Mallory watched for a minute as Cooper ate out Harmony's pussy.
The older woman was propped up on a couple of pillows against her headboard. She was naked, which was unusual for Harmony. During sex she always seemed to have some article of clothing on. This time however, she was only wearing a gold necklace and nothing else.
Cooper's ass was in the air. He was similarly naked. The only thing he was wearing was the cage around his cock. He hadn't asked or implied he wanted it off. Seeing her boyfriend with another woman didn't bother her. If this had happened back in college she would have freaked out. It made her wonder how much she truly loved Cooper.
She was the one in the bedroom wearing the most clothing: bra and panties.
And the strapon harness, but that wasn't really clothing.
As Cooper continued to eat Harmony's pussy, Mallory took some lube and carefully anointed his asshole. She was used to doing this now. He barely reacted when she touched him there.
"Ready for me?" she asked.
Cooper didn't give her any real reaction. Harmony's eyes opened and the two women shared a smile before Harmony relaxed again. It didn't matter if Cooper made her cum or not. That wasn't the point of this little exercise.
Kneeling behind Cooper, she took her girlcock in hand and slipped it between his buttocks, probing for the opening. For a half second she reflected that this seemed normal to her, even though it wasn't. Then her girlcock found its way in and she pushed her hips forward, filling up Cooper.
He groaned into Harmony's pussy.
The older woman shoved his face back down to her sex. "Don't stop," she ordered. "I'm almost there."
If she had been about to cum, Mallory's pegging ruined the moment. He was now too distracted to give Harmony's pussy the attention it deserved. She switched on the little vibrator inside the harness and let out a little moan as a pleasant wave spread through her body.
"Good boy," she murmured as she fucked her boyfriend in earnest.
Pegging hadn't ever been something that interested her, but once she had started doing it with Cooper—and Harmony—it turned out she rather enjoyed it. The hidden vibrator made it even better. It didn't matter to her that it wasn't supposedly natural, it was fun, it gave her abs a good workout, and she loved making Cooper come that way.
Harmony grabbed Cooper's face and rubbed it into her pussy. That brought back focus to him. He found that being in his chastity cage while being pegged made the experience much more intense. Everything that Harmony—and Mallory, his girlfriend—did on top of just a simple pegging was pure gold. He was able to tear his attention away from his ass and cock for long enough to give Harmony's clit the physical praise she deserved.
He made her cum. She didn't squirt when she came, but he felt like he was drowning in her amrita and being smothered by her pussy at the same time. She was loud when she came. That gave him the permission he needed to let himself go.
Mallory knew exactly how to peg him. She could now angle her girlcock perfectly and hit his prostate. It was unlike anything else. Once she saw that he made Harmony cum, she didn't hold back. He couldn't hold back either.
He came and shot his load through his soft cock still in the cage, around the ring through his flesh, making an ugly puddle on the bed.
He groaned loudly as he came, each additional thrust from her being pure torture. She loved how he sounded cumming. Maybe it was torture, but he deserved it. He deserved the best. She couldn't stop herself. She was so close to the edge as well.
Then, without having to make it happen, she felt her orgasm grab hold and wash through her. It made her laugh, the feeling of elation and release, all because she was perverting what sex was supposed to be.
"Good boy," she said, patting his back, "good boy."
"I feel like it's my first time every time I cum with the cage on," he mumbled. His words were partially subdued by Harmony's pussy and thigh.
"That's good," said Mallory as she carefully withdrew the girlcock.
"Who do you want to fuck?" asked Harmony.
She wasn't talking to either Mallory or Cooper. She was addressing Shawn who had politely watched the entire encounter from the corner of the room. He was wearing a chastity cage on his cock and nothing else. A chain connected the cage to the headboard of Harmony's bed. He couldn't move away and had been instructed to watch and not say a word.
Shawn just stared at her, not answering for fear of upsetting her and getting some punishment.
"Oh. Right," she said, remembering her instructions. "You can talk now. I'm not going to beat your balls with a whip."
"Can I fuck you, Harmony?" he asked politely.
She tilted her head. "You don't want to fuck Cooper's ass? It's ready."
He knew she was teasing, but he answered her seriously. "No thank you. I'm not into sex with men."
"He sucked your cock."
"And I liked it, but that's not the same."
"Don't you want to fuck Mallory? She's a lusty slut. It'll be fun to fuck her while her boyfriend watches."
Cooper and Mallory were silent. Cooper watched and listened with interest. Mallory knelt on the bed and grinned at the handsome older man.
"It's tempting, but Cooper got your pussy ready for me, didn't he?"
Harmony idly rubbed her pussy, dipping one finger inside herself, to show him she was more than ready for his cock. "He did. But that doesn't mean I want to fuck you…"
"You don't?" He was wounded. Unlike Cooper he didn't love wearing a chastity cage. He did it because Harmony liked him to and it was a fun game. He much preferred to be pegged while he jerked off.
"No," she answered sharply. "You've taken too long to answer." She sat up and grabbed his chastity cage key from the top of her dresser. "I want to watch Mallory peg your pretty little ass." She unlocked the chain to his cage and then unlocked his cage, slipping off the device to allow his cock to rise. "She's going to use your ass for five minutes. If you cum, that's it. If you don't…then you can fuck me."
"Sounds good to me," said Mallory. She had left the harness on and there was a faint buzzing from the vibrator inside the harness. She found a condom on the dresser and rolled it on her girlcock while Harmony guided Shawn into position on his back, legs up, asshole exposed. Mallory was forced to stand on the floor so she could penetrate Shawn as Harmony gently masturbated his cock.
It had taken no time at all for his cock to get hard. That didn't surprise anyone. He had been in the cage for the past day.
"I'll start the timer now," said Harmony.
"She's already been at it for a minute!" Shawn complained.
Harmony just chuckled.
Cooper watched as the two women focused on Shawn. He was a little jealous but he had recently cum so he didn't have much to complain about.
Shawn moaned and groaned like he was being tortured. That wasn't far from the truth. Her speed with Shawn was slower than with Cooper; she was partly distracted by the vibrator pressed up against her clit. She came once more. Now her panties were soaked through with her amrita.
"Fuck," said Harmony as Mallory was building up to another orgasm.
"He's made it to five minutes."
Cooper glanced at the bedside clock and realized she was right.
"Should I stop?" asked Mallory. Clearly she didn't care about Shawn's situation.
Harmony frowned. "You'd better. I made a promise."
"But I want to…to cum again."
"I can help you with that," said Harmony.
Mallory's eyes went wide. Cooper's went wider.
The younger woman pulled out of Shawn's ass, causing him to groan. She quickly loosened the straps to the harness and wiggled out of it and her panties. The moment she did Harmony shoved her hand between Mallory's thighs, found her pussy, and eagerly masturbated her.
Mallory collapsed to the bed, pulled Harmony down with her. The two women kissed.
As he watched, Cooper grabbed the harness and switched off the vibrator.
It didn't take long for Mallory to cum under Harmony's attention. Her thighs clamped on the other woman's hand and their kiss was intense.
"I thought I was going to get to—" Shawn started to complain.
"Oh relax," Harmony cut him off. "I made a promise I intend to keep." She left Mallory and moved over on top of Shawn. Right before she sat down on Shawn's cock, she gave Mallory a wink. "Oh…yes…I've been needing this."
Cooper was more than happy to watch the two go at it for a minute. It was literally for that long. Harmony rode Shawn's cock for no more than a minute before he grabbed her hips to control her body and empty his balls into her.
Mallory laughed at Shawn's theatrical groaning and body shaking. "All that for a sixty second disappointment?"
Harmony laughed as well and gently kissed Shawn. "I've had worse."
"Thanks," groaned Shawn.
"You could have lasted longer," Harmony pointed out.
He shook his head. "No, no I couldn't have."
She gave him another sweet kiss. "That's why men are the weaker sex." Turning her head she gave Cooper a look. "Are you ready to fuck me?"
"He's not. I'm not releasing him from his cage," Mallory interjected.
"I have a key to it too."
"I don't want him out. He hasn't earned it yet."
"You're a cruel mistress."
"Thank you. If you have a spare harness, he can put it on and fuck you with a dildo."
"That's not nearly as much fun."
Mallory picked up her harness from the floor where Cooper had dropped it.
"I'm not letting him out of the cage…but I'll fuck you."
Harmony considered that for a minute. "I've done that before."
"Want to lock Shawn up first?"
Harmony smiled.
Both men objected, but their protests were either weak (on Shawn's part) or insincere (on Cooper's part) because they both enjoyed the enforced chastity, though on different levels. It took Mallory a couple of minutes to get her harness back on and properly adjusted. While she was busy, Harmony was putting Shawn's cage back on. He complained but she didn't listen to him. If he had been serious about keeping it off, he would have walked out.
In truth, both he and Cooper wanted the watch Mallory fuck Harmony with the strapon. Neither would say so, but it was the truth.
Even so, it was a little odd to watch. The women kissed and Mallory took the role of the aggressor, pushing Harmony onto her back, kissing her, sucking her tits, fingering her pussy. Harmony allowed it all to happen.
Cooper wondered if they had planned this and never told him.
Shawn wondered what he'd have to do to get out of the cage so he could either jerk off to the memory of the scene or have sex with either woman.
It was Harmony who guided the dildo into her pussy. Mallory watched and when everything was set, she started fucking Harmony. The faint buzz of Mallory's hidden vibrator could be heard as the two women rutted like a straight hetero couple, though they were anything but that.
Still, neither man could tear their eyes away from the scene. It wasn't the best of lesbian porn, but it came close.
Cooper loved it when Mallory came while thrusting into Harmony, making little mewling sounds as she did. The best part was that Mallory didn't stop thrusting while she came. Maybe Harmony appreciated that effort; maybe Harmony was already on edge, but she came shortly afterwards.
They ended their encounter with a long, intimate kiss that made Cooper jealous. He could feel his cock trying to stiffen inside the cage. He wanted to ask Shawn what he was feeling, but the relationship that Shawn and Harmony had was nothing like what he shared with Mallory.
"I need to take off my panties," said Mallory when she rolled off Harmony.
"Want something in your pussy?"
"No. My panties are just…soaked."
The two women giggled as Mallory flopped her body around to loosen the harness straps and then peeled off her panties. She literally had to peel them off. Her amrita had so soaked the material that it clung to her skin.
"You could wring those out," Harmony observed.
"Ugh. That's an image I could deal without. Good thing I brought a change of clothes." Mallory looked at her boyfriend. "Do you want to shower here or just do a quick wash before we go home?"
She was looking directly at his cage. There were still bits of semi-dried cum clinging to it.
"I'll shower at home."
"Okay. Wait here. I need to use the bathroom first." She bounded off the bed and went to the bathroom.
Cooper seemed to come alive. He rushed to his pile of clothes and sorted through them quickly looking for his jacket.
"What are you doing?" asked Harmony, mildly interested. He wasn't rushing to get dressed.
"Looking for…for this," he said triumphantly. He held up a small velvet jewelry box.
It took Harmony a moment to realize what he was holding.
"You have got to be shitting me," she said flatly.
"What is it?" asked Shawn, not understanding what Cooper was showing off.
"Not here and not now," said Harmony. "That's the worst possible decision you could make."
"For the last several months, all I've done is make bad decisions. It's now or never."
"You've only been dating the girl for…" Harmony paused. She didn't know the answer. "For how long?"
"Two years," Cooper told her.
"Way too short a time. Don't do it."
"Should I get dressed?" he asked himself. "No. Better to do it this way."
Things clicked into place for Shawn. "Holy shitballs, are you going to ask her to get married?"
"Keep your fucking voice down!"
Shawn dropped his voice but his excitement was palpable. "Are you going to do it right here and now?"
"You have a better idea?"
"In private!" Harmony hissed at him.
"Maybe in a restaurant?" suggested Shawn. "I don't know. I've never been in your position."
"What position is that?" asked Mallory as she walked back into the bedroom.
Cooper immediately dropped to one knee and proffered up the box.
Shawn gasped. "Fuck yeah, dude."
"I can't fucking believe this," muttered Harmony, covering her eyes with her hand. "I can't watch."
"Mallory," said Cooper as his girlfriend stared at him with puzzled eyes. "Would you like to get married?"
It took her a moment. Several moments. Shawn looked on like he was watching a man struggle to climb a mountain. Harmony couldn't bear to look.
Mallory blinked. Her boyfriend was naked on one knee in front of her wearing a dirty cock cage. On the bed was the woman she had recently fucked with a strapon dildo. With her was a man she had pegged with that same dildo. Both were waiting expectantly, but in different ways, to hear her answer.
In short, it wasn't the situation she had imagined herself in when she was being proposed to. Mallory didn't have an exact scene set in her head of how she expected a marriage proposal to come. But it certainly involved flowers, birds fluttering overhead, sunshine or maybe a sunset, a handsome suitor, and a ring of unimaginable beauty and clarity.
The only thing this proposal had in common with her idealized version was a man on one knee and a ring.
Cooper popped open the box. It contained a ring. Her idealized ring was of gold with a marquise cut diamond of such purity it was barely visible. This ring was silver and for a moment she thought the gem was black, but then she realized it was midnight blue and was an oval cut.
This wasn't what she imagined at all. It was dirty and unexpected, unlike her preferred version that was romance and planned.
Still, her heart was in her throat and she couldn't answer for a long, uncomfortable moment.
"I told you it was a bad idea," Harmony muttered into her hand.
Shawn hissed at her to be silent.
"I…I…I…" was all that Mallory could force out of her mouth.
Cooper's hands started to tremble as he held the box containing the ring. Abject humiliation flashed through his mind and he was certain he had fully fucked up his life and ruined his relationship with Mallory.
Fortune smiled on them both.
"Yes," she finally managed to force out of her mouth.
Shawn clapped his hands together in excitement.
Harmony made a sound that was something between surprise and annoyance.
"Oh thank god," Cooper breathed.
Mallory went down on her knees with Cooper and kissed him, the both of them holding the ring box together. In trying to pull the ring out of the box Cooper fumbled the small bit of jewelry and dropped it to the floor. Mallory let out a little shriek of surprise and crawled across the floor after it.
Even in the moment Cooper couldn't help but admire his girlfriend's ass. It was a thing of beauty.
"How did you guess my ring size?" she asked after grabbing it off the floor where it had rolled up against the small dresser where Harmony kept her sex toys. When she turned around she displayed the ring on her finger.
"I borrowed one of your other ones that I saw you wearing."
"It's a black stone," Harmony observed. "That's twisted."
"It's blue," Cooper insisted. "It's a sapphire."
"Not a diamond," Harmony pointed out.
"It's also lab-created," Cooper added. "Not a blood diamond." He fixed the older woman with a stare. "No one died for this simple chunk of mineral."
"A diamond is traditional."
Mallory didn't let Harmony ruin her sudden good mood. "I'm hardly a traditional girl," she said, giving Cooper another kiss. "I love it."
"If that's what you want," Harmony said dismissively. "I suppose the two of you are going to run off and get married in some giant church ceremony, have two point three kids, buy a house in the ‘burbs in a good school district and live the American dream."
"Why are you being so sour?" Shawn asked. Even as he spoke the words, he realized what it was. Harmony thought she was going to lose not only Cooper, but Mallory as well.
It was a legitimate concern.
"I'm not a fan of marriage."
"Doesn't mean you get to shit all over everyone else's dreams," said Shawn. He turned to the happy couple. "Congratulations."
"Right," said Harmony, seeming to come to her senses. "Congratulations."
"Thank you," the happy couple replied.
"Are you going to take his cage off right away or are you going to wait for the wedding night?" Harmony asked sharply.
"Hush!" Shawn admonished his occasional lover.
Mallory laughed, brushing off the back-handed insult. "I just put the ring on. We have to talk about that."
"I don't want to take it off," said Cooper. "Ever."
His fiancée gave him a look. "You need to take it off for cleaning and all that. What if you need to go to the doctor?"
Cooper hadn't given that any thought. "Well, yeah. Except for that."
Mallory turned to Harmony. "Thank you for getting him pierced."
The older woman blinked. "You're welcome. Why would you even say that?"
"Well, now I don't have to get him a ring. He's already got one in his cock."
"Ha ha, very funny, honey," said Cooper.
They exchanged another kiss.
"There's so much saccharine flowing here I'm turning diabetic," complained Harmony.
"After the ceremony do you want to be the first person to peg Cooper?" Mallory asked. "If not for you, I don't think he ever would have proposed."
"That's not true," said Cooper.
She turned on him. "Really?" She admired the ring on her finger. "Before you cheated on me and got your ass pegged which resulted in all of this, where did you see our relationship going?"
"I…" Cooper didn't have an answer for her.
"And after I found out about you and Harmony and your perversions?"
The answer leapt to his lips. "I knew I had to marry you because there was no way any other woman in the world would be as understanding."
"What about me?" asked Harmony. Her voice wasn't plaintive, but the other three felt the pain in her voice.
For just a moment Mallory was tempted to taunt the other woman. After all, Harmony had been the one who was the one to nearly steal Cooper away from her.
But that wasn't fair. No one could truly steal away a romantic partner. Either they wanted to be with you or they didn't.
It was slightly more complicated with Cooper because he wanted so much, but he had shown Mallory that she wanted a lot as well. More than just he could give her.
And that was good.
"What about you?" asked Mallory. "Were you hoping that Cooper was going to propose to you?"
That caught Harmony off guard. She hadn't been expecting that. She hadn't known what was going to happen.
"Who do you want to get married to?" Mallory pressed.
She opened her mouth to answer, but found that she didn't have an answer.
"Have you ever been married?" asked Cooper.
"What the fuck! When did this become a conference on my marriage status?"
Mallory shrugged. "You brought it up."
"Have you ever been married?" asked Cooper.
That question she could answer.
"Do you want to be?" he followed up.
Her answer was slower this time.
"I…I don't think marriage is something for me."
"So you'd just rather fuck random men," Shawn commented.
"Not random," she snapped. "And not only men."
"So what are you complaining about?"
Harmony knew she didn't have anything to truly complain about, but she still felt left out.
"You could look for a man who is into chastity and pegging," suggested Cooper. "You've been doing that."
"I've been doing that and it's only for short-term relationships."
"We're not here to solve the problems with your love life," said Mallory.
"Maybe you could change your profile on the apps," suggested Cooper. "You know, something along the lines of ‘Looking for a man who loves to wear a cage on his cock for the rest of his life so I can peg his ass.'"
"Very romantic," Harmony said sourly.
"Well, what do you want in life?"
She didn't have a ready answer for that.