Chapter 8

1. Indicated in “Akten des Rektorats der Universitat Munchen. Dr. Arnold Sommerfeld” (UA Munich, Personalakt E II-N).

2. A. Sommerfeld and WH, “Eine Bemerkung liber relativistischen Rontgendubletts und Linienscharfe” (rec. 3 Aug 1922), HCW Al, 159-164; “Die Intensitat der Mehrfachlinien und ihrer Zeemankomponenten” (rec. 26 Aug 1922), HCW Al, 165-188. The plan nearly collapsed when Wilhelm Lenz tried more than once to get Heisenberg to replace Pauli as his assistant in Hamburg. Heisenberg reassured a disturbed Sommerfeld that he would not accept, “despite the large money bags of the Hamburg people” and his own wish for financial independence. WH to Sommerfeld, 15 Jan [1923] (AHQP 83, H).

3. WH, “Nichtlaminare Losungen der Differentialgleichungen fur reibende

Flussigkeiten” (1922), HCW B, 23-26.

4. Franz Ludwig Habbel, “Die Aussenpolitik der deutschen Pfadfinderbewegung,” Der Weisse Ritter, 7 (1927), 60-80, on 66. For the physicists, see Paul Forman, “Scientific internationalism and the Weimar physicists: The ideology and its manipulation in Germany after the First World War,” Isis, 64 (1973), 150-180.

5. Habbel, note 4, p. 61.

6. WH to his father, 11 Nov [1922].

7. M. Volkel, draft of circular letter marked streng vertraulich (top secret), 28 Feb 1922 (Nachlass Karl Seidelmann, ADJ).

8. Karl Sonntag, circular letter, Bavaria District, 11 Mar 1922 (Nachlass Seidelmann).

9. Ibid.

10. Habbel, note 4; Kurt Pfliigel, “Finnlandfahrt,” Die neue Seite, 3. MPZ Stammesmittelungen, 2 (1962), 13-18.

11. “Der Kampf urn die Uberfahrt,” Die Spur in ein deutsches Jugendbnd, 3 (1924), 37-39 (HCW C4, 8-10).

12. Die neue Seite, 3. MPZ Stammesmitteilungen, 2 (1962), 18-22, reprint and remembrance of note 11.

13. Kurtei, “Wie wir 3 Enten schossen und nur eine erbeuteten,” Die Spur in e’n deutsches Jugendland, 4 (1925-1926), 134-135.

14. Indicated in Elis J. Huetin to WH, Helsingfors, 1 Oct 1923 (HA).

15. WH to his mother, 13 Nov [1923].

16. When Karl Sonntag criticized the Mannen, the young men of Werner’s age, for getting up too late during the winter camp over Christmas and New Year’s 19221923, Werner wrote a long defense, indicating how adolescent he really was. For instance: “I only remember that in Kurtei’s hut (the upper one), in which most of the Mannen lived, by sunrise the cabin was always clean and the cocoa was always ready.” WH, affidavit, winter camp 1922-1923 (HP).

17. WH to Niels Bohr, Zell am Ziller, 31 Aug [1925] (BSC 11, 2).

18. WH to his parents, Leipzig, 17 Sep [1922].

19. Philipp Lenard, Ueber Aether und Urather. Mit einem Mahnwort an deutsche Naturforscher (Leipzig: Hirzel, 1922). This episode is further discussed in Beyerchen, 91-93.

20. WH, note 18.

21. Handbill (Sammlung Darmstadter, Fie 1908(7): Einstein, SPK).

22. WH, PB, pp. 43-45.

23. WH to his parents, 19 Sep [1922]; WH to Pauli, 29 Sep [1922].

24. Ibid.

25. Heisenberg still referred to the speaker as “Einstein” in WH, PB, p. 44, written in 1969.

26. Max Born, My life: Recollections of a Nobel laureate (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1975), p. 212.

27. [Felix Klein?], “Universitat Gottingen — Philosophische Fakultat I. Mathematisch physikalisches Seminars” (UA Gottingen, “Zur Geschichte des Komglichen Math.phys. Seminar”). Gottingen mathematics and physics during the earlier part of the century are discussed in Pyenson, The young Einstein: The advent of relativity (Bristol: Adam Hilger, 1985), pp. 101-193.

28. Published in EB, Briefw.

29. Born, note 26, pp. 199-200; “Personalakt Max Born” (UA Gottingen).

30. “Chronik der Georg August-Universitat fur die Rechnungsjahre 1921/23,” Universitatsbund Gottingen, Mitteilungen, 6 (1923), issue 1 and 2; Bom note 26 p. 210; MR 1.

31. Born to Walther Gerlach, 11 May 1921 (AHQP 19, 1).

32. Records show that 1257 of 3263 students studied math or one of the sciences. Amtliches Namenverzeichnis, Georg August-Universitat zu Gottingen, Winterhalbiahr 1922/23.

33. The others were Fischer, Ludloff, and Wessel. Born to Sommerfeld, 5 Jan 1923 (SN).

34. WH to Helen and Karl Heisenberg, 12 Jun [1922] (HP). Although the Gottingen town dialect is considered high German, the peasants did not speak it.

35. The University of Goettingen (Gottingen: Verein fur Fremdenverkehr, c. 1926), pp. 18-19.

36. Born to Einstein, 7 Apr 1923 (EB, Briefw.).

37. WH to his brother, 6 Dec [1922] (HP).

38. Eberhard Riidel to WH, 23 Nov 1922 (HP).

39. WH to his mother, 7 Dec [1922].

40. Gotz von Selle, Die Georg-August-Universitdt zu Gottingen 1737-1937 (Gottingen, 1937); August Tecklenburg, Gottingen: Die Geschichte einer deutschen Stadt (Gottingen, 1930); Albrecht Saathoff, Geschichte der Stadt Gottingen seit der Grundung der Universitat (Gottingen, 1940).

41. WH to his father, 5 and 16 Nov [1922]; WH to his mother, 20 Nov, 1 and 7 Dec [1922].

42. WH to his mother, 1 Dec [1922].

43. Born, note 26, p. 211.

44. WH to his father, 16 Nov 1922.

45. WH to Sommerfeld, 15 Jan [1923] (AHQP 83, H).

46. WH to his brother, 6 Dec [1922] (HP); WH to his mother, 7 Dec [1922].

47. Bom to Sommerfeld, 5 Jan 1923 (SN).

48. WH to his father, 5 Nov 1922.

49. Born, note 26, p. 211.

50. WH, note 44. The following discussion is based on DC, “WH.” For technical details, the reader is referred to this and to MR 2.

51. As indicated earlier, these conditions may be written fpjda, = n t h, where i = 1, 2, 3, . . . f, f is the number of degrees of freedom, and the n, are positive integers.

52. Born and Pauli, “Uber die Quantelung gestorter mechanischer Systeme” (1922), PCSP 2, 48-69.

53. Born to Lande, 29 May 22 (AHQP 4, 2).

54. This apparently motivated Pauli to undertake an independent, detailed calculation of the ground state of helium, but he dropped it after moving to Copenhagen in the fall of 1922. Pauli to Bohr, 7 Jul [1922] and 5 Sep 1922.

55. Bohr, “Uber die Anwendung der Quantentheorie auf den Atombau. I. Die Grundpostulate der Quantentheorie,” ZP, 13 (1923), 117-165, rec. 15 Nov 22 (English translation, 1924, BCW 3, 458-499).

56. Kramers, ZP, 13 (1923), 312-341, on p. 339, rec. 31 Dec 22.

57. WH to Lande, 15 Sep 1922 (AHQP 6, 2); WH to Sommerfeld, 28 Oct [1922] (AHQP 83, H).

58. WH to Sommerfeld, 28 Oct 1922 (AHQP 83, H).

59. A. Sommerfeld, Optical Society of America, Journal, 7 (1923), 509-515. Nevertheless, Sommerfeld had to withdraw the model a year later after it was proven unstable.

60. Bom, Nwn, 11 (1922), 677-678, dated 27 Jun 1922.

61. Born, note 26, p. 202.

62. WH, note 44.

63. Born and WH, “Uber Phasenbeziehungen bei den Bohrschen Modellen von Atomen und Molekeln” (rec. 16 Jan 23), HCW Al, 189-200. The hypothesis was replaced in 1925 by Pauli’s exclusion principle.

64. WH to Pauli, 12 Dec 1922.

65. WH to Sommerfeld, 4 Jan 1923 (AHQP 83, H).

66. WH, note 45.

67. WH to Bohr, 2 Feb [1923] (BSC 9, 2).

68. Their results appeared in Born and WH, “Die Elektronenbahnen im angeregten Heliumatom” (rec. 11 May 23), HCW Al, 201-215.

69. Born to Bohr, 4 Mar 1923 (BCW 4, 669).

70. WH to Pauli, 19 Feb [1923]; also Born to Bohr, note 69. They reiterated this view in Born and WH, note 68, p. 215.

71. WH to Pauli, 26 Mar 1923.

72. Bohr to Born, 2 May 1923 (BCW 4, 673).

73. Born, Nwn, 11 (1923), 537-542, on 542.

74. Eberhard Rudel to WH, 12 Jun 1923 (HP).

75. Reynolds’s work is outlined in MR 2, 53.

76. WH, “Uber Stabilitat und Turbulenz von Flussigkeitsstromen,” doctoral thesis (UB Munich); revised published version (1924), HCW Al, 31-81. More detailed reviews of Heisenberg’s work on the problem and its background are offered in MR 2, 49-63, and in Giovanni Battimelli, “The mathematician and the engineer: Statistical theories of turbulence in the ’20s,” Rivista di storia della scienza, 1 (1984), 73-94.

77. WH, note 3, and WH, “Die absoluten Dimensionen der Karmanschen Wirbelbewegung” (1922), HCW Al, 27-30. Prandtl, however, expressed objections to the second of these works in a note appended to it.

78. Promotions-Ordnung der Philosophiscben Fakultat (II. Sektion) der LudwigMaximilians-Universitat Muncben (Munich, 1922).

79. “Protokoll, Promotion des Herrn Werner Heisenberg” (UA Munich, OCI 49p). Sommerfeld added by hand to the paragraph a concession to criticism: “Also stylistically [the thesis] is not entirely well written.”

80. Ibid. It is possible, though unlikely, that the exams were held separately, as they are today.

81. “Protokoll, Promotion des Herrn Wolfgang Pauli” (UA Munich, OCI 49p).

82. WH, interview session 1 (AHQP).

83. Ibid, and “Protokoll,” note 79.

84. Born, note 26, p. 213.

85. Jabrbuch der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Muncben, 1919-1925 (Munich, 1925).

86. WH to his parents, 29 Nov [1923],

87. WH, note 82.