
aesthetic delight, 90, 109, 264, 382n30

Alcestis, 200, 327n9

Aquinas, St Thomas, 81, 252–3, 377n11

Arnold, Matthew, 26, 46, 47, 52–3, 56, 59–60, 64–7, 82, 93, 110–11, 151, 199, 253, 255–6, 261, 274, 315, 320, 328n13, 333n10, 334n16, 335n22, 342n46, 346n6, 348n14

Asher, Kenneth, 60–1, 334n17 & n19, 370–1n30

Babbitt, Irving, 33–4, 49, 55, 62–4, 89, 170, 207, 286, 325–6n2, 331–2n3, 340n40, 355n6

and Maurras, 60, 63, 77–8

Bates, Milton J., 112, 330n6, 352n32, 355n7, 393

Baudelaire, Charles, 130, 239, 254–7, 281, 322

Beaufret, Jean, 174–5, 355n5, 357n11

Beehler, Michael, 16, 393

Belgion, Montgomery, 165, 174, 184, 203, 338n33, 345n1, 363n4

belief, 74–5, 77, 90, 128, 141, 157, 159, 160, 182, 188, 198, 199, 202, 227–9, 275–6, 339n37, 360n21, 369n25

in fictions 221

Middleton Murry on 241

in miracles 12, 137, 147, 243, 311, 314, 342n46, 390n28

postmodernism and 178–80, 380n22

pragmatism and 367n15

relative 222–6, 257. See also Pyrrhonism, Religious Belief

Belloc, Hilaire, 161, 332n5, 364n7, 376n10

Benda, Julian, 241, 315, 321, 377n11

Bergson, Henri, 49, 75, 80, 87, 167, 169, 182, 188, 203, 207, 215–18, 229, 247, 252, 262, 263, 262, 318, 355n4, 359n19, 360n20, 361n25, 366n14, 368n17, 372n33, 375n7, 376n8, 380n25

élan vital 67, 71, 94, 181, 218, 222. See also Eliot and Stevens

Blackmur, R.P., 3, 4

Blanshard, Bland, 318

Bohr, Niels, 337n29

Bolgan, Anne C., 71, 319

Boutroux, Emile, 79, 81, 321

Bradley, F.H., 5, 7, 60, 65, 67, 75–81, 84, 87, 89, 96, 110, 163, 165–167, 180, 183, 187–190, 205, 215, 241, 247, 252, 268, 319, 323, 337n30, 338n33, 339n37, 340n39, 341n33, 343n39, 348n39, 355n3, 359n19, 366n14, 374n3, 377n11

Appearance and Reality 59, 70, 71, 73, 81, 187, 247

Ethical Studies 64, 93, 248

“finite centre” 76, 114, 115, 181, 188, 189, 191, 213, 214, 269, 339n38, 348n16

idealism 56, 59, 70–4, 78, 80–1, 257, 340, 348, 367, 374

Principles of Logic 56

Bremond, Abbé, viii, 204–5, 220, 233–41, 255, 258, 261–3, 262–7, 270, 303, 319, 330n5, 364n5, 379n20, 380n24, 382n29, 382n31, 394

and Middleton Murry 240, 379n17

Eliot’s misreading of 379n18

Stevens on 380n25

on inspiration 244–251, 259, 262, 379n18, 381n26.

See also Intuition and Mysticism

Brentano, Franz, 338n33, 339n37

Brooker, Jewel Spears, 50, 132, 319, 334n16, 337n30

Browning, Robert, 145, 149–50, 254, 353n40

Buchanan, Robert, 346n6

Buhr, Marjorie, 167, 358n13

Carlyle, Thomas, 53

Carroll, Joseph, 308, 389n22

Chamberlain, Neville, 227, 237n1, 351n31

Chesterton, G.K., 49, 161, 205, 206, 222, 332n5, 364n7

Childs, Donald, 70–1, 94, 272, 276–7, 336n26, 337n28, 345n2, 361n25, 373n3

Chinitz, David E., 390n29

Christianity, vii, 5–7, 12, 13–16, 68–9, 91, 97, 131, 145, 155, 163, 169, 172, 200, 207, 218, 221, 222, 231, 238, 253, 294–8, 300–1, 311–12, 314–16, 319, 322, 341n44, 357n10, 369n26, 370n29, 388n19, 389n22

Eliot’s ridicule of 79–83, 101–8, 133–42

and idolatry 339n36

incarnation 72, 313;

Maritain on 242–5

and Maurras 62–3;

resurrection 311–14

Russell on 39–58

Stevens’ ridicule of 111–25, 129–30, 158–62

Time Between 146–9

and War 126–7, 313, 384n3

Church, Barbara, 108, 111, 199, 226, 304–5, 308, 337n12

Church, Henry, 15, 177–8, 224, 236, 304, 309, 358–9n16, 389n22

civilization, 132, 144, 151, 155, 195–6, 243, 228, 259–60, 279, 314–16, 324, 368n21, 384n2

class, 346n6, 363n3, 391n21

classicism, 4, 42, 46, 48–9, 60–1, 66, 205, 240, 243, 245 251, 287, 320, 326n2, 334n19, 361n25, 377n11, 376–7n14, 378n17

Cline, Catherine Ann, 338n32

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 44, 183, 246, 288, 360n22, 375n6, 385n10;

Biographia Litteraria 237–8, 320

Collège de France, 6, 67

Communism, vii, 13, 39, 45, 74, 130, 161, 193, 201–2, 217, 223, 228, 229, 235, 259, 279, 321–2, 361n21, 363n3, 370n30, 384n2

Comte, Auguste, 63, 170, 222, 368n21

consciousness, 15, 80, 87, 90, 95, 158, 164, 175, 182, 196, 212–13, 218, 229, 238–9, 247, 250, 258, 261, 265, 278, 299, 305, 317, 339n38, 348n16, 366n14

false consciousness 360n21;

subconscious 356n8, 383n31

unconscious 266, 293–4

conviction, 5, 12, 16, 24–26, 68, 94, 96, 102, 103, 118, 131, 138, 164, 170, 206, 221, 227, 228, 238, 253, 264, 282, 286, 297

Cooper-Willis, Irene, 143

Corbière, Tristan, 254, 255

Cowan, Laura, 385n11

Coyle, Beverly, 320

Culler, Jonathan, 326n5

culture, disintegration of, 46–7, 91, 132, 173, 195–6, 206, 253, 259, 279, 314–16, 320

and Race 378n15. See also Civilization

Dada, 243, 261

Dante Alighieri, 13, 14, 135–6, 151, 237, 252–3, 256–7, 264, 305, 374n4, 385n11, 387n17

Beatrice, 300, 305, 307–8

Commedia 148, 308

Matilda 300, 301

Purgatorio 296–7, 300–1

La Vita Nuova 290–1, 293

Darwinism 39, 45, 47, 53, 67–8, 71–3, 155, 159, 163, 175, 181, 211, 254, 276, 336n26, 367n15, 383n33

death, 12, 55, 106, 112, 115–17, 119–22, 127, 133, 171, 187, 209, 292, 304–11, 387n15

death of God, 164, 219–22, 288, 313–14, 317–19

Decker, Henry, 234–5

deconstruction, 167, 178, 195, 259. See also Derrida

Dekkers, Odin, 52

Derrida, Jacques, 16, 166–8, 225, 248, 259, 318, 354n2, 355n3, 358n12. See also deconstruction

diabolism 254–5, 258

Dial, the, 21

Dial prize, 153

Dickens, Charles, 66

Dickinson, G. Lowes, 337n32

Divine Grace, 249, 298, 387n14

Divine Providence, 42, 163, 281

divinity, 57, 64–5, 113–14, 147, 177, 267, 288, 355n6, 388n20

Arnold on 346n6

belief in 69, consumption of 138

experience of 237

immanence of 164

indifference to suffering 123;

manifestations of 242, 252, 262, 281, 283, 285–6, 347n9

of Jesus Christ 136, 314, 342n46

submission to 93;

of Poetry 267–8

Donoghue, Denis, 17, 331n11, 369n23

Douglass, Paul, 71, 218, 337n28

Dreyfus Affair, 60

Eagleton, Terry, 351n31

Einstein, Albert, 254, 289, 337n29

élan vital. See Bergson

Eliot, T.S., reputation 3–4

and Anglican Faith, 7, 12, 15, 19, 25, 42, 46–51, 60–1, 62–3, 72–4, 77, 81–4, 86, 130, 150, 165–6, 200, 221, 238, 244, 247, 251–2, 260, 300, 323, 334n19, 340n41

anti-Semitism, 134–136, 349–50n21, 354n1

“Apollinax, Mr.” 98–101

asceticism 11, 106, 276, 291, 302–3, 312, 322, 359n18

acquaintance with Stevens 3

and Bergson 5, 51, 59, 67–72, 89, 169, 271–2, 276–7;

on Bergson’s “weakling mysticism” 72, 94, 181

and idealism 166, 218;

Maritain on 242–3

meets Russell 76

Poetry: Ash-Wednesday ix, 151, 211, 280–91, 293–8, 290–303, 311, 321, 362n27, 84n3, 385n11, 387n16;

Bolo poems 50, 98, 237, 344n1

Choruses for the Rock 39–40, 130, 168, 252, 321, 367n16

“Mr. Eliot’s Sunday Morning Service” viii, 7, 48, 91, 97, 101, 103–8, 237, 252

Four Quartets 10, 106, 146, 166, 187–8, 211, 281, 336n26, 347n8, 361n25, (Burnt

Norton), 41–2, 72, 84

(East Coker), 148, 186

Dry Salvages 72, 120, 313;

“Gerontion” viii, 66, 127, 131–42, 144, 145–6, 150, 321

“Hippopotamus” 48, 91, 102, 103, 119, 237, 252, 345n5;

“The Hollow Men” 25, 154–5, 223, 291, 386n11, 321 “The Love Song of

J. Alfred Prufrock” 99, 140, 149, 189–90, 344n1

Murder in the Cathedral 57, 321

Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats 48

“Sweeney Agonistes” 50;

“Sweeney Erect” 66, 131, 388n20

The Waste Land, viii, 5, 9–11, 25, 41, 48, 61, 66, 71, 91, 96–7, 99, 106–7, 114, 127, 131–2, 138, 142, 144–3, 159, 162, 187–8, 235, 237–8, 274–5, 281, 298, 311, 321, 325n1, 327n7, 327n8, 328n10, 328–9n16, 337n30, 348n15, 350n24, 350n25, 351n27, 351n28, 351n29, 352n35, 352–3n36, 353n38, 367n14

Prose works: After Strange Gods 196, 243–4, 255, 332n4, 349n20, 377n14, 378n15, 387n16

“Building up the Christian World” 312

Clark Lectures 95, 223, 252–4, 256–7, 260, 322

Criterion “Commentaries” 60, 61, 62, 74, 151, 173, 223, 330n6, 340n39, 371n30

“To Criticize the Critic” 18, 53, 64, 257, 321, 331n3

Eliot’s Dissertation 7, 71, 73–5, 78–9, 163, 179–80, 181–4, 187–9 192, 213, 215, 247, 321–2, 337n30, 338n33, 340n39, 341n45, 348n15, 361n25, 373–4n3;

For Lancelot Andrewes 48

“From Poe to Valéry” 257–9

“The Function of Criticism” 42

“The Humanism of Irving Babbitt” 170

“Idea of a Christian Society” 228

“Introduction to Paul Valéry” 382n30

“Literature of Politics” 63;

“Matthew Arnold” 274

“The Metaphysical Poets” 196, 270, 295

“The Modern Dilemma” 12, 322, 328n13, 328n14, 388n19

“Mysticism and Logic” 51, 55, 70, 96, 349n17

“Note on Poetry and Belief” 223, 238, 279, 298, 311

Notes Toward a Definition of Culture 314, 322

On Poetry and Poets 144

Review of Ethical Studies 64;

Review of the Pensées of Pascal 347n9;

“Religion without Humanism 170, 172, 245, 274, 374n4

“The Romantic Englishman, the Comic Spirit, and the Function of Criticism” 347n11

The Sacred Wood 54, 65, 66, 88, 216, 243, 333n10, 335n23

“Second Thoughts about Humanism” 3, 74–5, 130, 210, 364n7

Sermon Preached in Magdalene College Chapel 6, 50–1, 67, 77, 86

“Shakespeare and the Stoicism of Seneca” 6, 69, 91–2

“Thoughts after Lambeth” 96, 145

Turnbull Lectures 253–7

“Two Sources of Morality and Religion” 128, 268

The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism 107, 207, 245, 255, 258, 264, 274, 335n23, 365n11

Eliot, Vivien, 5–7, 19, 40–1, 50, 57–8, 66, 73, 76–9, 84, 88–90, 95–7, 101, 107, 134–6, 140, 145, 150, 334n14, 334n15, 335n24, 338n34, 343n50, 343n52, 344n54, 350n24, 351n30, 385n11

Empson, William, 8

Ethiopia, 31, 330n6

evolution. See Darwinism

existentialism 10, 87, 166–7, 169, 173–5, 230, 355n4

Faber, Geoffrey, 53

Fabian, 77–8, 130, 279

Fascism, 201–2, 228–9, 234–5, 279–80, 319–21, 370n30. See also Mussolini

Feo, José Rodriguez, 178, 328n12

Fernandez, Ramon, viii, 89, 178, 192, 198, 199–211, 213, 217–26, 229–231, 286, 323, 362–3n2, 363n3, 363n4, 363n5, 364n7, 365n8, 365n10, 365–6n12, 365n13, 376n10, 381n25

Finite Centre. See Bradley Flaubert, Gustave, 66

Madame Bovary 278

Flint, F.S., 49, 262, 375n7

Foerster, Norman, 170–2, 205, 324, 325n2, 364n7

Forman, Maurice Buxton, 44, 236, 324

Foucault, Michel, 167, 175, 355n3, 358n12

Frazer, Sir James, 138, 324, 335n23, 350n22 & n23

Frost, Robert, 9

Fuller, Benjamin Apthorpe Gould, 98–100, 344n2

Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 166, 172, 355n4, 356–7n9

Gallup, Donald, 326n5, 332n6, 341n43, 342n48

Gardner, Helen, 131

Gardner, Mrs Jack, 89, 98–9, 345n2, 354n3

Gautier, Théophile, 102, 239, 345n5

Gelpi, Albert, 374–5n5, 376n9

Germany Eliot in, 19

postwar inflation, 235

Nazism, 228

Geyzel, Leonard van, 228

Gide, André, 108, 202, 223

Gordon, Lyndall, 49–50, 51, 57, 70, 77, 79, 90, 99, 105, 107, 142, 237, 245, 334n17, 335–6n24, 341n44, 343n52, 344n1, 344n2, 347n9, 378n16

Gourmont, Rémy de, 335n23

Gray, Piers, 337n30, 350n22, 350n23, 359–60n19

Habib, Rafe, 354–5n3

Haigh-Wood, Vivien. See Eliot, Vivien Harding, Jason, 331n1, 334n17, 351n31, 354n1, 364n7, 376n10

Hartley, David, 284

Harvard, vii, 6–7, 14, 15, 33, 51, 58–9, 60, 70, 78–9, 98–100, 110, 165–6, 215, 326n4, 340n39, 342n47, 344n2, 345n3, 350n23, 355n3, 367n15, 373n3

Moody Lecture 215, 290

Harvard Advocate 3, 9, 10, 13, 15–16, 32–3, 110–11, 128, 164, 215, 226, 260, 268, 308, 326n5, 352n33

Heart of Darkness, 243, 274–5

Hegel, G.W.H., 56, 166, 203, 248, 318, 355n3, 355n4, 358n15

Heidegger, Martin, viii, 146, 148, 175–6, 189, 203, 212, 242, 274, 318, 338n3, 357n11, 358n13, 362n26, 375n5

and Eliot, 166–7, 169–70, 171–2, 179–82;

and Stevens 167–9, 170–1, 174, 176–9

Henderson, Alice Corbin, 10, 21, 23, 26, 113, 352–3n36

Herbert, George, 282, 384n6

Heringman, Bernard, 203, 375n6, 385n10

Hines, Thomas J., 168–9

Hitler, Adolf, 227, 351n31, 373n1

Hulme, T.E., 42, 57, 130, 251, 340n41, 343n51

Humanism, vii–viii 340n40, 355n6, 364n7, 384n1

characterized, 46, 58, 76, 158, 170, 175, 221, 225–6, 274, 287, 318

Darwinism and 68

Eliot and 5, 6–7, 19, 87, 89–90, 101, 130, 140, 145, 170, 207, 237, 257, 325–6n2, 366n14

his Humanist reviews, 79–84;

Heidegger and 167–8, 174–6

Marxism and 319

Pure Poetry and 245;

Stevens and 5–6, 7–8, 17, 45, 108–9, 111–18, 119, 123–5, 130–1, 152–3, 157, 162, 199, 222, 224–5, 267, 286–7, 328n15, 369n23, 371n31. See also Arnold, Matthew

Babbitt, Irving;

Fernandez, Ramon

Foerster, Norman;

Maurras, Charles

More, Paul Elmer;

Murry, Middleton

Hulme, T.E.

Robertson, J.M.

Russell, Bertrand

Husserl, Edmund, 158, 166, 338n33, 339n37, 355n3

Huxley, Aldous, 53

Imagism, 20, 26–8, 32, 236, 245, 263–4, 381n27, 381n28

intuition, 217–21, 226, 229–30, 240–1, 251, 265, 368n19, 372n35, 376n8, 378n17

irrational, 17, 109, 174, 175, 193, 205, 221, 226, 234, 247, 260, 262–6, 319, 347n12, 357n10, 359n19

Jain, Manju, 166, 326n4, 354n2, 359n19

James, William, 70, 182, 188, 277, 359n19, 360n20, 361n25

Julius, Anthony, 354n1

Kant, Immanuel, 158, 180, 189, 203, 217, 237, 367n15, 375n5

Keats, John, 44, 116, 118, 236, 290

Kermode, Frank, 47, 146, 153

Keynes, John Maynard, 338n32

Killorin, Joseph, 3.

Kojecky, Roger, 334n17

Kuklick, Bruce, 326n4, 367n15

Latimer, Ronald Lane, 22, 23, 31, 43, 200, 234–5, 263, 283, 336n1

Lawrence, D.H., 4, 373n3

Lee, Vernon. See Paget, Violet Leggett, B.J., 23, 29, 329n1, 330n5, 359n16, 360n22, 367n16

Leibniz, 59, 187–8, 214, 269, 366–7n14

Lensing, George S., 260

Levenson, Michael, 47

Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien, 80, 181, 341n45, 359–60n19

Lewis, Wyndham, 4, 19, 142, 149, 218, 336n25, 344n1, 347n11

Little Review, 85, 101, 149, 150, 345n4

Litz, Walton, 260, 326

Lobb, Edward, 70, 335n22, 336n26

Lyons, Leonard, 13

MacLeod, Glen, 119, 234, 236, 260, 373n2

Maistre, Joseph de, 63

Mallarmé, Stéphane, 254, 255, 257, 261, 263, 265, 358n15, 381n25

Margolis, John D., 61, 64, 79, 325n2, 334n17, 334n19, 341n44

Maritain, Jacques, 49, 222, 239–44, 248–9, 255, 382n31

Martz, Louis, 153, 353n6, 385–6n11

Marx, Karl, German Ideology 182, 360n21. See also Communism

Mason, Steven T., 260.

Massis, Henri, 329–30n4

Matthews, T.S., 53

Maurras, Charles, 7, 48, 60–64, 66, 67, 69, 75, 77–8, 82, 89, 170, 279, 286, 320–1, 334n17, 334n19, 334n20, 335n21, 370–1n30

McCormick, John, 14, 311, 320n27

Melville, Joan, 389n22

Menand, Louis, 47–8

modern dilemma, vii, 4, 13, 15, 18, 40, 75, 77, 150, 152, 199, 227, 243, 298, 321

modernism, 20, 46–8, 149–50, 186, 260–1, 319

and postmodernism 167, 172, 178–9, 195, 197

monism, 70–1, 73, 74, 81, 179, 180–4, 214 337n31, 338n33, 339n37, 366n14

Monist, 59, 341n33

Monk, Ray, 73, 92, 338n34, 342n47, 344–5n2

Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, 51

Moore, G.E., 338n32, 340n39

Moore, George, 352n35

Moore, Marianne, viii, 9. 10, 11, 20–1, 233, 245

Eliot on 24–28, 39

Moore on Stevens 43–4

Stevens on 21–4, 28–33, 34–5

More, Paul Elmer, 49, 61, 170, 248, 334n19, 355n6

Murray, Paul, 347n8

Murry, Middleton, 42, 45, 48, 89, 128–9, 205, 217–19, 222, 243–246, 248, 249, 251, 286, 364n7, 337n14

on Bremond 240–1

Mussolini, Benito, 31, 235, 337n1. See also Fascism

Munich Agreement, 227–8, 351n31

Naylor, Paul Kenneth, 169

Nazism, 39, 49, 131, 134, 166, 177, 201, 203, 228, 319, 321, 332n5, 363n4, 371n31, 378n15

New English Weekly, 259, 315

Newman, John Henry Cardinal, 205–7, 221, 225, 313, 365n10, 365–6n12;

experience of 240, 323

Nouvelle Revue Française, viii, 199, 290

obscurity in poetry, 8, 20, 43, 108, 133, 139, 191, 194, 196–7, 219, 239, 246, 261, 294, 352–3n36, 386n13

Olney, James, 77, 132

Others, 3, 28

Ott, Hugo, 357n11

Paget, Violet, 143

Pater, Walter, 51, 52, 143, 332n8

Perl, Jeffrey, 46–7

Perugino, Pietro, 105, 346–7n7

phenomenology, 158, 166–70, 173–6, 182–3, 189, 202–3, 225, 338n33, 362n26

Planck, Max, 254, 337n29

Poe, Edgar Allan, 239, 258–9, 263, 381n25

poetic communication, 30, 190–4, 196, 204, 212, 220, 229, 240, 246–8, 250–1, 254, 263–4, 347n8, 382n29

Poetry Magazine, 21, 99, 111, 119, 121, 124, 152, 155, 283, 292, 326n5, 344n1, 384n8

Pound, Ezra, 4, 9, 16, 19, 20, 32, 48, 50, 78, 84–5, 88–91, 104–5, 131–2, 135, 139, 142–4, 145, 149, 167, 179, 228, 236, 261–3, 279, 335n23, 335–6n24, 342n48, 344n1, 350n21, 350n25, 350n26, 351n29, 381n28, 387n17

Praz, Mario, 239–241, 248, 376n8, 376n10

Proust, Marcel, 134, 206–7, 336n25, 365n9, 365n10, 365n11

Rainey, Lawrence, 144, 149, 327n8, 350n24, 350n25.

Rashdall, Hastings, 80

Read, Herbert, 26, 53, 56, 63, 66, 67, 133–4, 165, 239, 240, 278, 329n4, 336n26, 375n7, 376n10

religious belief, 4–5, 7–8, 11–12, 17–18, 45, 47–9, 53–5, 60, 63, 65, 75, 78–84, 92–3, 98, 102–3, 112, 123, 127, 130, 135–6, 148, 162–4, 165–6, 170–221, 223, 227–8, 231, 236–9, 251–3, 256, 259–60, 279–82, 284, 293, 297–8, 316, 318–23, 326n2, 332n4, n5, 349n17, 350n21, 355n6, 370n29, 385n10, 386n11, 387n18, 390n28;

Donne and 91

Existentialism and 167–9

Mysticism and 210

Newman on 221

Russell and 67–8, 71–4;

Stevens on 286–7

Renan, Ernest, 46, 82, 263, 314, 342n46, 390n28

Resurrection, 12, 118, 137, 146, 148, 281, 311–314, 357n27

Richards, I.A., 179, 238, 248–9, 251, 261, 298, 359n19, 375n6, 380n23, 387–8n18

Ricks, Christopher, 39, 259, 342n48, 384n3, 385n11, 387n16

Rimbaud, Arthur, 254, 261, 265

Robertson, J.M., 47, 52–54, 56–8, 59, 62, 65, 68, 73, 82, 170, 211, 286, 333n13, 342n46, 368n17

Rorty, Richard, 14, 91, 172, 179, 189, 252, 343n53, 355n3, 356–7n9, 362n26, 380n22, 383n33

Royce, Josiah, 166, 328n15, 336n26, 350n22 & n23, 354n2, 359–60n19

Ruskin, John, 53, 332n5

Russell, Bertrand, viii, 5–7, 14, 19, 45, 50–2, 64, 71, 73–4, 75–80, 84, 87–100, 99–101, 105, 107–111, 123, 126–7, 129–30, 132, 134–6, 140–3, 145, 152, 155–6, 159, 170, 172–3, 182, 206, 210, 215, 222–3, 233, 237, 247, 250, 252, 257, 277, 286, 318, 323, 325–6n2, 328–9n16, 335–6n24, 338n33, 339n37, 340–1n42, 342n47, 342n48, 343n49, 343n52, 344n54, 344–5n2, 347–8n13, 352n32, 367n14;

“Free Man’s Worship,” 6, 51, 54–60, 67–70, 73–4, 105, 110, 113

Mysticism and Logic, 70, 96, 359n17

Principles of Social Reconstruction, 79, 85, 91–6, 248;

Principia Mathematica 51, 56, 76–7, 276, 333n11, 340n39, 384n1

“Why I Am Not a Christian,” 56, 57, 322

Sassoon, Siegfried, 125–7, 349n19

Schiff, Sydney, 65–6, 131, 134, 142, 145, 335–6n25, 336n26, 338n35, 350n24

Schuchard, Ronald, 52–3, 57, 135, 253, 349n20

science, and art, 172–5, 195, 211–12, 227, 245, 247, 264, 288, 290, 319

and religion, 54, 59, 71, 80–1, 85, 128–9, 179, 347n9, 367n15

Sellin, Eric, 368n18

Seymour-Jones, Carole, 342n48, 343n50, 343n52, 344n54

Shaw, George Bernard, 368n17

Shelly, Percy Bysshe, 129, 178, 236, 238, 239, 254, 267–8, 288, 331n9, 358n15, 381n25, 383n33

Simons, Hi, 153, 154, 157–8, 173, 194, 222, 260, 263, 284, 286, 293, 303, 318, 326n5, 354n41, 381n27, 386n12

Smidt, Kristian, 85, 342n48

Souday, Paul, 239, 241, 246, 379n17

Sousa Santos, Maria Irene Ramalho de, 363n2

Southam, B.C., 346n6, 346n7

Sparrow, John, 260–1, 265, 380n23, 382n29

Spencer, Herbert, 53–54, 62, 67–8, 82, 336n26

Stead, William Force, 281, 290, 312

Stein, Gertrude, 43, 329n2

Stevens, Holly, 152, 283, 326n6, 327n9

Stevens, Wallace, on Eliot, 3, reputation 3–4

and Bergson 128, 205, 226, 265–8, 276–8, 370n27, 380–1n25; 383n33

and Humanism vii–viii, 5–6, 7–8, 156–8, 162–4, 198, 199–200, 203, 211, 222, 224–5, 27, 231, 286–8, 369n23

supreme fiction 7, 8, 129, 169, 238

Poetry: “Blue Guitar” 155–62, 171, 173–4, 273–6, 278, 280–1, 283–92, 298, 307, 370n27

“A Collect of Philosophy” 226, 290, 367n14

“Comedian as the Letter C” 153–4, 158, 161–2, 199, 325n1, 353n36, 353n39, 354n41:

“Emperor of Ice Cream” 293, 306, 309

Harmonium, 9, 10, 16, 21, 119, 121–5, 127, 152, 153, 194, 200, 234, 235, 261, 352n33, 352n36

“From the Journal of Crispin” 153

“Greenest Continent” 284, 330n6

“HighToned Christian Woman” 129, 313

Ideas of Order viii, 22–24, 28, 29, 43–4, 182, 199–200, 205, 231, 233, 236, 327n9, 62n1;

“Journal of Crispin” 153, 161, 281, 353n36, 353n39

“The Idea of Order at Key West” viii, 114, 180, 183, 190–3, 198–205, 219–24, 229–31, 270, 274, 288

“Lettres d’un Soldat” viii, 97, 119–25, 127, 146, 152, 371n31

“Like Decorations in a Nigger Cemetery” 209

“Monocle de mon Oncle” 152–3, 199

“Mozart 1935,” 37–8, 40, 331n8

“Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction,” 184, 225, 293, 317–18, 362n28

“Of Heaven Considered as a Tomb,” 171

“Old Philosopher in Rome” 14, 304, 308–11, 390n26

“Owl in the Sarcophagus” 304, 308, 389n22

Owl’s Clover 31, 330n6

“Owl’s Clover” 260, 280;

“Phases” 97, 111–12, 119

“Sailing after Lunch” 22, 35–7, 39, 44

“Sur Ma Guzzla Gracile” 171

“Sunday Morning” viii, 7, 21, 48, 101–2, 109, 111–18, 122, 125, 146, 152, 190, 191, 199, 293, 303, 305, 312, 351n27, 374n5

“Variations on a Summer Day” 381n27.

Prose: Adagio 169, 316, 381n26

“Figure of the Youth as Virile Poet” 110, 128, 207, 212, 229, 375n6;

“Irrational Element in Poetry” 175, 205, 260–3

Necessary Angel 260, 356n8

Opus Posthumous 112, 119, 120, 123, 153, 384n8

“Rubbings of Reality” 381n27

“Two or Three Ideas” 176, 227, 288, 372n32

Strachey, Lytton, 338n32

Strauss, Friedrich, 346n6

Surette, Leon, 350n21, 351n26

surrealism, 99, 210, 226, 233–4, 243, 260–2, 265–6, 356n8, 374n5, 382–3n31

symbolism, 20, 71, 151–2, 233, 244, 254–5, 258, 261, 381n28

Tannenbaum, Edward, 61

Tate, Allan, 276

Temple, William, 81–2

Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 254, 331n9, 351n28

Thayer, Lucy, 151, 351n30

Thayer, Scofield, 153, 352n35

Thomas, Dylan, 9

transcendence, 12, 22, 36, 50, 58, 67, 73, 76, 90, 114, 129, 163–4, 169–70, 179, 184–5, 203, 208– 9, 213, 221–3, 225–6, 248, 286, 318, 320, 322

Trevelyan, Mary, 24, 343n52

Trinity Review, 273

Underhill, Evelyn, 245, 378n16

Valéry, Paul, viii, 3, 24–5, 29, 42–3, 90–1, 205, 220, 234–6, 245, 257–9, 273, 277–8, 329–30n4, 330n5, 364n4, 368n18, 376n8, 381n26, 382n30

Van Geyzel, Leonard, 228

Van O’Connor, William, 3

Verdenal, Jean, 97–9, 152, 343n51

Verlaine, Paul, 254

Ward, Leo, 61–3

Weston, Jessie, 138, 144, 148, 351n28

Whibley, Charles, 53

Whitehead, Alfred North, 76, 276, 318, 333n11, 338n32, 384n1

Wiener, Norbert, 14, 58–9, 73, 78, 84, 172

Wolin, Richard, 358n14

Woolf, Leonard, 338n32

Wordsworth, Dorothy, 363n2

Wordsworth, William, 22, 129, 155, 192, 195, 214, 220, 238, 254, 265, 268, 284, 288, 291, 299, 365n11, 375n6, 378n16, 385n10

World War I, 10, 98, 118, 131, 140, 193;

casualties 327n8

Britain and France declare war on Germany, 186

the United States declares war on Germany and Austria, 88

World War II: Britain and France declare

war on Germany, 186

Stevens’ and

Eliot’s reaction 227–9

Yeats, William Butler, 37–9, 41, 50, 149, 167, 179, 185, 193, 208, 212, 274, 279, 281, 306, 319, 320, 331n9, 331n12, 374n4