There was another small, hardly noticeable doorway at the far end of the barn-like brick hall, where Pip was saying to Harold Sapworth, ‘I can’t go on.’

‘Go on?’

‘I said I can’t.’

‘Can’t what?’

‘Can’t go on. Go on the stage,’ Pip told him desperately.

‘Go on?’

‘Harold, for God’s sake say something different.’

‘Keep your hair on. I’m only trying to help.’

‘I just peeped in there,’ Pip glanced anxiously over the shoulder of his brown coat. ‘Through the door there’s a little stairway, with another door at the top. I pushed it open a bit. I could see the whole hall absolutely crammed to the rafters,’ he gasped.

‘Must be a strike blacking out the telly.’

‘Almost the entire St Swithin’s membership of ACHE should be there.’ Pip rubbed his palms in gratification. ‘It’s quite amazing, even to me. I never imagined I’d get so many to turn up, just by buzzing round the hospital for one afternoon. I must have enormous powers of persuasion. Yet I’d never one inkling that I possessed them. Perhaps I ought to have taken up salesmanship for some drug company. I’d have made a fortune.’

‘Have a drop of that whisky what you bought,’ suggested Harold, producing a bottle from under his own brown coat.

‘It seems to have gone down a bit,’ Pip observed tartly.

‘I’ve got the wind up, too.’

‘Do you know, there’s also a lot of junior nurses speckled about in their uniforms.’ Pip took a swig. ‘Which proves that even the nursing staff are solid with us against the private patients. It’s odd, I never thought the nurses cared about the Bertram Bunn Wing one way or another. And the platform itself! That door up the stairs leads directly on to it. The whole stage is decked with lovely flowers, there’s microphones and little gilt chairs all over the place.’

‘Must be Mr Grout’s doing.’ Harold took a gulp of the whisky.

‘I suppose when these hospital administrators decide to do something, they do it properly,’ Pip agreed admiringly. ‘I must revise my opinion of them. I thought Mr Grout and Mr Clapper only a pair of self-opinionated, self-satisfied, self-important, incompetent, overpaid cretins.’

Harold sucked the tip of his thumb. ‘What are you going to say to the lads and lassies?’

‘That’s the trouble.’ Pip suddenly turned gloomy. ‘Faced with such a vast audience, I don’t think I could physically open my mouth. It’s very flattering that so many have come to hear me, and I expect they’ll be wildly enthusiastic. But to tell the truth, I’ve never made a speech in my life. Not even at occasions like weddings or rugger club Saturday nights.’

‘A bright bloke like you will think of something off the cuff,’ Harold encouraged him. ‘I remember once, seeing a stand-up comic in a club. Died the death, he did. Then he noticed one of our blokes sitting up front with a bit of black velvet. He started making jokes about race relations, and that. Soon had everyone rolling on the floor. It’ll be the same with you.’

‘If only I’d prepared a formal speech,’ said Pip in anguish. ‘Of course, I imagined after all you said, Harold, that only a couple of fellows would bother to turn up. I could give them a chat rather than a harangue. But now I know that I shall dry up. Everyone will hiss me, and even throw things. Tomorrow I’ll have to resign as shop steward, and probably be sent to Coventry into the bargain.’

‘Another bevvy?’

‘Thanks.’ Pip took the bottle. The clock on the Founders’ Hall began to strike seven. ‘If they do try and lynch me, Harold, use the rest of this stuff for setting the place on fire to cause a diversion.’

Pip went through the small door. Followed by Harold Sapworth, he climbed the steps inside as though ascending a gallows. At the top he paused, took a deep breath, and threw open the door leading on to the stage.

The St Swithin’s Founders’ Hall was lofty and oblong. Half a dozen tall deep-set windows stood along each wall, between them oak panelling encrusted in gilt with the names of hospital benefactors – City merchants and worthies from those centuries when ten pounds could buy remembrance to eternity. Portraits of past St Swithin’s consultants, commissioned by the medical school, here and there gazed down with expressions of surpassing wisdom in gorgeous academic robes. The dean had planned his own, sagaciously contemplating a skull, a combination of Hamlet and Rodin’s The Thinker, unaware of Sir Lancelot Spratt’s widely expressed determination that he would countenance first an oil-painting of Dr Harvey Crippen. The portrait of Sir Bertram Bunn himself, pink-cheeked, generously moustached and paunched, frock-coated and gold watch-chained, ironically looked from the rear of the stage in moneyed affability.

As Pip stepped on to the platform the packed audience gave a thunderous burst of applause, with foot-stamping and one or two little cheers. Gratified if mystified, Pip stepped towards the geraniums and hydrangeas with a modest bow of acknowledgment. Then he noticed the dean taking the stage from the flight of steps leading down into the hall.

The dean halted. Pip faced him. The audience fell into an uneasy silence. The matron of the Bertram Bunn in her uniform, following the dean’s wife and daughter up the steps, could be heard complaining piercingly, ‘Haven’t those porters got the platform ready yet? They grow lazier and lazier every day.’

‘Hello,’ said Pip to the dean. He gave a faint smile and a flutter of the fingers. ‘Our paths do rather keep crossing, don’t they?’

‘Chipps! What’s this?’ hissed the dean. ‘Get off this stage at once. And out of this hospital.’

Pip looked puzzled. ‘But what are you doing at my meeting?’

‘Your meeting? This is my meeting. I’ve spent all week getting ready for it.’

Pip shook his head. ‘I’m afraid there’s some mistake. You see, I booked the hall tonight for a branch meeting of ACHE. Mr Grout gave his permission. It was all arranged perfectly correctly. Through the usual channels.’

‘I’ve had enough of your stupid practical jokes,’ said the dean in suppressed fury. ‘Get out this instant. Or I’ll send for a couple of porters to throw you out.’

‘They’d hardly do that,’ Pip told him amiably. ‘You see, I’m the porters’ shop steward.’

The dean held a hand to his eyes. ‘I’m dreaming. This is one of my nightmares when I’ve been foolish enough to indulge in the crackling off the pork. In a moment, I’ll wake up beside Josephine with a nice hot cuppa ready in the Teasmade –’

‘Pip!’ came a screech from the matron. She pushed on to the stage, cap streamers flying. ‘What do you mean by this perfectly outrageous intrusion?’

The audience began to mutter and titter, shifting with embarrassment in their chairs. The unexpected drama had to them a straightforward plot. The dean was upbraiding one of the hospital porters, who seemed to be taking it with commendable cheerfulness. Meanwhile, the matron was having one of her turns.

‘Oh, hello, Auntie Florrie.’ Pip gave another smile and little wave. ‘It’s not an intrusion, honestly.’ He nodded towards the audience. ‘Those are all members of my union. I’m about to address them, as one of their duly appointed officials. It’s democracy in action.’

‘There’s nothing democratic about this,’ she told him hotly. ‘It’s the nurses’ prizegiving.’

‘Oh, really?’ asked Pip with interest.

‘Furthermore, you absolutely reek of drink.’

‘Really, everyone is becoming over-excited,’ said Josephine calmly, coming to the centre of the stage while the audience sat in open-mouthed confusion. ‘It’s quite obvious there’s been a slight mistake. Mr Clapper booked the hall for the nurses’ prizegiving. Mr Grout booked the hall for this young man to do whatever he wants to do in it. It’s like on our last holiday in Ibiza, Lionel, when we had to muck in with that peculiar taxidermist couple from Scunthorpe.’

‘Those bloody administrators,’ exclaimed the dean angrily. ‘They’re all the same. If they’d existed in the Garden of Eden, the world today would be full of nothing but apples and serpents. Telephone them at once, Matron. I demand Mr Clapper or Mr Grout instantly, in person.’

‘Not much hope of that,’ Pip told him. ‘They’re all off home promptly at five. No overtime, see.’

‘No wonder the country’s in such a terrible state. Obviously, you’ll have to give way, Chipps. I’ve no idea what you’re doing in ACHE, or even in that coat. This is hardly the moment to sort out such complexities. Doubtless, it’s another of your inane jokes. The nurses’ prizegiving is infinitely more important than one of your seditious little union cabals. Besides, those are our flowers,’ he pointed out.

‘Don’t worry, I shan’t be unreasonable,’ Pip told him calmly. ‘Me and my friend –’ He indicated Harold Sapworth, clutching the whisky bottle under his brown coat, nervously trying to creep unseen to the hall steps behind a fringe of palms in tubs. ‘Will convene a meeting down in the hospital garage, or somewhere. I don’t suppose more than half a dozen of this audience came to hear me, anyway.’ The dean gave him a brisk satisfied nod. ‘In a way, it’s a relief. I don’t think I could have brought myself to address such a mass of strange faces.’

‘Public speaking is indeed an art,’ the dean agreed with him. ‘Given to only a few of us. It calls for considerable memory, concentration and practice.’

‘You rehearse, do you?’ Pip inquired. ‘Not just get up and say whatever comes to mind?’

‘Oh, dear me, no,’ the dean told him condescendingly. ‘I practise before a mirror every morning in the bathroom. The same pains were taken by such renowned orators as the late Lloyd George and the late Adolf Hitler.’

‘I lack the gift,’ Pip said unhappily. ‘I lack the confidence.’

‘I might be able to give you a lesson or two –’

The dean was brought back to reality by the slow handclap starting in the hall. He stepped decisively to the microphone amid the geraniums. ‘Ladies and gentlemen. I must apologize for a slight technical hitch. The porter is now about to leave the stage.’

‘Pip –’ The dean spun round. Faith had pushed between her mother and the matron. ‘Don’t budge, Pip, love. You were here first.’ She threw herself into his brown-coated arms.

The dean held his hand over his eyes again. ‘Yes, it is a dream. Have I got my clothes on?’ He glanced down. ‘They’ll fly off in a minute. They always do. I shall be standing stark naked before the entire nursing staff of St Swithin’s. I’m repeatedly getting this dream. I really must see Dr Bonaccord just as soon as I wake up.’

‘Don’t give in, lovey,’ urged Faith, as the audience began to stir with excitement. ‘Stand by your principles. If you let them trample all over you about this meeting, it’ll be a long time before you get back either your credibility or your self-respect. You stay,’ she advised firmly.

‘You’re absolutely right,’ Pip exclaimed. ‘It’s the old boxing-match again, which my friend Harold keeps going on about.’ He nodded towards Harold Sapworth, who was trying to squeeze between the matron and a pedestalled bust of Galen. ‘Drop your guard once, and the bosses will clout you before you can say Keir Hardie. I won’t take more than a couple of minutes,’ he told the dean accommodatingly. ‘Then you can hand out all those certificates and volumes of Dickens and forget I was ever in the way.’

‘You will do nothing of the kind,’ the dean returned. ‘And put down my daughter at once. You don’t even know her.’

‘Stick to your guns, Pip,’ whispered Faith. ‘And open fire.’

Pip grasped the microphone from the dean. ‘I hereby declare this branch meeting of the Amalgamated Confederation of Hospital Employees well and truly open.’

The audience broke into loud clapping.

‘Mass hysteria,’ muttered the dean. ‘Good God.’

He grabbed Pip by the arm. Instantly, the audience booed and hissed. The dean stared. Like Brutus, he discovered with dismay the fickleness and treachery of any mob. He sank ingloriously on to a gilt chair. He was flanked on one side by the matron, who he noticed was scowling fiercely. And on the other by his wife, who seemed to be enjoying it all.

‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ said Pip.

He stopped. The hall sat in utter, expectant and titillated silence. He could not think what to say next.

‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ he repeated.

Another pause. He heard inauspicious shuffling and coughs. Then occurred the most meaningful event of his life to date. Standing beside him, Faith slipped her hand in his.

‘Brothers and sisters, comrades in the endless battle against death and disease in St Swithin’s.’ His voice rang through the hall. ‘You may reject me as an intruder in your revels. But you must accept me as an intruder in your consciences. I have a message, which is simple and unshakeable. In this hospital, every one of us – doctors, nurses, porters, ambulance drivers, telephonists, cooks and cleaners, have three purposes which outshine all others in our working days. One, to keep the patients alive. Two, getting them better. Three, making them happy. I assure you that sentiment exists as strongly in the porters’ room down in the basement as in the consultants’ mess which occupies most of the top floor.’

There was a burst of clapping, spiced with cheers.

‘But what is St Swithin’s? To which we give our energies, our sentiments, sometimes our whole lives? I’ll tell you what it is – a “prole hospital”. Where people are crowded together in bleak wards, strictly disciplined, fed on plain food, demonstrated upon to students – patients both awake and unconscious, their insides as well as their outsides – cut off from their friends, without the freedom even of choosing their own channel on the telly. Besides, the service lift is an utter disgrace,’ he remembered. ‘But those better-off patients who have in their pockets the golden key to the Bertram Bunn Wing –’

He was halted by a growl of approval swelling to a roar, a cheer on which claps were now the decoration. The nurses’ prizegiving had become far more entertaining than everyone had steeled themselves for.

‘I knew it was mass hysteria,’ frowned the dean. ‘Even the nurses have caught it. It’s like a night out with a bunch of lemmings. Dr Bonaccord’s going to have his work cut out for months.’

‘Comrades in humanity,’ Pip declaimed. ‘What is the Bertram Bunn Wing? An obnoxious obscenity.’

‘Stop!’ cried the matron, jumping from her gilt chair.

‘Sorry, Auntie Florrie.’ Pip blinked at her. ‘Have I said something rude?’

‘Get off this stage at once. You have already insulted me personally once today. I will not now have everything I’ve worked for subjected to insults derived from warped class-consciousness.’

‘Sit down,’ shouted several voices from the audience.

‘Shut up,’ the matron snapped back. She turned to Pip. She was pink and quivering, like the chef’s famous salmon mousse on its way to one of her patients. ‘Fortunately, your perverse opinions are of monumental inconsequence. I advise you to get out of this hall at once and continue from a soapbox at the nearest street corner.’

‘And that’s your last word, Auntie?’

‘Emphatically. I shall not address another to you as long as I live.’

Pip turned back to the microphone. ‘Comrades against suffering. I now relinquish the floor to the dean. Thank you for listening to the single, simple point I called this meeting to make. Who are the paid-up members of ACHE?’ A few hands were raised, Harold Sapworth’s with an empty bottle. ‘Brothers, the Bertram Bunn is blacked. As far as the private patients are concerned, from now we’re on strike.’

For the second time that day, Pip excited a burst of clapping from an admiring female, this time the dean’s daughter.