They had breakfast together before going over to Harmony's house. Mallory absently stirred her coffee and gave him a smile. "Thank you for last night."
"It's the least I could do."
She chuckled. "I'll say. I'll also say something else."
"What's that?"
"Ever since we started down this little adventure, I haven't had a migraine."
Cooper considered that. "Any idea why?"
She shrugged. "It might be that I'm getting more sex and am more relaxed. Maybe caging a cock really relaxes a woman. I also feel like I'm more in charge of my life and our relationship, maybe that's it."
"That's interesting."
"The long and short of it is if it keeps my migraines at bay, I'm never letting your cock out of that cage unless you're using it to fuck me."
That idea both excited and frightened Cooper.
She drove them over to Harmony's house. Maybe it was a control thing, but she assured him that it was because he wasn't going to be in any condition to drive a car afterwards. While he wanted to believe that would be because the two of them were going to peg his ass to the point of not being able to sit down, he knew that wasn't the case.
Something else was up and he knew he was right to be worried.
And scared.
When they arrived, it was like they were going over to a friend's house for lunch. Harmony was in a floral print dress. Mallory was wearing her standard day off from work black leggings and loose top. Cooper had on jeans and a sweatshirt. Except for the fact that they were talking about nothing as they ate the lunch that Harmony had provided along with the reality that Harmony was a good twenty years older than them, it was perfectly normal.
Noting that Cooper was wearing jeans, she said, "I hope those are comfortable."
"Why?" he asked warily.
"Did you not tell him?" Harmony asked Mallory.
The younger woman gave a tight-lipped smile. "I didn't know how."
"Well, I'm going to enjoy this," said Harmony. When she proceeded to tell Cooper what was in store for him, he paled and tried not to faint.
"You can't do that to me," he said, asserting some authority.
"You're right," she agreed and Mallory nodded along. "But if you don't…well…I'm not going to fuck or peg you any longer. I don't know what Mallory's plans are, but you've backed yourself into a corner."
Harmony made a show of looking at her watch. "If we leave now we can just make the appointment time."
Cooper went with the two of them. Mallory drove. Harmony rode in the passenger seat. Cooper was in the back seat; a second-class citizen.
He expected the place to be either completely anonymous, like a generic doctor's office, or maybe a scuzzy store front in the middle of the downtown arts district.
It was neither. It was in the middle of suburbia between a strip mall and a restaurant.
"Honey Bee Spa?" Cooper questioned, reading the sign on the building as Mallory parked the car.
"I go here for my monthly waxings," said Harmony. "But they do so much more."
Inside it was exactly as Cooper would have pictured a spa would be. Relaxing music. Comfortable chairs in the small waiting area. The receptionist and staff in fancy surgical scrubs with their names embroidered on the breast along with the spa's honey bee logo.
There was a discreet sign on the reception desk advertising the various services the spa offered. Massages and hair removal and nail services were primary. He didn't see anything else offered. There was a brochure with a more detailed menu of services on the counter. He picked it up and started reading as Harmony spoke with the receptionist.
They talked like old friends. Cooper couldn't focus on their words to understand what was being said.
Skimming the brochure he found what he was looking for. Consultation services. Permanent makeup tattooing. Personal body modification. All of these were listed without a price and without further description.
"Cooper? Cooper?" It took him a moment to hear the voice of the receptionist.
The pretty woman gestured to a short woman in the spa's uniform of white scrubs. "Andrea will take you back for your treatment now."
Andrea seemed like any other woman he might meet at his job or a party. She had a small flower tattoo behind one ear, but was rather plain besides that.
"We don't get many men here," said Andrea, "but don't worry, I've done this with plenty of men. And women," she added with a wink to Harmony.
The two women laughed. Mallory joined in.
Cooper just smiled nervously.
The room looked a lot like a doctor's treatment room. Medical cabinets. Sterilization equipment. Vague smell of disinfectant in the air combined with either lemon or vanilla. There wasn't a doctor's bed, but a massage table.
"Take off your pants and underwear," said Andrea as she pulled on a pair of latex gloves. Mallory and Harmony pushed into the room. They were going to watch. Cooper knew he didn't have a choice.
He undressed from the waist down. He felt ridiculous. Andrea eyed the cock cage he was wearing. He had forgotten it was on; it was something he just wore all the time now, like his watch. "You aren't going to need that after today," she said, trying to keep the laughter out of her voice. "But do either of you two ladies have the key?"
"Oh. Right." Mallory reached into her purse, found her key ring, and unlocked the chastity cage.
Andrea was the one to slip it off Cooper's penis. His nerves were enough to keep his manhood soft. He got the impression this wasn't the first time Andrea had handled such a cage. She handed it over to Mallory.
"Don't worry," she said to Cooper. "I've done this dozens of times."
"Is it going to hurt?" he blurted out and hated himself because it made him sound weak.
All three women laughed.
"A little," said Andrea.
"But it will be worth it," Harmony assured him.
He couldn't watch. After spending a lot of time covering his skin with antiseptic, Andrea used some lube and slid a plastic tube up his urethra.
"This is the worst part," she assured him.
He nodded and moaned; it wasn't a pleasurable moan.
"I'll do it on three," she said. He saw something sharp in her hand. "Count with me."
"One," she said.
That was followed by a sharp burning pain.
"That was only one!" he protested.
"Men tend to jump on three," Andrea said smoothly. "Hold still. I have to slide the ring into place. This won't hurt."
She had lied. Putting the ring through the new hole and out the meatus was painful. Not the same pain as the sharp stab from getting the hole, but an elongated, intense burning. The manipulation and time was what really hurt.
Eventually even that was over. He hoped he hadn't whined and moaned through the process but he wasn't certain.
"Almost done," Andrea promised.
"You're not done?!"
"Just need to put the bead into place," she muttered, not really addressing him.
Cooper risked a glance downward. He was glad there wasn't any visible blood. He was aghast at seeing the silver ring now attached to his body. It was wrong.
But at the same time it seemed manly and fierce and sexy.
He focused on not passing out.
Andrea had a pair of specialized pliers in one hand and a small silver bead in the other. Cooper watched as she put the bead in place and used the pliers to tighten the ring.
It was finally over.
"It looks big," said Harmony.
"It looks average," said Mallory. "Very average. I should know. I've been with him for a couple of years now."
Harmony laughed. Even Andrea chuckled a little. "I was talking about the ring, not his penis.I had her put in a six gauge. It's bigger than the usual starting size."
"No stretching needed," said Andrea. "Of course it hurt a little." She was still working. There was some bleeding that she dabbed at with some gauze pads. "A little direct pressure," she said absently.
"I don't feel great," said Cooper as his head lolled to the side.
His eyes snapped open. He didn't remember closing them. Andrea was holding a broken capsule of smelling salts under his nose. He sat up with a jerk.
"Careful," she cautioned him. "You passed out. Not unusual. Here, have some juice. It'll help."
She handed him a can of apple juice. It made him wonder who exactly bought canned apple juice, but quickly decided that it must have been one of the many basic supplies for the spa.
It was wonderfully cold and did wonders for the throbbing in his head. However, it did nothing for the throbbing in his dick. It wasn't the good sort of throbbing.
"I passed out?"
"Half my clients do."
Harmony snickered.
Mallory chimed in. "I didn't pass out when I had my nipple pierced."
"I've found that men are more likely to pass out than women," said Andrea. "Ibuprofen for the pain. No aspirin. Here's the sheet for aftercare, but if your girlfriend has a piercing, she can probably help you out."
Cooper nodded and immediately regretted it. There was a fuzzy headache slowly growing behind his eyes.
Everything else was a blur. He got dressed with Mallory's help. A sheet of instructions was pressed into his hands. He followed the women out of the spa, walking carefully. He didn't remember seeing anyone in the waiting room, but there probably were a bunch of women watching.
There was the drive home. He was glad that Mallory drove him home. The walk up to their apartment was horrendous. Then he slept for a few hours.
When he woke he had to pee. The bedroom shades were down but some daylight was peeking through. He stumbled to the bathroom, proud that he was able to walk under his own power. After wearing the cock cage for weeks now, he was used to sitting down to pee so he did that automatically.
There was some pain still. He expected that. His bladder was full and he needed to pee but he couldn't make himself because he knew it was going to hurt.
It felt ridiculous to be trapped on the toilet and he hated himself. Oddly, he didn't have any animosity toward Mallory or Harmony.
And he sort of liked that he had a PA piercing now.
The pain from the wound eventually lost the battle with the pressure from his bladder.
He peed.
It stung like a motherfucker.
He whimpered as he endured the pain.
The stream was still going when there was a knock on the bathroom door.
"Coop? Are you okay in there? I heard you crying."
"I'm okay," he said tightly. That was a lie. "Just…give me a minute."
"Andrea said peeing the first time would hurt a little."
"Yup. I know." He was sweating and wanted the pain to end, but it would only end when his bladder was empty.
That seemed to take forever.
And when the urine finally stopped, the stinging pain was still there. He imagined it would be there for a while.
When Mallory tapped at the door again, he said, "Yup. I'm done. Out in a second."
She had made dinner. She gave him some pills for the pain. She played the role of the concerned girlfriend all evening.
Then she dropped the bomb.
"I have a date with Al tomorrow," she said.
"And by date you mean…"
Mallory smiled. "I'm going to fuck him. Again. It's not like you're going to have sex anytime soon." She paused. "Unless you want me to peg your ass."
"No thank you."
Cooper thought about what was always said when a pet was spayed or neutered. "It's for their own good."
Cooper wasn't sure if this was for his own good or not.
He sort of wanted the cage back on, but it was too soon.