Harmony slowly stirred her coffee while looking at the young man across the table from her. Before she could say anything Cooper spoke first, "Do you think the waitress thinks we're on a date?"
She waited a moment to answer, sipping from the cup before saying, "It's more likely she thinks you're taking your mother out for brunch."
They were having brunch, but it was a Friday, not the weekend. Cooper had a stricken look on his face. "Do you really think…"
"I'm almost twice your age," she quickly pointed out. "But I thought that's what you were looking for."
He was twenty-four. She was forty-five. Harmony liked to think she could pass for early thirties. She knew she could because she had done it in the past.
"I…I am," he said. "I have a thing for older women." He put some scrambled eggs on his fork and ate them. "We've already discussed that."
"Indeed we have." Harmony ignored most of the food on her plate. She hadn't maintained her body for all these years by indulging in consuming rich foods. "I want to take you back to my place and fuck you."
Cooper made a strange noise, something between choking and doing a spit-take. It took him a moment to recover. Harmony patiently waited.
"Keep your voice down," he hissed at her.
Harmony made a show of looking around the diner. It was nice enough as these places went, but it was hardly anything special. She had brought him here to gauge her reaction to him in person. Online he was charming and witty. In person he was handsome, if a little naive. "Why? No one cares what we are saying."
That was true. The place was busy enough and everyone was minding their own business.
"Still…" Cooper looked nervous. He was hiding a secret. Harmony liked secrets.
"Most men would have been happy to jump at the chance to get into bed with me."
Seeing that he was at a crossroads, Cooper focused himself. "I do. I want to do that. But—"
She cut him off. "You still want to do anal, right?"
He paused before answering. "Um…that wasn't how I was going to put it."
She smiled and leaned forward, giving him a little more of a hint of her cleavage. "That's how I would put it. Do you want to know where I want to put it?"
Cooper wasn't sure what he was getting himself into. That didn't stop him from leaving the restaurant with her, however.
Harmony lived in the middle of suburbia in a small house with a neat flower garden that took up most of the property in front of the house. It was set off from the neighbors by a white picket fence. It was pleasant and unassuming. Cooper felt out of place visiting her. He liked living downtown at the edge of the art district. The rent was almost reasonable and there were a thousand things to do every night and day.
Unfortunately one of those things wasn't fucking middle-aged women. For that he had to come to the suburbs.
He parked his car behind hers in the driveway. She gave him a nod and a wave, summoning him to the front porch where she unlocked the door. He couldn't help but look at her ass as she walked up the four steps to the porch. It wasn't small and trim, but full and rounded.
His cock stiffened in his pants. He was nervous and excited. It was going to happen.
Inside she led him to the kitchen.
"Drink?" she offered.
"Fine." Not wasting another second she abruptly turned and walked up to him, tilted her head up and kissed him.
Her lips were soft. His tongue automatically parted her lips and invaded her mouth. She happily let him explore for a moment before pushing back.
"Okay, well, it doesn't take much to get you ready, does it?" she asked.
"Sorry. Did I seem too eager?" He hoped he hadn't fucked things up already. He had been careful to put his hands on her hips, not her ass.
"Not too eager," she said. "I kissed you. But I could feel your cock."
"Don't be. I like a hard cock."
She smiled again. "You're nervous. When was the last time you had sex?"
"Uh…a few weeks ago."
That definitely crossed over the time they had been chatting online, but that didn't bother Harmony.
"Was she your age? Was she any good in bed? How did you fuck her?"
Cooper was slightly alarmed at her forward questions. "Yeah, my age. She was…fine. Good. No complaints." He didn't answer her third question.
Once more, Harmony sized him up. She pointed down a hallway. "My bedroom is down there, on the left. Go there and get undressed. I'll join you in a minute."
"Yes. Really."
"Where are you going?"
"To put on something a little more comfortable."
Harmony was wearing a brightly colored floral dress that showed off her curves without being overtly sexy and just hinted at her cleavage. To Cooper's eyes, it looked very comfortable. She had kicked off her shoes at the front door and was padding through the house in stocking feet. He wondered what she was wearing under the dress. It was obvious she had planned to bring him back to her house; that had been their general plan all along.
"What are you waiting for?" she asked.
He realized he had been deep in thought and hadn't moved.
"Right. Sorry." It was all he could do to prevent himself from running down the hallway and tearing off his clothes.
Her bedroom was nice. Somewhat plain, but nice. The wallpaper was a floral print as was the bedspread. She only had a queen-sized bed, but she hadn't promised him an orgy, had she? The nightstand, dresser, and bed were a matching set, all yellow.
Briefly Cooper wondered if he was being set up. They had been flirting and sexting for almost two months now so he was reasonably sure he was safe.
He threw caution to the wind. As long as he got fucked, he didn't care what happened next.
Kicking off his shoes, he quickly stripped off his jacket, polo shirt, pants, and socks, leaving them in a pile next to the bed. He stopped at his tight red boxer briefs. His cock was bulging underneath them and he wondered if she wanted him completely naked or if she wanted to strip off the last piece of clothing in a special reveal.
He could have posed on the bed, but that seemed silly. Instead he looked out the window onto the back yard and saw that she had very little lawn and a whole lot of flower beds. Cooper couldn't name any of the flowers other than a stand of sunflowers.
"I thought I told you to strip," said Harmony.
He turned around to face her.
"Holy shit," he breathed.
His cock was already hard but that didn't stop it from throbbing in anticipation of what was to come. He hoped.
Harmony had removed her dress. Her long chestnut colored hair was pulled back into a severe bun at the nape of her neck. What she had on now she must have had on underneath her dress earlier because there was no way she had changed outfits so quickly.
Her top he could only describe as a corset. Maybe it wasn't a real corset, but it pushed her tits up to create some impressive cleavage that her dress had been partially hiding. He knew it had to be a bra because it didn't go all the way down her body to her hips, but he didn't care what it was called. It was black, contrasting sharply with her pale skin, and some of the black material was opaque, but the panels over her nipples were sheer. He could see her hard nipples pressing at the thin material.
Around her waist she wore a classic garter belt, also black, which matched the bra and the tiny panties that hid her pussy. Or maybe it didn't really hide her pussy because the front triangle was sheer showing she had no pubic hair. Maybe it was a thong or g-string. Cooper wanted to know but wanted to drink in her body before he found out.
The garter belt's suspenders were attached to sheer stockings that came up to mid-thigh. Unlike the rest of her lingerie the stockings were nude rather than black. But that only made sense with the floral dress she had been wearing.
Harmony stood in front of him for a long moment, letting him get his fill of her body. She knew exactly what she was doing.
"Holy shit," he said again. "Did you…did you have that on underneath your dress?" He had to know the answer to that question.
"Yes, of course. A lady is always prepared." She frowned at him. "I thought I told you to strip. Your underwear is still on."
"Right. Sorry." He hooked his thumbs into the boxer briefs and was about to pull them down because at that moment he would have done anything she asked.
"Wait. Stop. Let me." She took three confident steps toward him, he noted she still wasn't wearing any shoes, and then knelt down in front of him.
Kneeling should have made him feel like he was in command of the situation. It didn't. He felt completely vulnerable. She was in charge.
Harmony hooked her fingers into the elastic waistband of his underwear and pulled them down. His cock sprang out. She smiled and curled her fingers around his shaft.
Cooper shivered.
"Allow me," she said before putting his cock between her lips that he only now noticed had been painted bright red. She must have done that when she sent him to the bedroom.
She fellated him for less than a minute. She didn't need to get him hard and she certainly wasn't going to let him waste his load in her mouth.
"I love sucking cock," she said, rising to her feet.
"I can tell," he said, his voice shaking. He wanted to grab his cock and jerk off but he managed to control himself.
It was a huge effort because when she got to her feet, she turned around and walked to the nightstand next to her bed.
She was wearing a g-string.
She had a ripe, full ass.
Cooper wanted to fall on his knees and press his face between her fleshy globes and worship her.
He was frozen in place. That was for the best.
Harmony bent over—again, knowing exactly what she was doing—and opened the nightstand drawer. "Here it is. Thought I had it in the other room."
Plucking the object from the drawer she turned around. "Lay down on the bed. I can't wait to fuck you."
In one hand she had a jar. In the other she had a tangle of black polyester and nylon straps. Cooper knew exactly what both were.
The jar was full of lubricant.
The straps were a harness for the dildo mixed up in the bands.
They were really going to do this.
She handed him the jar. "You know what to do with this, right?"
Cooper nodded.
Harmony then expertly untangled the mass of straps and proceeded to pull on the harness like a pair of shorts. There was a strap that went low around her waist and one each of her legs, plus another that went between her legs. The straps were already adjusted to her body. When everything was in place Cooper focused on the flesh-colored dildo that jutted out from Harmony's crotch.
It fell somewhere between realistic and completely fake. Cooper wasn't sure which end of the spectrum would have been better, so this was a good solution.
Harmony looked up at him to see that he hadn't moved.
"Are you nervous?" she asked. "Do you not want to do this?"
He shook his head. "No! I want to! It's just that you're so beautiful…"
She laughed at him. "Okay, that's a sweet thing to say. But I fully intend on pegging you. If it goes well, then maybe we can plan on doing other things later."
"Right, right! Gimme a second." As fast as he could, Cooper got on the bed and lay on his back. She looked expectantly at him. "Oh. Right."
He knew what he had to do but he had never done it in front of another person before.
If he wanted to go through with it, he needed to throw away his shame.
Cooper opened the jar and got some of the slippery lube on his fingers. He then drew his legs up to his chest, exposing himself to Harmony.
She watched with disinterest.
He smeared the lube on his asshole and then was bold enough to push his finger past the sphincter, getting some of the lube inside where it would do the most good.
Seeing that he had properly prepared himself, Harmony dipped her hand into the open nightstand drawer to pull out a condom packet. This she rolled onto the artificial phallus and then dipped her fingers into the lube jar, rubbing it on the head and length of her shaft.
"Ready?" she asked him.
There was only one correct answer.
Cooper nodded.
She directed him to put a pillow under his ass and then to hold the back of knees. It felt wrong and it felt wonderful.
Harmony moved on top of him. It was a perverse twisting of two lovers in the missionary position. She held the fake cock in one hand and placed her other hand on his chest, bracing her position.
It felt ungodly weird to have something probing at his asshole.
"Just relax," Harmony murmured to him. "I've done this lots of times."
He wasn't sure if that reassured him or not. He tried to relax and just breathe while telling himself that this was normal and natural and sexy and fun.
When she abruptly slipped inside him he gasped in delight. She laughed at his reaction.
"Oh! Your ass is very eager, isn't it?"
"Yeah…" He couldn't believe he was doing this.
Harmony put her weight onto his chest, still leaning on her hand. She wiggled her hips, getting adjusted. "I'm so turned on right now," she said.
"You are?" He was dumbfounded.
"I like fucking men in the ass. Hold your legs up. I'm going to use your asshole and you're going to love it."
She had taken her hand off his fake cock. It was most of the way inside his body now. Once more she dipped her fingers into the lube jar and this time applied it to his already hard cock.
Slowly she began thrusting her hips while moving her hand up and down on his cock.
Cooper moaned. "Oh…fuck yes."
"You like that?"
"Fuck yes."
She laughed and picked up the pace. "Too many men are afraid of being pegged."
Cooper just moaned in reply.
"They think it'll make them gay."
"They don't get to know how sexy it is."
"How good it feels."
"Uh-huh. Keep going," he begged. His cock was throbbing. His ass was filled. It felt unusual but he quickly grew to love it.
"They don't know the little magic button every man has inside his ass."
Cooper was panting now. He couldn't talk. Harmony was still holding his cock but she wasn't stroking it at all. She could feel his heat and the throb of his lust through her fingertips.
"I love watching men cum," she said, completely releasing his cock now and taking hold of his legs so she could fuck his ass as fast as she wanted.
Cooper's eyes went wide when she did so. He didn't protest. He couldn't process everything he was feeling, both physically and emotionally. His cock was rock hard but flopping up and down in response to her thrusts, slapping on his stomach.
"Oh…oh fuck…oh shit," he said over and over.
She didn't stop. She looked at his cock waiting for that magic moment.
It only took a few more thrusts.
He erupted all over himself.
His thick spunk shot out of his cock landing on his neck, his chest, his stomach. There were three large spurts followed by a half dozen more that dribbled down the length of his cock. She had made him cum without touching his cock for over a minute.
"Fuck! Oh fuck! Shit!" Cooper continued cursing. Harmony stopped moving her hips. She let the orgasm wash over him. He threw an arm over his eyes, perhaps in shame of what had just happened. He needed some time to process everything.
To pass the time she looked at his cock. At its largest he was an impressive specimen. He wasn't huge by any means, but that was more than fine with Harmony. She had been with men of all sizes and she honestly preferred an average sized cock. Too big was painful and distracting; too small was disappointing. Goldilocks had it right.
He had trimmed down his pubic hair. Cooper didn't have a lot of body hair, which was nice, but there was no way that he didn't trim the length of the dark curls around the base of his cock. He didn't shave at all. She'd have to get him to shave his balls at the very least if they were to continue this.
"I made a mess," he said after a minute.
"That's fine. I like messes." She ran her hand over his body, smearing the cum over his skin. He tried to shy away but he didn't have anywhere to go. "It's sexy."
Finding a bit of courage he said cautiously to her, "Did I do good?"
She laughed. "You did wonderfully. Very sexy. I loved the way you came. Did you enjoy your first prostate orgasm? Or have you had one before?"
He shook his head. "No. I've never cum like that before."
"Good. Did you like it?"
"Wonderful." She leaned forward and kissed him. "We'll have to do this again."
"Right now?" He was alarmed at the prospect. It had felt good but his ass felt stretched and sore.
She laughed again. "No. Not right now."
He grimaced and wiggled around.
"Is my cock hurting you?"
"A little. I'm not used to having something up my ass."
"Maybe you should get used to it," she said with a giggle. "Hold on. Let me pull out."
She withdrew the dildo and Cooper experienced a sense of loss that made no sense. Physically he felt a little better.
"Did you…did you enjoy yourself?" he asked with some trepidation.
"I like fucking men in the ass. I love pegging them. It's been a while since I've taken someone's anal virginity." She paused. "But that's not what you were asking, was it?"
She moved off the bed and carefully removed the condom from the dildo, dropping it into a wastepaper basket on the far side of the bed. It was like it had been set there for just that purpose.
"No, not exactly."
She turned back to him and loosened the straps to the harness. He suddenly felt even more vulnerable. She was dressed—more or less, her breasts and pussy were covered at least though her ass cheeks were exposed—while he was fully naked.
"What were you asking?" She lowered the harness and stepped out of it, placing it on top of the dresser before moving back to the bed.
"Did you cum?" he asked her.
"No. I usually don't from pegging a man."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't me. I still enjoyed myself."
"I can make you cum," he said boldly.
"How are you going to do that with this limp cock?" She toyed with his manhood, flopping it back and forth, emphasizing how soft and small he was.
"Give me a couple of minutes. I can get hard again."
"I don't doubt it. But you aren't going to fuck me today."
Cooper was surprised. "Why…why not?"
"I never fuck on the first date," she said and managed to keep a serious expression for a few seconds before laughing. "Do you think we just fucked?"
She chuckled and nodded her head. "Yes. We fucked. We had sex. We had anal sex. I fucked your ass. I pegged you. But I don't let men put their cocks in me on the first date."
"Just a rule I have. Men are so eager for sex but they usually don't consider the woman. I made it a rule that I only let them fuck me on the second date. Maybe."
"Do you want me to leave?" he asked. He was confused.
"Do you want to leave?"
"No. Not really. I just…don't know what else you want right now."
Shaking her head she leaned forward and gave him another kiss, this one quick and on the lips.
"You're so young and innocent. I want to get off. I want to cum. I have needs just like you."
His brow furrowed. "But you said you didn't want me to fuck you."
"That's right. But you have fingers and a tongue, don't you?"
"And if those are no good I have three different vibrators in my drawer. All of them have proven more than competent at getting me off."
"What…what do you want me to do?" Cooper was confused and uncertain. Dating an older woman like Harmony was confusing.
"Let's try this. I want you to go down on me. If you can eat me out and make me cum, we can talk about a second date."
"I can do that!" he said eagerly.
"Good boy," she said and knelt up, pulling the sides to her g-string down over her hips. It took him a second to realize that she was wearing the undergarment over her stockings and garters. Did that make her a slut? He hoped so.
Once the sheer garment was off her legs and tossed aside like a wisp of nothing he saw that her pussy was completely shaved. He wanted to touch it and feel how smooth her skin was.
"Should I clean up first?" he asked, indicating the cum she had smeared all over his chest and stomach.
Harmony shook her head. "No. Of course not. I like a dirty man." She rolled onto her back and spread her legs, exposing her pussy. Her lips had opened up just a little. He could see moisture on them. This play had turned her on more than he had realized. She pointed to her sex. "Your tongue, my pussy. Let's see if you can make some magic."
Cooper moved into position between her legs. He thought back to high school when he had first eaten pussy. Kara wasn't exactly his girlfriend, but she was willing to have sex with him. He considered himself a pussy connoisseur after that.
Harmony lay back and relaxed. Cooper did everything every woman he had ever been with said she liked when it came to cunnilingus. He licked her lips. He gently sucked her clit. He put his fingers inside her and artfully stroked that little hidden spot. He used his tongue and lips and entire face when it seemed right. He listened to her breathing. She gave short, one word directions and guided him by putting her hand on his head.
It was an effort but he was delighted when he made her cum.
It wasn't Earth-shattering for Harmony, but it was acceptable.
"That was nice," she said. "Now get dressed and go home. I'll call you when we're going to do this again."
Cooper wiped his face with the back of his hand. The scent of her pussy clung to his skin. He could feel the dried remains of his cum on his skin. "Could I take a quick shower?" he asked.
Harmony laughed and shook her head. "No. I want to send you home like the dirty boy you are."