This book almost wasn’t published. The publishing industry is just like any other type of business. It has ups and downs and, like life, changes. The first person I want to thank is Kendel Lynn, the managing editor at Henery Press. It was at a meeting during Bouchercon 2016 that the subject of Big City Heat came up. At the time it was a mostly complete manuscript sitting on the shelf because I had moved on to a second series. She agreed it should be published and made it happen. So thank you, Kendel!
My wife Patty, if you didn’t know, is responsible for all of this in that she encouraged me to pursue my dream of being a published author. She believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself, and her unrelenting faith in God is a blessing.
Every writer needs a support system. If you don’t think so, try to work a day job, crank out prose, plan events, manage social media, come up with promotion ideas, find a beta reader that can be trusted, and maintain a website. The only reason I can perform the first two is because I have Rowe Carenen, the Book Concierge, for the rest. Thanks, Rowe, for all your efforts over the past three years.
My agent, Jill Marr, has been the faithful, steady force behind the scenes. When the aforementioned change occurred, she moved me on to bigger and better things. Thanks to you, Jill, and everyone at the Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency. I am in good hands.
I’m so glad my work has landed at a new home in Henery Press. They welcomed me in even before I was one of their own. Special thanks to Rachel Jackson for excellent skills in managing me, Art Molinares for giving me a bear hug as a welcoming gesture, Erin George for helping with promotion, Amber Parker for her proofreading skills, and Jesica Pena for working behind the scenes to make everything run so smoothly.
My road to Henery Press was paved by Susan Boyer. She has been the trusted friend and fellow author I’ve gone to for the tough publishing questions—the ones that I was embarrassed to ask but needed answers to. And she introduced me to Kendel and the gang at Henery. Susan, thank you for everything you have done to get me here.
The Brack Pelton series has, I feel, a certain nuance to it. It is this extra kick that makes it special. This kick is Chris Roerden. Like with Southern Heat and Burning Heat, Chris took my prose (garble) and polished and sharpened the words into what became Big City Heat. If you like what you read, it’s due to her. If you find any fault herein, it’s because I didn’t listen to her close enough.
A special recognition to a wonderful family of friends: Stephen Black, Katie Black, Anna Kate Black, and Emma Grace Black. Thank you all so much!
And, as always, thank you, South Carolina Writers Association.
My mom and dad had the foresight to pack up and move to Atlanta back in 1982, dragging me with them. Brack Pelton resides in Charleston, South Carolina. But this book is set in Atlanta because I lived there, grew up there, and was changed there. Thank you, Atlanta, for everything you gave me. I might not be the man I am today if you hadn’t helped shape me during that crucial part of my life.
And lastly, thanks to all the Brack Pelton followers! This book is for you.