
My son had been wrestling for several years when I began taking my writing notebook to practices and competitions. The sport was such a big part of our family’s life, I knew I’d tell a wrestling story someday.

This book would not exist without the support of the wrestling community. Coaches Brian Dykstra and Will Land were mentors during my son’s early years in the sport. Thank you to the dedicated parents and coaches of Howard County Vipers Wrestling.

In relearning the rules, vocabulary, and strategies of wrestling, Jay LaValley, 2012–2016 chairman of the Maryland State Wrestling Association (MSWA), was my go-to resource. I value his assistance and his friendship. Jay and Jani Palmer, MSWA Women’s Director, 2014–2016, have been instrumental in making the sport available to young athletes of all genders. Author Denise Wilcox and her husband, National Wrestling Hall of Fame coach Steve Wilcox, were kind enough to review my manuscript and make sure I had the wrestling scenes right.

As research for this book, I conducted interviews with athletes, parents, and coaches. Jason Dickson, Tina Gordon, Mary Holmes, Jay LaValley, Jani Palmer, and Tony Patelunas were generous with their time and their stories.

I’m lucky to have a team of friends and critique partners whose feedback I value: Veronica Bartles, Margaret Dilloway, Karina Glaser, Mike Grosso, Jennifer Lewis, Casey Lyall, Joy McCullough, Lee Gjertsen Malone, Ki-Wing Merlin, Naomi Milliner, Stacey Riedmiller, Amie Rose Rotruck, Shari Schwarz, Michelle Warshauer Smith, and Timanda Wertz. The members of the Sweet 16s author group have been colleagues and champions, especially Melanie Conklin, who always has an encouraging word when I need one, or several. Lev’s name was a gift from my aunt, Jonine Sofer.

My editor, Wendy Lamb, and assistant editor, Dana Carey, must have been surprised when I first pitched a wrestling book. I appreciate their faith in me and their help in nurturing Lev and Mikayla’s story. Stephen Barbara may not be a wrestler, but he deserves a trophy for Most Encouraging Agent. I am grateful to the wonderful team at Random House Children’s Books for their work on Takedown.

If being supportive of your spouse were an Olympic event, my husband would have brought home a gold medal long ago. We loved watching our children compete in sports when they were young. Though they’ve moved on to other interests, I consider Robbie and Julia honorary Gladiators.