher-dimensional space and use those to find a hyperplane.

It’s hard (and probably not a good idea) to use support vector machines without relying on specialized optimization software written by people with the appropriate expertise, so we’ll have to leave our treatment here.