
This book was a labor of love. From start until finish, it’s had a LOT of eyes on the project. I LOVED writing this book. This story was something I’d been looking forward to for a looooooong time.

That doesn’t mean there weren’t obstacles. (I’m looking at you pandemic and pregnancy sickness.)

It made me realize (and appreciate!) how many amazing people I have supporting me.

First of all, to my husband, who practically co-wrote this book with me. He listened to me ramble about this idea for months. So many amazing (and hilarious) scenes are in this story because of him. (I threatened to put his name as co-author—he said no.)

Thank you to Brittni. You probably don’t even know how much your daily check ins helped me. In the middle of 24/7 pregnancy sickness, you were the kick in the pants I needed to finish this story. I didn’t think I could do it. You convinced me otherwise. Bourbon Brittni is dynamite.

Thank you to The Most Amazing Women In The World. You know who you are. Thanks for ALWAYS making me laugh, and making stories, blurbs, and covers even more amazing.

Thank you Elaine and Alison! This wouldn’t be half the story without the two of you.

Thank you readers, for trusting me with a romantic comedy adventure! I’d been bit by the adventure bug, and I just couldn’t shake it.