For my sons, Leigh and Burns.
I love you for the sons you are and the men you have become.
On those cracks and upheaved parts of the broken road where we sometimes found ourselves living on,
you never left me standing there, all alone.
“Mom, over here, this way, there is a meadow of flowers just over the hill.
Now, you hold our hands until we get there.
Don’t you worry, if the dark of night falls ’round us,
we have a lantern to light the pathway home.”
For my daughters-in-law, Stephanie and Hannah, amazing and beautiful in their hearts.
You lift me up because you believe in me.
You inspire me with every sunrise.
And for that and for so much more,
I give you my love and heartfelt gratitude.
For my granddaughter, Maggie Rose.
A sometimes prickly but otherwise beautiful flower, you bring me joy.
Your life of uncomplicated living challenges me to wonder.
When I am with you, nothing seems to be impossible.
You make me smile within this grandmother’s heart of mine when I hear
“I love you, Grandma Peggy.”
For my husband, Mark.
Who oft reminds me,
What is a storm without thunder and lightning?
Rainbows following rain.
No climbing without holding on.
Without sunsets, no sunrises.
Without valleys, no mountains to climb.
No mending of hearts unless they are broken.
Love is different in times of our lives
and life can complicate things
but love, my dear, endures.