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Cruz smiled when he didn't receive an answer. "You did." He seemed pleased that he could confirm his suspicion, that he was correct in his guess that Nash did indeed know who he was. "I'm sure I do not have to tell you how easy it is to crash a party. You remember. How easily Blue walked right in unnoticed." He shrugged off his resting place and walked toward Nash.
Marco waved a hand toward the crowd circling outside, totally oblivious to the surrounding circumstances. "It amazes me how people can be manipulated by fame. Who cares if I am a suspected criminal? I wrote a book, a scandalous, juicy one. Rich people love their scandals and gossip."
Nash snorted, but gave no other response.
"I can tell you I am retired from the game, but I don't think you will believe me." He continued, not caring if Nash talked back or not. "I still dabble and I also like to keep abreast of who's doing the chasing these days." He pointed a finger. "You've wormed yourself loosely into my world, special agent. While I understand it happens, I don't approve."
"Excuse me. What?"
He lifted a hand to stay off the rest of the conversation. "Criminals and cops should not intermingle. Criminals are bad. Cops are good. It's the way it should be."
"I hope you're not expecting me to disagree with you," Nash scoffed.
Cruz laughed, loud and long. "No, I'm not. We have someone in common, and that's who I want to talk about. That is admittedly what I brought you in here for. We are dancing around the issue, or around her, more specifically."
Nash recognized when someone was trying to play him. Marco had been dropping hints and dragging out the conversation, but for what purpose, Nash didn't know yet. Yes, of course he realized who the damn man was talking about. Nash wanted to roll his eyes as he sneered to himself. He kept his face and tone neutral, however, when he said, "Sure. Tell me about it."
"You're trying to humor me now, which disappoints me. I saw you here earlier, admiring the Hope Diamond. Does it remind you? I wondered for a long time if you realized. If you made that ill-advised personal decision to marry, even knowing what she was."
"And?" Something burned deep in his gut.
"She's like that diamond: beautiful, and a killer. Did you know The Hope had taken ten victims?" Cruz stopped wandering and cocked his head to stare at Nash. "You appear confused. I'm talking about your wife, special agent. Did you think she was just pretty fluff?"
"I'm not aware of Blue committing any murder. Thefts, I'm sure, more than I want to hear about, but killing? I don't think so." Nash shook his head.
"Fooled you, I see. Fooled me as well. I have one regret, one piece of unfinished business from my criminal days. One apprentice I could never control. I preferred for her to be more like The Heart of Eternity. I wanted her to be beautiful but pliable, bent to my will. Between us, she's a tricky thing, sly. I want Blue, Agent Storm. I can give you back your squeaky-clean record." Like the devil whispering in someone's ear, Marco dropped what he thought was a carrot. But no one suspected Nash's dirty little secret.
Nash focused on a display, breathing in and out as he counted to ten. "Mr. Cruz, if you are retired, stay that way. Take a vacation. Pick up a hobby. But you will want to stay away from my wife." As he said the words, he knew it was a mistake.
"Think carefully," Marco said as Nash moved for the door. "Sentiment over duty is never a smart choice. Besides, you're not with her anymore. I intend to ensure she comes back to me."
Fury bubbled, and Nash lunged for him, growling. "Try it. You'll find that I'm not so good after all."
Marco danced out of the way, narrowly escaping Nash's hands as they grazed his neck. The bodyguard didn't give Nash time to counter, to go after Cruz again. The man hit him like a battering ram, delivering a punishing blow as they drove into the wall behind them. An explosion of stars burst inside Nash's head as it bounced off the wood paneling. He hoped that the crack he heard was for it and not a part of his skull.
Disgusted to find himself in an almost lover-like bear hug, Nash couldn't believe how effective the move was. It thoroughly pinned him, arms banded under the arms of the other man's. "Mr. Cruz has not dismissed you," the man snarled, picking him up, toes almost dangling above the floor, and presented him back to his boss. Like some goddamn prize.
"I'm done with him," Nash growled low.
With a slight movement of his head, Cruz called off his goons. "Remember, I could make it very difficult for you and her."
The thug finally dropped him, but positioned himself to block Nash from trying to leave again. Nash stood eye to eye with the man, ready to take him out, fists balled at his sides. "There isn't anything you can do to either of us. In fact, you can't find her. So I don't envision that becoming a problem."
Nash glanced over as his partner slipped up behind the bodyguard unnoticed and jabbed a gun into his side. The other dropped like a ton of bricks, hitting the floor so that his elbows cracked against the tile and his knees twisted viciously, curling under him as he spasmed. Telltale prongs stuck into his back as he convulsed on the floor, but Nash hadn't glimpsed who had fired the taser—helping them.
Nash looked at Cruz. "You will want to tell him to move or this may get uglier."
Cruz held up a hand, not voicing his command. Clearly, this man wanted to continue the fight as much as Nash did. He breathed heavy, chest pumping like bellows, trying to wrangle himself in, but he stepped out of the way.
"Leave her alone," Nash pointed, giving his own directive before he turned away and walked through the whispering and staring crowd.
"Who was he talking about, her? Do we need to talk to security?" Cam rushed to catch up, firing off questions as he did.
"I imagine that security is probably coming to us. Did you see who had the taser?"
Nash stopped abruptly, whirling to grip Cam's arm.
"Yeah. Well, no, not really. It looked like a blonde in a dark blue dress, but frankly I didn't get a solid look. I thought it was Lia, but then I remembered she had on a different colored dress.... and she left. Lia would never have left."
Nash had an idea. Of course, he would not share his suspicions just yet with Cam, but it would not surprise him at all to find out that Blue had been there the whole time.
"Why didn't you tell me you knew Cruz?" Cam asked.
Nash waved to one of the security guys who was trying to rush through the crowd. Their response time was spectacular, considering that the place was jammed full. "I have never encountered him before," Nash denied.
"Cruz sure the hell seems to know you," Cam accused.
"He just thinks he does." Nash waited until the security guy joined him.
"Yes, sir?"
"What's your name?" Nash asked, flashing his badge.
"Albert Bray, sir," the man said. He stood winded, but perfectly put together in his security uniform. A fine sheen of sweat faintly coated the top of his forehead, but his eyes wore a determined expression. This was a man that would take any threats seriously.
"Okay, Albert, listen. There is a man named Marco Cruz. He's a suspected cat burglar. You need to monitor him and alert the security room so they can watch the videos."
"Right away, sir." He rounded on his heel, fingers already pressed to his earpiece.