Copyright & License Notes
TICKET TO DIE, Copyright 2015 The Writers Canvas, LLC, Author Elaine Calloway
Cover art by Taryn Knight, Leafbreeze Creations, Copyright 2015
This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book is copyrighted and may not be sold or duplicated in any form without the specific permission from the author. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
Smashwords Edition
Connect with Elaine Calloway at
Ticket to Die is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
To my husband Dave: for the support, feedback, and mechanical expertise on wheel bolts and safety wires. You’re the best!
To Carol – for your ongoing feedback, improvements, and support of my books. Thank you!
To Taryn Knight, Leafbreeze Creations, for another fantastic cover. You always surpass my best expectations.
To Dori Harrell, editor extraordinaire. You always take my disheveled mess and turn the manuscript into a workable story. Thanks for everything!
To the National Carousel Association group: Thanks for answering all my questions and putting me in touch with Bette Largent. The carousel community is a fantastic and generous one!
To Bette Largent: Your informative articles, expertise and feedback were priceless in writing so many scenes of this book. Thank you for your generosity.
To Greg Mottola, writer/filmmaker: Thanks for allowing me to use your phrase ‘giant-assed panda’ from your coming-of-age film Adventureland (also set in an amusement park). Great movie with a fabulous 1980s soundtrack to boot!
To Family, Friends, and Readers – thank you for all your ongoing support and belief in me. Each of you keep me going and give me the enthusiasm to keep writing more books. Thank you!