Chapter 5
Harmony stopped briefly in the struggle to close the cage around his manhood and slip the lock into place.
"You didn't tell me that you had a girlfriend."
Drawing heart from her stopping, Cooper said, "I'm sorry. A lie of omission. I didn't think you'd fuck me if I told you I had a girlfriend."
Her lips curled back into a sneer. Instead of yanking the cage off him, she instead slipped the lock into place and snapped it closed.
"Fucking leave. I don't fuck liars."
Cooper looked down at his captured cock. The dark purple metal surrounded his flesh and it seemed wrong on every level.
Working quickly, Harmony released the straps from his legs and opened the cuffs, freeing him. He hadn't realized it until that moment, but his legs had started to go numb from the awkward position she had placed him in. He groaned and tried to get to his feet. The metal around his cock seemed to affect how he moved.
"Get out, get the fuck out!" Harmony seemed on the edge of exploding.
"I'm sorry," he apologized. "But it's just as wrong for you to fuck men half your age!" He struggled to his feet.
"You're an adult," she snapped at him. "And I'm an adult. We can do whatever the fuck we want. But you lied to get laid!" She went to the closet and pulled out a robe, wrapping it around her body. "Get out!" she shouted again.
Unsteadily Cooper made his way to the door and eventually to the foyer where he had left his clothes. There was no way he was going outside naked. He could get the cage off later. He spent a moment quickly dressing while sensing Harmony seething in her bedroom.
She had seemed so stable up until that moment.
"Are you fucking gone yet?" Harmony shouted from her room. "I swear to God if I come out there and I see your face, I'm going to call the cops!"
Having already put on his clothes, Cooper grabbed his shoes and ran out the door, slamming it behind him to let her know he was gone.
It felt weird and wrong to have the cage around his cock. It made walking, let alone running, feel like a foreign activity. He scrambled into his car and drove away trying not to act like he was the wheel man for a bank robbery crew.
Instead of going straight home, Cooper stopped at the local big box home improvement store. He wasn't stupid. There had to be a way to get the cage off his cock. A quick check of his junk while in his car confirmed that the lock holding the cage closed was simple and tiny. A decent pair of bolt cutters would take care of the problem.
He judged that the smallest pair would do the job. Thirty-seven dollars would equal freedom. Though it was an innocuous purchase, he was glad for self-checkout lanes. As much as he wanted to, he didn't open up his pants while his car was in the parking lot. That would have been risking some sort of police inquiry.
After driving home he went inside the apartment he shared with Mallory, but after dropping his pants to cut off the lock, he hesitated.
It had only been an hour but in that short amount of time he had started liking the feeling of the cage around his cock. It wasn't painful and it wasn't pleasurable, but he liked the feeling of something holding his cock all the time.
Still, he couldn't leave it on. Explaining it to Mallory would be impossible.
It was surprisingly easy to snip off the lock, for that Cooper was grateful. He tossed the now destroyed small padlock into the kitchen garbage can, making sure it fell down among the assorted trash.
He couldn't compel himself to throw away the chastity cage. It wasn't because of the cost, though he knew the better ones weren't cheap to buy, but because it somehow seemed a betrayal of the short time he had with Harmony.
Instead he tossed it into the bottom of his work bag, making sure it was inside one of the small zippered internal pockets. Maybe someday he could incorporate it into his and Mallory's sex life.
After a quick shower to get rid of the dried cum from his body, he dressed in clothes that were as similar to the ones he wore to see Harmony as possible, and went to work.
Mallory would never know.
His guilt didn't go away all day. He felt bad about how he had treated Mallory, cheating on her. He felt bad about deceiving Harmony, even if it was meaningless. He felt bad about destroying her lock and taking off the cage, though that made no sense. He felt terrible at how things had ended between him and Harmony, though ultimately that was for the best.
He was thrilled when he came home and found Mallory had made dinner for the both of them. Normally they split the cooking and when he worked late, they generally didn't eat together. For her to wait for him and create a full-blown meal was incredible.
"Thank you so much," he said, giving her a kiss before they sat down at the table.
"You've been so good to me lately," she said. "My migraines have been terrible and I'm finally feeling human again. I'm going back to my doctor and try the next drug on the list. There's only about a dozen and I'm on number four now."
"You aren't doing that for me, are you?"
She shook her head. "No. For me. Well, for you a little because you wind up doing all the cooking and cleaning and everything else when I'm sleeping."
"It's not a problem."
"But I like it when you put me to sleep," she said, hinting at what she actually meant.
"Most men would be upset if their girlfriend said sex with them put her to sleep."
Mallory's eyes went wide. "That's not what I meant! I like the sex!"
He laughed. "It's fine."
"Good, because I like the sex."
He gave her a look. "Good, because I'm horny."
Her lips twisted into a smirk. "Eat your dinner. You're going to need your strength."
After they ate they dumped their plates in the sink and rushed to the bedroom. Mallory was more than happy to let Cooper strip her, put her down on the bed, and go down on her pussy.
The room wasn't exactly dark, but the lighting was dim.
The first thing he thought of when kissing her mons and then stuffing his tongue up her tart channel was that she didn't have Harmony's ultra-smooth skin.
He hated himself for that thought and focused on making her cum.
"You don't…you don't have to do…uh…to do that…" she moaned.
"I want to," he said, taking a quick break.
"I want to suck your cock," she panted.
"Okay…after I make you cum."
Cooper loved how he could make her cum over and over and she'd still be willing to do more…when she wasn't half out of her mind with a migraine headache.
Mallory lay back and let him explore her pussy. As he focused on her pleasure he couldn't help but note that she had let her grooming fall to the wayside. Normally Mallory kept a landing strip on her mons, but while that was still there, she also had at least a week's worth of growth over her pussy. He told himself not to compare her to Harmony.
There was no comparison.
He was lucky that Mallory was the sort of woman who enjoyed sex, maybe not kinky sex, but enthusiastic sex. He made her cum. She squeezed his head with her thighs and soaked his face as she came. Both of those things were honors to him.
"My turn," she insisted after they had laid together for a minute. He was still fully dressed while she was naked. Only when her hand grabbed at his cock through his pants did he start to panic.
"You don't have to. It's okay. I'm already hard. Do you want me to fuck you?"
"I want you naked and I want to suck your cock…then you can fuck me."
She sat up and pulled at his belt and zipper.
"Wait!" he insisted, covering her hands with his.
Her brow furrowed. "What's the matter?"
He didn't like that she was suspicious. "I've got something to tell you."
She looked askance at him. "What?"
He had been working on the lie ever since dinner. "I was doing a little…trimming this morning when I showered and…things got out of hand."
"This I have to see!" Working quickly she opened up his belt and zipper. He helped. There was no way around this and the best thing to do was face it head on.
"Wowsers! You shaved completely!" Her exclamation came with an inspection of his cock and balls and pubic area with fingers and eyes. "Did you do this for me?"
"Sort of…"
He was hard enough and his cock arched upward. "You look like a porn star," she decided.
"I do? I never thought I was that big…"
"Gay porn star," she amended. "Most of them shave completely."
"Uh…they do? How would you know?"
Mallory licked the underside of his cock and looked up at him. "I like watching gay porn every now and then."
"The things you learn about people…oh…" She put his cock between her lips and proceeded to take the entire length down her throat.
Cooper breathed a sigh of relief. The moment of crisis had passed. She had believed him. He was safe. She'd blow him to the point of orgasm, then he'd roll on top of her and fuck her for five seconds and make her cum again before shooting his load into her.
It still didn't compare to getting pegged by Harmony.