I wish to thank the following people.

Fleur Beale who spent 14 months trying to get me to sit down long enough to put this together. You have done an amazing job.

To Bev, my wife for the past 13 years, who took on six kids and me, which makes seven kids. Thank you for being part of our lives. Thank you Mitch, you were two years old when you joined this full-on family and you are now very much part of us.

To my brother John and my sisters Faith and Mercy, thank you for your support and help throughout the years.

To my late brother Michael, thank you for your friendship, support and laughter. You are always in our thoughts.

To the Wenborn family, thank you for your support in the early years.

To Wes and Ellen Anderson, thank you for giving so much of your love. Your gift of the use of the bach in the Sounds made so much of this possible.

To Melanie Reid from TV3, thank you for your courage in helping bring this story to life through your documentaries, and for your willingness to experience the pain and struggle with us.

To my dear friends in America, the Hutterite people who helped so much: thank you for three wonderful years.

To all the many others who helped us in so many ways: thank you.

Lastly to my children: thank you for being who you are. This journey with all its ups and downs has often been difficult, but we are stronger for the experience.

I love you all.

Phil Cooper