Published by

The University of Alberta Press

Ring House 2

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E1

Introductions and annotations copyright © 2015 Dave Buchanan

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Pennell, Elizabeth Robins, 1855–1936, author, illustrator

A Canterbury pilgrimage/An Italian pilgrimage / Elizabeth Robins Pennell & Joseph Pennell ; edited and with an introduction by Dave Buchanan.

(Wayfarer series)

Contains reprint of A Canterbury pilgrimage and An Italian pilgrimage.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Issued in print and electronic formats.

ISBN 978–1–77212–042–4 (paperback).—ISBN 978–1–77212–092–9 (epub).—ISBN 978–1–77212–093–6 (kindle).—ISBN 978–1–77212–094–3 (pdf)

1. Pennell, Joseph, 1857–1926— Travel—England. 2. Pennell, Joseph, 1857–1926—Travel—Italy. 3. Pennell, Elizabeth Robins, 1855–1936—Travel—England. 4. Pennell, Elizabeth Robins, 1855–1936—Travel—Italy. 5. Bicycle touring—England. 6. Bicycle touring—Italy. 7. England—Description and travel. 8. Italy—Description and travel. I. Pennell, Joseph, 1857–1926, author, illustrator II. Buchanan, Dave, 1967–, editor III. Pennell, Joseph, 1857–1926. Italian pilgrimage IV. Pennell, Joseph, 1857–1926. Canterbury pilgrimage V. Title. VI. Title: Italian pilgrimage. VII. Series: Wayfarer series (Edmonton, Alta.)

DA625.P45 2015 914.204’81

First edition, first printing, 2015.

First electronic edition, 2015.

Digital conversion by Transforma Pvt. Ltd.

Copyediting and proofreading by Brendan Wild.

Indexing by Adrian Mather.

Cover design by Alan Brownoff.

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