Based on the Jahresberichte and Schulordnung. Class years are given on the right.

Mathematics and Physics

Franz Dicknether, Lehrbucb der Arithmetik, part 1 1-2

Ibid., part 2 3-4

Jos. Lengauer, Die Grundlehren der ebenen Geometrie 4-6

Lengauer, Dr. E. Bardeys Aufgabensammlung 4-8

Lengauer, Die Grundlehren der ebenen Trigonometric 7-8

Lengauer, Die Grundlehren der Stereometric 8

Johann Kleiber and Adalbert Gruttner, Kleiber-Nath: Physik fur die Oberstufe , 7th ed. (1916); 8th ed. (1918) 7-9


Grammar and readers 4-5

Xenophon, Anabasis , I, III, IV 5-6

Homer, Odyssey (selection) 6-7

Herodotus, Persian War, VIII 7

Lucian, Sharon 7

Demosthenes, I, III 8

Olynthian speech 8

Sophocles, Aias 8

Sophocles, Oedipus 9

Plato, Apology 9

Plato, Symposium (selection) 9

Plato, Phaedo (selection) 9


Grammar and readers 1-5

Caesar, De bello Gallico 4-5

Ovid, Metamorphoses 6

Livius, XXI 6

Vergil, Aeneid, I, II, VI 7

Cicero, Cato maior 7

Horace, Oden (selections) 8

Tacitus, Germania (selection) 8

Horace, Satires (selections) 9

Tacitus, Annals, I, II 9

554 Appendix B


Readers 1-5,9

Nibelungenlied (Hochdeutsch) 4

Ibid., (Mittelhochdeutsch) 7

Schwab, Der gehornte Siegfried 4

Letters from the front 4

Reports from Army Command Headquarters 4

Reports from war correspondents 4

Theodor Storm, Pole Poppenspaler 5

Schmitthenner, Die Friihglocke 5

Detlev von Liliencron, Kriegsnovellen 5

Goethe, Hermann und Dorothea 6

Goethe, Iphigenie 8

Goethe, Gotz von Berlichingen 8

Goethe, Tasso 9

Goethe, Egmont 9

Schiller, Das Lied von der Glocke 6

Schiller, Tell 7

Schiller, translation of Aeneid 7

Schiller, Wallensteins Tod 9

Schiller, Die Braut von Messina 9

Schiller, Wallensteins Lager 9

Schiller, Piccolomini 9

G. Keller, Das Lahnlein der sieben Aufrechten 6

Das Waltharilied 6

A. Stern, Die Llut des Lebens 6

Riehl, Der Stadtpfeifer 6

Ratzl, Aus dem Kriege mit Frankreich 7

Lessing, Laokoon 8

Lessing, Minna von Barnhelm 8

Grillparzer, Libussa 8

Keller, Kleider machen Leute 8

Gustav Freytag, Die Joumalisten 8

Shakespeare, Macbeth (translation) 9

Hebbel, Agnes Bemauer 9

Morike, Mozart auf der Reise nacb Prag 9

Auerbach, Diethelm von Buchenberg 9


Abbreviations of frequently cited references and source locations are listed below. Archival references in the notes are followed by call numbers.

Papers reprinted in easily accessible collected works are cited by year and location in the collected works. The original sources may be found there. Unless otherwise indicated, published versions of all letters cited from and to Wolfgang Pauli may be found in the appropriate volume of PWB, the contents of which are arranged chronologically. All correspondence cited between WH and his family is in HP.

The wording of quotations not originally in English may be found in the corresponding translation of this book. Most translations of unpublished German and French quotations are by the author. Published English translations have been compared with the originals and edited as necessary. References to writings by WH are to HCW. Translations used for English quotations, as well as republications of the original works in HCW, may be found in WH, Bibl.


AHQP x, y




AS, Atombau

BA Koblenz BAW BCW x, y









Abbreviations Used in Notes

Archiv der Deutschen Jugendbewegung, Burg Ludwigstein

Archive for History of Quantum Physics, Berkeley, New York, and elsewhere; x — microfilm number, y = section

American Institute of Physics, New York (later Maryland)

Samuel A. Goudsmit, Alsos (New York: Henry Schuman, 1947; reprinted Los Angeles: Tomash Publishers, 1983)

Annalen der Physik

Arnold Sommerfeld, Atombau und Spektrallinien, various editions (Braunschweig: F. Vieweg und Sohn, 1919 ff.)

Bundesarchiv Koblenz

Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Archiv, Munich Niels Bohr, Collected Works, 9 vols., ed. Leon Rosenfeld et al. (Amsterdam: North-Holland); x = volume, y = pages

Berlin Document Center, U.S. Army, Berlin (later BA Koblenz)

Alan D. Beyerchen, Scientists under Hitler: Politics and the physics community in the Third Reich (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977)

Bohr General Correspondence, NBA

Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Allgemeines Archiv,


Bohr Manuscripts, NBA, and on microfilm in AHQP Hans Bethe Papers, Archives, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

Bohr Private Correspondence, NBA

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Handschriftenabteilung,


BSC x, y

DC, “Cosmic rays”

DC, “TH Berlin”

DC, “WH”

DJ x, y




EB, Briefw.

EH, Recoil.


ES, Briefw.




HCW xy, z

Hendry, “BKS”

Hendry, Creation

Bohr Scientific Correspondence, microfilms in AHQP; x — microfilm number, y = section

D. Cassidy, “Cosmic ray showers, high energy physics and quantum field physics: Programmatic interactions in the 1930s,” HSPS, 12 (1981), 1-39

D. Cassidy, “Gustav Hertz, Hans Geiger und das Physikalische Institut der Technischen Hochschule Berlin in den Jahren 1933 bis 1945,” in Wissenschaft und Gesellscbaft, ed. R. Riirup, vol. 1 (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1979), pp. 373387

“Werner Heisenberg and the crisis in quantum theory, 1920-1925,” Ph.D. dissertation, Purdue University, 1976

David Irving, comp., Third Retch Documents , Group 11, German Atomic Research, microfilms of photocopied primary sources assembled from various archives and private sources (Wakefield, England: Microform Academic Publishers, 1966); x = microfilm number, y = frame numbers

Peter Debye Papers, at MPG

Max Dresden, H. A. Kramers: Between tradition and revolution (New York: Springer-Verlag, 1987)

Albert Einstein Archive, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Albert Einstein, Hedwig Born, and Max Bom, Briefwechsel 1916-1955, with commentary by Max Born (Munich: Nymphenbuger Verlagshandlung, 1969). The English translation of this work is not complete.

Elisabeth Heisenberg, Inner exil: Recollections of a life with Werner Heisenberg, trans. S. Cappellari and C. Morris (Boston: Birkhauser, 1984)

Paul Ehrenfest Papers, microfilms in AHQP

Albert Einstein and Arnold Sommerfeld, Briefwechsel, ed. Armin Hermann (Basel: Schwabe & Co., 1968)

Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Handschriftenabteilung, Zurich

Samuel A. Goudsmit Papers, AIP

Heisenberg Archive, Max Planck-Institut fur Physik und Astrophysik, Munich. To be transferred to MPG.

WH, Gesammelte Werke/Collected Works, multiple vols., ed. W. Blum et al., (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, and Munich: Piper-Verlag, 1985 — ); x = series (A, B, C), y = volume, z = pages

John Hendry, “Bohr-Kramers-Slater: A virtual theory of virtual oscillators and its role in the history of quantum mechanics,” Centaurus, 25 (1981), 189-221

John Hendry, The creation of quantum mechanics and the Bohr-Pauli dialogue (Hingham, Mass.: D. Reidel, 1984)

Hermann, Jabrhundert

Armin Hermann, Die Jahrhundertwissenschaft: Werner Heisenberg und die Physik seiner Zeit (Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1977)

Hermann, WH

Armin Hermann, Werner Heisenberg: In Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten (Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1976)





Heisenberg private papers, in care of the Heisenberg family Historical studies in the physical and biologial sciences Institut fur Zeitgeschichte, Munich

David Irving, The German atomic bomb: The history of nuclear research in Nazi Germany (reprint New York: Da Capo Press, 1967)

Jammer, Conceptual

Max Jammer, The conceptual development of quantum mechanics (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966)

Jammer, Philosophy

Max Jammer, The philosophy of quantum mechanics: The interpretations of quantum mechanics in historical perspective (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1974)


Christa Jungnickel and Russell McCormmach, Intellectual mastery of nature: Theoretical physics from Ohm to Einstein , 2 vols. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986)

KFZ Karlsruhe


Kernforschungszentrum, Bibliothek, Karlsruhe

Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Washington, D.C., microfilm collection of captured German war documents



Leipziger Neueste Nachrichten

Karl-Heinz Ludwig, Technik und Ingenieure im Dritten Reich (Konigstein/Ts.: Athenaum-Verlag, 1974/1979)




Maximilians-Gymnasium, or Max-Gymnasium

Miinchner Neueste Nachrichten

Archiv zur Geschichte der Max Planck-Gesellschaft, BerlinDahlem

MR x, y, z

Jagdish Mehra and Helmut Rechenberg, The historical development of quantum theory, multiple volumes and parts (New York: Springer-Verlag, 1982 ff.); x = volume, y = part, z = pages


National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.


Niels Bohr Archive, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen


Die Naturwissenschaften

Pais, Subtle

Abraham Pais, ‘Subtle is the Lord . . The science and the

life of Albert Einstein (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982)

Pais, Inward

Abraham Pais, Inward bound: Of matter and forces in the physical world (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986)


Physikalische Blatter

PCSP x, y

Wolfgang Pauli, Collected scientific papers, 2 vols., ed. R. Kronig and V. F. Weisskopf (New York: Interscience, 1964); x = volume, y = pages




Physical Review

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, series A

Wolfgang Pauli, Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel mit Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg u. A.; vol. 1: 1919-1929, ed. A. Hermann et al. (New York: Springer-Verlag, 1979); vol. 2: 1930-1939, ed. Karl von Meyenn (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1985)




Physikalische Zeitschrift

Rockefeller Archive Center, North Tarrytown, New York

Fritz K. Ringer, The decline of the German mandarins: The German academic community, 1890-1933 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969)


Peter Robertson, The early years: The Niels Bohr Institute 1921-1930 (Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1979)


Ulrich Roseberg, Niels Bohr: Leben und Werk eines Atomphysikers 1885-1962 (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1987)



Stadtarchiv Munich

Sachsische Akademie der Wissenschaften, mathematischphysikalische Klasse


Daniel Serwer, “'Unmechanischer Zwang-. Pauli, Heisenberg, and the rejection of the mechanical atom,” HSPS, 8 (1977), 189-256








Sommerfeld Nachlass, Deutsches Museum, Munich Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin. Sachsisches Staatsarchiv Dresden

Staatsarchiv Munich

Universitatsarchiv or University Archive Universitatsbibliothek or University Library

B. L. van der Waerden, ed. and trans., Sources of quantum mechanics (New York: Dover, 1967)


Mark Walker, German National Socialism and the quest for nuclear power 1939-1949 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989)


Spencer Weart, Scientists in power (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1979)

WH, Bibl.

Werner Heisenberg: A bibliography of his writings, comp. D. Cassidy and M. Baker, Berkeley Papers in History of Science, 9 (Berkeley, Calif: Office for History of Science and Technology, 1984)


WH, Physics and Beyond: Encounters and Conversations, trans. Arnold J. Pomerans (New York: Harper & Row,

1971). Quoted translations are edited to conform to the original German.


WH and Karl Wirtz, “Grossversuche zur Vorbereitung der Konstruktion eines Uranbrenners,” in Naturforschung und Medizin in Deutschland 1939-1946, FIAT review of German Science, vol. 14, ed. W. Bothe and S. Fltigge (Weinheim: Verlag Chemie, 1953), pp. 142-165


ZStA Potsdam

Zeitschrift fur Physik Zentraler Staatsarchiv Potsdam

Chapter 1

1. A. Heisenberg, autobiographical sketch, in Geistiges und kiinstlerisches Miinchen in Selbstbiographien, ed. W. Zils (Munich: Max Kellerers Verlag, 1913), pp. 156-160.

2. Ibid.

3. A. Heisenberg to Erich Petzet, 8 Jan 1913 (BSB, E. Petzetiana IVb).

4. Hartmut Kaelble, “Sozialer Aufstieg in Deutschland 1850-1914,” Vierteljahrsschrift fur Soziologic und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 60 (1973), 41-71.

5. This has been argued in Ringer.

6. A. Heisenberg, “Studien zur Textgeschichte des Georgios Akropolites,” Ph.D. dissertation, Munich, 1893.

7. Surmised from A. Heisenberg to Erich Petzet, 26 Oct 1895 (BSB, E. Petzetiana IVb). August’s moves from and to other schools are not included here.

8. A. Heisenberg to his father, 13 Apr 1897 (HP).

9. Report of Staatsministerium, 17 Apr 1893, in “Acta des Koniglichen StaatsMinisterium des Inneren fur Kirchen und Schul-Angelegenheiten. Dr. Heisenberg August” (BHStA, MK 17732).

10. N. Wecklein, “Zeising: Adolf Z.,” Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, vol. 55 (1910), pp. 404-411. Zeising was best known for his recovery of the law of the golden mean in mathematical aesthetics: ancient and renaissance artists had chosen the sizes and proportions in their works according to certain explicit ratios. Otto Hagenmaier, Der Goldene Schnitt. Ein Harmoniegesetz und seine Anwendung (Munich: Heinz Moos, 1963).

11. An outline of Wecklein’s life was provided by his school colleague J. Melber in “Geheimer Hofrat Dr. Nik. Wecklein,” Bayerische Blatter fur das Gymnasialschulwesen, 69 (1927), 88-102.

12. Ibid., and Wecklein to Halm, 27 Sep 1875 and 19 Jan 1877 (BSB, Halmiana IX).

13. A. Heisenberg-Krumbacher correspondence (BSB, Krumbacheriana I).

14. Heisenberg, note 1.

15. M. Schanz, “Auszug des Berichts des Koreferats,” 6 Jun 1901, (“Acta,” note 9).

16. “Bericht des academischen Senats der Konigl. Universitat Wurzburg,” 30 Nov 1901 (“Acta,” note 9). His lecture was published as “Die bisherige Entwicklung der byzantinischen Philologie und ihre kunftige Aufgaben,” Allgemeine Zeitung (Munich), no. 274 (28 November 1901), Beilage, pp. 1-5.

17. “Frequenz der humanistischen Gymnasien ... am Schlusse des Schuljahres 1901/02,” Blatter fur das Gymnasial-Schulwesen, 38 (1902), 661-663.

18. Dieter Schafer, Der Weg der Industrie in Unterfranken (Wurzburg: Sturtz, 1970).

19. Klaus Schonhoven, “Arbeiterschaft, Gewerkschaften und Sozialdemokratie in

Wurzburg 1848-1914,” in Hans W. Loew and Klaus Schonhoven, eds. Wiirzburgs Sozialdemokraten: Vom Arbeiterverein zur Sozialdemokratiscben Volkspartei 18681978 (Wurzburg: Stiirtz, 1978), pp. 1-39, on pp. 22-24.

20. Records in August Heisenberg’s personnel file (“Acta,” note 9). Inflation was minimal over those four years.

21. Franz Dolger, “Die Byzantinisten der Akademie. Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer, Karl Krumbacher, August Heisenberg,” in Geist und Gestalt. Biographische Beitrage zur Gescbicbte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften vomehmlich im zweiten Jabrhundert ihres Bestehens (Munich: Beck, 1959), pp. 139-157, on p. 153; Ernest Reisinger, recollection of August Heisenberg as teacher, in Meine Jugend in AltSchwabing (Munich: Franzis-Verlag, 1952), pp. 68-71.

22. “Qualifikationsliste. K. Lateinschule Lindau,” 3 May 1898 (“Acta,” note 9).

23. For instance, Genevieve Bianquis, “La femme allemande a l’epoque modeme et contemporaine (du XVIIe au XXe siecle),” in Histoire mondiale de la femme , ed. Pierre Grimal, vol. 4 (Paris: Nouvelle Librairie de France, c. 1980), pp. 253-290; and Annette Kuhn und Gerhard Schneider, eds., Frauen in der Gescbicbte (Dusseldorf: Schwann, 1979).

24. ]abres-Bericht uber das Kgl. Alte Gymnasium zu Wurzburg for 1901-1902 to 1909-1910.

25. Bibliography in Franz Dolger, “August Heisenberg. Geboren 13. November 1869, gestorben 22. November 1930 Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenscbaft, 241 (1933), 25-55, on 43-55.

26. A. Heisenberg, Grabeskircbe und Apostelkircbe: Zwei Basiliken Konstantins , 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1908); and “Acta des K. Acad. Senats der Ludwig-Max.-Universitat Munchen. Betreffend Dr. August Heisenberg” (UA Munich).

27. Kaspar Hammer, “Qualifikationsliste. Altes Gymnasium, 1902” (“Acta,” note 9).

28. Interview with C. F. von Weizsacker, Starnberg, 30 Apr 1982.

29. George L. Mosse, Nationalism and sexuality: Respectability and abnormal sexuality in modern Europe (New York: Howard Fertig, 1985).

30. Reports in “Acta,” note 9.

31. J. L. Heilbron, The dilemmas of an upright man: Max Planck as spokesman for German science (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986), p. 4.

32. One need only think of Freud’s patients in nearby Vienna or of the hypocrisy of Victorian morality exposed by British literary figures of the period. See, for example, Carl Schorske, Fin-de-Siecle Vienna: Politics and culture (New York: Knopf, 1979).

33. WH to his parents, 11 Jan [1928].

34. “Double dialogue with Werner Heisenberg” (1974), HCW C3, 464-486, on 475.

35. WH, “Ordnung der Wirklichkeit” (c. 1942), HCW Cl, 218-306; WH, “Naturwissenschaftliche und religiose Wahrheit” (1973), HCW C3, 422-439.

36. Interview with Elisabeth Heisenberg, Gottingen, Leb 1982.

37. C. F. von Weizsacker, “Heisenbergs Entwicklung seit 1927,” in Weizsacker and B. L. van der Waerden, Werner Heisenberg (Munich: Hanser, 1977), pp. 25-40 on p. 40.

38. This seems in accord with Mosse’s assertion (note 29) that the lately developed notion of the nuclear family was such that most members of the upper middle class sharply distinguished between the world of public affairs and the very private world of family and household.

39. EH, note 36.

40. Ibid.

41. Interview of WH by T. S. Kuhn, 30 Nov 1962 (AHQP).

42. “Zeugnisnoten-Protokoll des K. Maximilians-Gymnasiums in Munchen, 1913/14, Klasse III A,” quoted in Hermann, WH, p. 8.

43. Interview with Fr. Gottfried Simmerding, former youth comrade, Munich, 1982.

44. EH, Recoil., p. 13.

45. K. Maximilians-Gymnasium Munchen, “Zensur, Werner Heisenberg,” class 4A, 1914-1915, and class 5A, 1915-1916 (Archive, Maximilians-Gymnasium, Munich).

46. WH to Koji Kigoshi, 5 Mar 1971 (HA).

47. EH, note 36.

48. WH, “Theory, criticism and a philosophy,” (1968), HCW C2, 423-438, on 438.

49. Melber, note 11.

50. August Heisenberg’s very active involvement in gymnasium political affairs is indicated by “Mitteilung uber die Gymnasiallehrer-Vereinigung Munchen,” Blatter fur das Gymnasial-Scbulwesen, 41 (1905), 554-556, and by his speeches to teachers’ meetings in Bericht uber die XXIV. Generalversammlung des Bay. Gymnasiallebrervereins, Munchen, 4. April bis 6. April 1907, pp. 18-20, on p. 18, supplement to Blatter fur das Gymnasial-Scbulwesen , 43 (1907); and in Bericht uber die XXV. Generalversammlung des Bayerischen Gymnasiallebrervereins, Augsburg, 15. April bis 17. April 1909, supplement to Blatter fur das Gymnasial-Scbulwesen, 45 (1909). The issues of the period are described in Eugen Brand, “Die Entwicklung des Gymnasiallehrerstandes in Bayern von 1773-1904,” Blatter fur das Gymnasial-Scbulwesen, 40 (1904), 433-588; and Johannes Guthmann, Der Bayerische Lebrer- und Lehrerinnenverein: Seine Gescbichte, vol. 2 (Munich: Oldenbourg, 1959).

51. “Rede von Professor Werner Heisenberg,” delivered to Werner Heisenberg-Gymnasium, Garching, (1972), HCW C5, 433-435, on 433.

52. Theodore Preger, “Karl Krumbacher, geb. 23. September 1856, gest. 12. Dezember 1909,” Blatter fur das Gymanasial-Schulwesen, 46 (1910), 78-79.

53. Dr. O. Crusius to Akademischer Senat, 21 Dec 1909 (“Acta,” note 26).

54. Ibid.

55. A. Heisenberg to Akad. Senat, 9 Jan 1910 (“Acta,” note 26).

Chapter 2

1. This according to a file card on August Heisenberg (SAM) and Adressbuch fur Munchen und Umgebung (Munich, 1911). Congenial neighbors, an army lieutenant and the widow of a gymnasium teacher, occupied the other two apartments on the floor.

2. Robert Eben Sackett, Popular entertainment, class, and politics in Munich, 1900-1923 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982) and Allan Mitchell, Revolution in Bavaria, 1918-1919: The Eisner regime and the soviet republic (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1965).

3. Oscar Brunn, Plan von Miincben, 1911 (Graphiksammlung, Stadtmuseum, Munich).

4. Alois Wagner, Zu meiner Zeit. Ein Bubenleben in Scbwabing 1904 bis 1918 (Munich: Siiddeutscher Verlag, 1980).

5. The Heisenberg family also acquired an automobile in this period. A photograph survives of August, the boys, and the Weckleins seated in what must have been an early model. Published in Hermann, WH, p. 8.

6. Heisenberg’s primary school records, once in his private papers, could not be found. The school he attended is surmised from information in card file and Addressbuch, note 1, and “Bericht liber die Stadtischen Volks- und Mittelschulen

Munchens fur das Geschaftsjahr 1911. Erstattet von Stadtschulrat Dr. Sg. Kerschenstein” (SAM, Schulamt 2236).

7. Hans Scharold, 100 Jahre Maximilians-Gymnasium. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Gymnasiums in Bayern (Munich, 1949).

8. “Erste Klasse A,” K. Maximilians-Gymnasium [hereafter MG] in Miinchen,

Jahresbericht fur das Scbuljahr 1911/12 (Munich, 1912), pp. 39-40.

9. Johannes Melber, Hsgb., Die Schulordnung an den hoheren Lehranstalten Bayems nach der Koniglicben Verordnung vom 30. Mai 1914 (Munich: Lindauersche Universitatsbuchhandlung, 1914).

10. A classical caricature of an authoritarian gymnasium teacher and his class, which was not far from the truth in many cases, is Heinrich Mann’s Professor Unrat (Frankfurt, 1905). It was the basis of the film Der blaue Engel.

11. MG, J ahresbericht 1911/12, p. 47.

12. During the middle years, 1914-1917, Herr Wolff was at the front, then assigned to the lower grades.

13. The texts for each subject are listed in the Jahresberichte and in Melber, note 9.

14. MG, “Zeugnisnoten-Protokoll,” quoted by Hermann, WH.

15. MG, ]ahresbericht 1912/13, p. 46, which includes the poem. It is not known whether Erwin turned down the honor or whether he was even asked.

16. “Miinchen am 1. Mobilmachungstag,” MNN, 67: 393 (3 Aug 1914), Morgenblatt, 3 (dated 2 Aug)

17. Wagner, note 4, p. 43.

18. WH, “Es war einmal” (1964), HCW C4, 21.

19. For example, Ringer, and Konrad H. Jarnasch, Students, society, and politics in imperial Germany: The rise of academic illiberalism (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983), and other works surveyed in D. Cassidy, “Recent German perspectives on German technical education,” HSPS, 14 (1983), 187-200.

20. A. Heisenberg, “Die jtingste Entwicklung der Sprachfrage in Griechenland,” Internationale Wochenschrift fur Wissenschaft, Kunst und Technik, 5 (1911), 685702; Karl Krumbacher, Das Problem der neugriechischen Schriftsprache (Munich,


21. Klaus Schwabe, Wissenschaft und Kriegsmoral. Die deutschen Hochschullehrer und die politischen Grundfragen des Ersten Weltkrieges (Gottingen: Musterschmidt, 1969). Only three professors are known to have refused, one of whom was Albert Einstein.

22. See, for example, “Aufrufe und Aeusserungen der ‘Intellektuellen’,” Die Eiche, vol. 3, no. 2 (Apr 1915), 94-196; and Hermann Kellermann, Der Krieg der Geister. Eine Auslese deutscher und auslandischer Stimmen zum Weltkriege 1914 (Weimar, 1915).

23. A. Heisenberg, Der Philhellenismus einst und jetzt (Munich: Beck, 1913). Founding address to Deutsch-Griechische Gesellschaft, 8 Dec 1912.

24. A. Heisenberg, “Die Zukunft Griechenlands,” Suddeutsche Monatshelfte, 12 (1915), 939-947; “Griechenland und die Mittelmeerfrage,” Panther, 5 (1917), 349-356; Neugriechenland (Leipzig: Teubner, 1919).

25. A. Heisenberg, note 24, “Zukunft,” p. 942.

26. “Kriegserlebnisse eines Munchner Universitatsprofessors [Heisenberg],” MNN 68: 283 (6 Jun 1915), 4, and 68: 291 (10 Jun 1915), 3.

27. A. Heisenberg to Otto Crusius, 2 Feb 1915 (BSB, Crusiana). A powerful, though fictional, portrayal of the horrors of trench warfare was provided by the Osnabruck native Erich Maria Remarque, All quiet on the western front (New York- Fawcett Crest, 1928/1956).

28. A. Heisenberg to Crusius, 24 Apr 1915 (BSB, Crusiana).

29. WH, interview by T. S. Kuhn, 30 Nov 1962 (AHQP), p. 1. No indication of wounds or even of a relapse of rheumatism is available.

30. Based on MG, Jahresberichte.

31. For example, Karl Theodor Heigel (President, Bavarian Academy of Sciences), “An die akademische Jugend!” Suddeutsche Monatshefte, 11 (1914), 776-779.

32. [Ernst Kemmer], “Krieg und Schule,” MG, Jahresbericht 1914/15, p. 36.

33. Ernst Kemmer, “Schule, militarische Jugenderziehung und vaterlandischer Hilfsdienst,” MG, Jahresbericht 1916/17, pp. 26-29, on p. 27.

34. “Kriegsgefahr und Lebensmittelmarkt,” MNN, 67: 389 (1 Aug 1914), Vorabend-Ausgabe, 3.

35. Wagner, note 4, p. 48.

36. J. Melber, “Geheimer Hofrat Dr. Nik. Wecklein,” Bayerische Blatter fur das Gymnasialschulwesen, 69 (1927), 88-102.

37. Kemmer, note 33, p. 28.

38. “Jungmannen auf Land,” MNN, 71: 192 (17 Apr 1918), Morgen-Ausgabe, 2; “Mittelschiiler im landwirtschaftlichen Hilfsdienst,” MNN, 71: 238 (12 May 1918), 3.

39. MG, “Jahreszeugnis Werner Heisenberg, 1917/18, 7. Klasse” (HP).

40. According to surviving Jugendwehr records, Heisenberg was appointed Gruppenfuhrer in September 1918 (communication from Dr. Heyl, Archivdirektor, BHStA Kriegsarchiv).

41. WH, note 29, p. 3.

42. WH to his father, 15 May 1918.

43. WH to his parents, [May 1918].

44. WH, PB, p. 2.

45. This is based on reports of events at the front in MNN. Optimism among the Munich educated at the end of 1915 is displayed by physicist Arnold Sommerfeld, then touring the front, in a letter to his colleague Wilhelm Wien, 5 Dec 1915 (SN): “The war situation now appears to me to justify the more subtle hopes, not for an end in the near future but for a fundamental victory.”

Chapter 3

1. WH, “Zur Quantentheorie der Linienstruktur und der anomalen Zeemaneffekte” (1922, rec. 17 Dec 1921), HCW Al, 134-158.

2. Yearly grade reports for WH (MG Archive, Munich), their emphasis.

3. “Reifezeugnis” for WH, 15 Jul 1920 (HP).

4. Johannes Melber, report on examination of WH (Maximilianeum-Stiftung, Archive, Munich).

5. Interview of WH by T. S. Kuhn, 30 Nov 1962 (AHQP); WH, “Rede zur 100-Jahrfeier des Max-Gymnasiums in Munchen am 13.7.1949,” HCW C5, 395-408.

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid.

8. A. Einstein, fiber die spezielle und die allgemeine Relativitatstheorie. Gemeinverstandlich (Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1917). Recalled by WH, “Begegnungen und Gesprache mit Albert Einstein” (1974), HCW C4, 202-216.

9. Johannes Melber, ed., Die Schulordnung an den hoheren Lebranstalten Bayems nacb der Koniglichen Verordnung vom 30. Mai 1914 (Munich: Lindauersche Universitatsbuchhandlung, 1914), p. 92.

10. WH, note 8, p. 202.

11. WH, note 5, p. 2. The “Einstein relation” may be the equation E = me 2 .

12. WH, note 5, p. 2.

13. Melber, note 4.

14. The professor made the most of the opportunity. A. Heisenberg, “Dialekte und Umgangssprache im Neugriechischen,” Bay. Akad. Wiss Jahrbuch 1918, pp. 1-26, Festrede on 29 May 1918; “Phonographische Fixierung von Sprach- und Gesangsproben bei griechischen (kriegsgefangenen) Truppen in Gorlitz ausgefuhrt von Prof. August Heisenberg 1917/1919” (BAW VII, 466).

15. Grade report for 1915-1916, note 2.

16. Fermat claimed that he could prove the theorem. He died without revealing the secret.

17. F. Kronecker, “Uber die Auflosung der Pellschen Gleichung mittels elliptischer , Functionen” (1863), and “Zur Theorie der elliptischen Functionen” (1883-1889), Leopold KroneckePs Werke, ed. K. Hensel, vol. 4 (Feipzig: Teubner, 1929), pp. 219-225 and 345-495.

18. WH, note 5, p. 2; WH, “Die Bedeutung des Schonen in der exakten Naturwissenschaft” (1970), HCW Cl, 369-384, on 369.

19. WH, notebook (HA).

20. Paul Bachmann, Zablentheorie, 5 vols. (Leipzig: Teubner, 1892 ff.).

21. Acquisition list, Library, MG, Munich. It is probable, however, that only the teachers had direct access to the library, in which case Wolff could have borrowed the books for Werner.

22. See Appendix B.

23. WH, PB, p. 2.

24. Plato, Timaeus, trans. Desmond Lee (New York: Penguin Books, 1977), par. 55-56.

25. WH, PB, p. 8.

26. WH, note 5, “Rede,” p. 402.

27. WH to Pauli, 24 Nov 1925.

28. Interview with C. F. von Weizsacker, Starnberg, Apr 1982.

29. M G, Jahresbericht 1919/1920.

30. Foundation documents, in 125 Jabre Maximilianeum 1852 bis 1977 (Munich: UNI-Druck, 1977).

31. Melber, note 4.

32. “Die Mitglieder des Maximilianeums von 1852 bis 1977,” in 125 Jabre, note 30, pp. 55-111.

33. 125 Jabre Maximiliansgymnasium Muncben. Riickblick-Ausblick. Eine Dokumentation (Munich: Max-Gymnasium, 1974), p. 113.

34. Recalled in Felix Andreas Wittmann to Dr. Riedl, 1972 (Maximilianeum-Stiftung, Archive, Munich).

Chapter 4

1. A. Heisenberg to Karl Krumbacher, 26 June 1892 (BSB Krumbacheriana I).

2. Data provided in Allan Mitchell, Revolution in Bavaria, 1918-1919: The Eisner Regime and the soviet republic (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1965), p. 17. Political alliances, the Bavarian revolt, and Bavarian history throughout this period are described by Mitchell; Richard Grunberger, Red rising in Bavaria (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1973); Michael Doeberl, Entwicklungsgescbicbte Bayems, vol. 3

(Munich, 1931); and Karl Schwend, Bayern zwischen Monarchic und Diktatur (Munich, 1954).

3. This is argued by Mitchell, note 2.

4. Mitchell, note 2, p. 218; Wolfgang Treue, Die deutschen Parteien: Vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart (Frankfurt am Main: Ullstein, 1975).

5. Dr. Gustav Wyneken, “An die Schuler der hoheren Schulen!” MNN, 72: 100 (3 Mar 1919), 4.

6. Dresler, “An die Schuler,” MNN, 72: 168 (12-13 Apr 1919), 4-5, and in other newspapers.

7. Account of Heisenberg’s reminiscences in Die neue Seite, 3. MPZ, Stammesmitteilungen, 2 (1962), 2-3.

8. Interview with Fr. Gottfried Simmerding, Munich, Mar 1982. Simmerding was a former youth-group comrade of Heisenberg’s and was a resident of the city at the time.

9. WH, PB, p. 7.

10. Robert G. L. Waite, Vanguard of Nazism: The free corps movement in postwar Germany, 1918-1923 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1952). For example, Rudolf Hoss, Kommandant in Auschwitz: Autobiographische Aufzeichnungen, ed. M. Broszat (Munich: DTV, 1963).

11. The most detailed account of the invasion and its planning is provided in Darstellungen aus den Nachkriegskampfen deutscher Truppen und Freikorps, vol. 4: Die Niederwerfung der Rateherrschaft in Bayern 1919, ed. Kriegsgeschichtliche Forschungsanstalt des Heeres (Berlin, 1939). Notice is taken, however, of the period and of the audience for which this work was written.

12. Ibid., and “Die Beteiligung der II. Marine-Brigade,” MNN, 72: 171 (5 May 1919), Abend-Ausgabe, 3.

13. Oven’s order is printed in Darstellung, note 11, pp. 218-219.

14. Grunberger, note 2, p. 144.

15. “Verluste,” note 11, pp. 209-212. Toller eventually emigrated to the United States and committed suicide in New York after Franco’s victory in the Spanish Civil War. He wrote an illuminating autobiography, Eine Jugend in Deutschland (Amsterdam, 1933; reprinted Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1983).

16. Interview of WH by T. S. Kuhn, 30 Nov 1962 (AHQP); also WH, “Rede zur 100-Jahrfeier des Max-Gymnasiums in Miinchen am 13.7.1949,” HCW C5, 395-408, on 401.

17. MNN for the period.

18. “Allgemeine Studentenversammlung an der Universitat,” MNN, 72: 181 (10-11 May 1919); also Aufruf der Universitat zum Eintritt in die Freikorps,” MNN, 72:

177 (8 May 1919), Abend-Ausgabe, 3.

19. The Jewish heritage of most of the revolutionaries was often used as a pretext for engaging in and fomenting violent anti-Semitism. One overview of the rise and public political expression of anti-Semitism in Germany is provided in Lucy S. Dawidowicz, The war against the Jews 1933-1945 (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1975).

20. WH, note 16, “Rede,” p. 397.

21. WH, note 16, interview.

22. WH, PB, p. 7.

23. EH, Recoil., ch. 1.

24. WH, “Wissenschaft als Mittel zur Verstandigung unter den Volkem” (1946), HCW C5, 385.

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