This book is dedicated to two groups of women
who have supported me in the last two years
and to one special person—

First, the wonderful women in the office of
Dr. Linda Graziano in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. A caring
group of professionals, they are also avid romance
readers and have been asking for Rurik’s story since they
first read Taming the Highlander. Linda, Patricia, Pat,
Helen, Shelley, Deb and Amy—here he is! Enjoy!
(And thanks!)

And to the warm and amazingly helpful women and
avid romance readers in the Stratford, New Jersey, office
of Dr. Jerome Pietras. To all of you who helped me ease
through difficult situations and appointments, many
thanks and this one’s for you, too!

And this is for Melissa Endlich, my editor, who has been
a help to me more than she will ever know over this last
year. She understood and loved Rurik as much as I did.
Saying thank you is not nearly enough….