‘Goodbye, Peggy darlin’ and thanks a million again for comin’ over. I don’t know what I’d have done without ye.’ Cat cradled the new baby Anna in her arms and called Billy and Eileen to come and kiss Auntie Peggy goodbye.
‘Don’t forget now, Cat. I’ll come over any time ye need me, Breda can manage Marie and the shop, ’tis no trouble. I just want ye to keep well.’
‘I know, Peggy,’ Cat assured her lifting first Eileen then Billy up to kiss Peggy. ‘Kiss your auntie goodbye now, Billy.’
He put his little arms around her neck and kissed her cheek. ‘Bye, Auntie,’ then wriggled to be set free.
Louis took Peggy’s bag outside and waited for her at the gate before setting off together towards the station.
As Cat stood waving she felt a wave of depression wash over her, and tears which were always near the surface these days, streamed from her eyes. How she longed to be going with Peggy.
She closed the door, went into Peggy’s empty room and sat on the edge of the bed. Remembering the nights she and Ellie had spent giggling in this same room she felt desolate.
The feeling wrapped itself around her like a black cloak as she thought of her family back home. Mary, now dead; Ellie in America and Peggy returning home and she wished she was going too. She lay on the bed, curled herself into a ball and cried huge body-wracking sobs for her life that had gone.
After a while she became aware that Billy and Eileen were watching her from the doorway, so she swiftly wiped her eyes and told them to go and play while she changed the beds.
Louis’ bed, now in Billy’s room, was the last one she changed. She smoothed the pillow with the flat of her hand as though caressing Louis face and felt the familiar constriction in her chest.
She mourned the loss of nights lying together in bed, sharing their thoughts and love. Louis would not sleep with her. He had absolutely refused after Anna was born.
Peggy’s stay made it impossible to discuss the issue but now Cat decided she was determined to address it. She longed for his touch and craved the affection he denied her, but Louis had avoided contact with her since the birth and the subject had become one that neither of them could address. When he came back from seeing Peggy onto the train in London she would speak to him about it. They couldn’t go on like this.
* * *
It was teatime when Reggie suddenly appeared. Cat was setting out Eileen’s nightclothes before bathing her ready for bed.
‘Hello Auntie,’ he said opening the back door.
‘Oh dear God, Reggie, ye gave me such a fright. C’mon in and close the door, I’m just gettin’ Eileen’s bath ready.’ He closed the door and went to stand beside the table where Cat was arranging the soap and towel.
Reggie poked his head round the door to the parlour. ‘Where’s Billy?’
‘He’s out playin’ in the back. G’w’on and call him in will ye, Reggie?’
‘Is Uncle Louis out there too?’
‘No, he’s away seein’ me sister Peggy off back to Ireland.’
‘Oh,’ Reggie said unenthusiastically.
‘Is anythin’ wrong with ye?’
‘No, Auntie. I just wanted to speak to him, that’s all.’
‘What about?’
Reggie blushed, and Cat, thinking he wanted a man-to-man talk with Louis as his own father was dead, decided to drop the subject.
‘So, will ye call Billy in Reggie, there’s a good lad.’
Reggie went out to the back garden where he found Billy digging a hole in the soil so asked him what he was doing.
‘Planting flowers.’
‘Oh. Where are the flowers then?’
‘Here, silly.’
Reggie looked to where Billy was pointing and saw a few sticks poking out of the earth.
‘They’re not flowers, Billy, they are just an old pile of sticks.’
Billy looked up at Reggie and then down at his collection of little sticks. ‘I put them in the ground. Then I put water on and they grow to flowers, Granddad said!’
‘Well they won’t Billy, because they are not flowers, they are just sticks.’
‘Granddad said they are.’
‘He probably only meant that if you were planting flowers. You can’t grow flowers from old sticks. Anyway your mum wants you to come in now.’
Billy continued to twiddle the sticks in the earth.
‘Come on, Billy, you’ve got to come in now and get ready for bed.’
‘Come on now, Billy, your Mum said so.’
Billy continued to push the sticks further into the soil, patting the base of each one so that it would stand upright.
‘I’ll tell your mum you won’t come if you don’t do it this instant!’
Billy stood up and rubbed his hands together freeing them of mud. He looked at Reggie sternly, then stomped past him, saying, ‘Them is flowers!’
Reggie followed Billy indoors where Cat was undressing Eileen on the table. He sat next to Cat as she deftly removed Eileen’s clothes.
‘Can I do that Auntie Cat?’
She was surprised. ‘Well, Reggie I think maybe she would be a little difficult to hold right now, she can be an awful wriggler you know.’
Reggie looked downcast and Cat felt awkward. It was a surprise that a young lad of nearly seventeen should show an interest in helping with a small child. This was strictly a woman’s domain and she felt there was something a little odd in his request. Then as though relenting because she had hurt his feelings, she asked if he would like to dry Eileen once she had bathed her, and Reggie seemed cheered by the suggestion.
After bathing her, Cat wrapped her in a towel and showed Reggie what to do, ensuring that every part of the child was dry.
Cat was surprised at how gentle he was with Eileen and impressed at how deftly he towelled her dry before asking if he could put her nightdress on.
Once more Cat felt uncomfortable, but again not wishing to thwart Reggie, she allowed him to do this task. He then brushed her hair and sat her on his lap tickling her chin making her laugh while Cat prepared Billy’s tea.
‘Can I put Eileen to bed, Auntie?’
Cat was about to cut into a fresh loaf and stopped. She looked across at Reggie who was bouncing Eileen on his lap. Eileen was laughing and Reggie looked perfectly natural, almost like a man twice his age and certainly at ease with the child.
‘Well, yes. I suppose so. G’w’on then. Pull the curtains and once ye’ve laid her down, leave the room quickly, or she’ll think she’s in for more fun and games with ye.’
‘Come on Eileen,’ he said standing up with the child in his arms. ‘Bed time.’
Reggie walked into the bedroom and Cat heard him pull the curtains, speaking to Eileen as he did, then he re-appeared in the kitchen. Cat looked across at him.
‘Reggie, would ye like some bread and jam with Billy?’
‘Yes please, Auntie.’
‘Sit yerself down then and I’ll get ye some,’ she said. ‘I hear ye lost the job in London?’
‘So what’ll ye do now?’
‘Work in the shop with Mum until I can find another job. It’s not that easy.’
Cat looked at him. ‘Yes, I know all about that, Reggie. What was the reason they let ye go?’
Reggie blushed and looked away from her.
‘Something about not being able to afford to keep me on.’
‘Oh. Well, I expect somethin’ will turn up. In the meantime, if ye can help your mam, it’ll be good for her.’
Reggie didn’t answer.
After Cat had put their food on the table she sat down to feed Anna while they ate. She unbuttoned her dress and put the baby to her breast.
Every once in a while Reggie cast his glance in her direction, but Cat was unaware of the interest she had stirred in him. When the boys had finished eating, Cat asked Reggie if he would like to get Billy ready for bed.
‘I should be going home actually, Auntie.’
‘Oh. I thought ye were goin’ to wait for Uncle Louis, he won’t be much longer now.’
‘No. It is getting on a bit and I have to be up early tomorrow, so I’ll get off home now.’
‘Will I tell him what it was ye wanted to talk to him about then?’
‘Oh, no. I’ll come and see him another time.’
‘’Tis all right to tell me, Reggie. I can keep a secret. Is it about a girl or something?’
Reggie blushed, quickly stood and pushed his chair into the table. ‘No. It’s nothing, Auntie. I must go now. Goodbye.’
He walked across and kissed her cheek. Then bending over Eileen he kissed the baby’s forehead.
Cat felt his breath on her breast and moved back a fraction, feeling that perhaps Reggie was becoming a little too interested in her breast. Still, she supposed it was bound to happen sooner or later; after all he was of an age where he was probably becoming curious about women.
‘Well, goodbye then Reggie. I’ll tell Uncle Louis ye came round. Will I ask him to call at the shop to speak to ye?’
Reggie was walking towards the door and without turning said, ‘No please don’t…er, I’ll come and see him another day. It’s nothing, really!’
He disappeared through the doorway and left Cat wondering what it was that had bothered her so much.
* * *
Cat encouraged Louis to pop round and see what Reggie wanted, and when Lize opened the door to him she said she’d been expecting him.
‘Oh, really? Did Reggie say what he wanted me for?’
‘It’s a long story, Louis, you’d better come in.’
Lize related how the situation was becoming unbearable between their mother and Reggie since he’d lost his job and moved back home.
‘Mum actually accused Reggie of stealing from her purse, and no amount of intervention by me seems to make any difference. I’m at the end of my tether, Louis. Can you go up and speak to Reggie?’
Louis climbed the stairs, knocked on Reggie’s door and went in.
‘Auntie Cat said you wanted to speak to me, Reggie.’
‘Um, yes.’
‘Well, what was it about?’
Reggie looked down and began fiddling with a thread on his pullover.
Louis felt tired having just got back from London and sat down on the bed next to Reggie.
‘Come on Reggie, spit it out, I haven’t got all night.’
‘Uncle?’ he began.
‘I was wondering if I could come and live with you, that’s all.’
Louis was taken by surprise; he had not expected anything of this nature.
‘And what’s brought this idea about?’
Reggie outlined how difficult his life was living with his grandmother and how she constantly picked on him and tried turning Iris and his mother against him. He finished by telling Louis how he’d been accused of stealing from his grandmother’s purse. An accusation he flatly denied.
‘So you see Uncle, it’s really quite difficult here.’ His words trailed off and he sat looking at Louis dejectedly.
Louis thought for a while.
‘Look Reggie, I know things are difficult, but you can’t come and live with us, not just like that. You’ll have to try harder to not get under Granny’s skin. Keep out of her way. Go out in the evenings and you’ll find it works.’
Reggie looked down and Louis got up to leave.
‘You can’t run away from life, you must learn to work things out, Reggie. You know… find a way of resolving issues yourself.’
Reggie didn’t answer so Louis left him to think it over and went downstairs.
As Louis entered the kitchen Lize was making a pot of tea, but Louis said he wouldn’t stay for one as he’d only just returned from London and was tired.
‘So did Reggie tell you what he wanted you for?’
‘Yes, he wanted to come and live with us.’
Lize poured out her tea. ‘And what did you say?’
‘I told him, he’d have to work harder at making the situation work here.’
Lize turned on him, her brow furrowed and lips quivering.
‘It’s not that easy Louis. Mum made Dad’s life a misery, then yours and now it’s Reggie. I think she hates men and she’s ruining all our lives. You don’t have to put up with her day in and day out picking on everything he says and does.’ She took out a handkerchief and blew her nose. ‘And this latest thing, this idea he’s stolen from her, well it just about finishes it all off!’
Louis let out a sigh. ‘Lize, we’ve got five mouths to feed already. I can’t take on another one.’ He looked at her and thought she did look worn out.
‘I don’t suppose you pay him enough for him to live independently do you?’
She gave a little laugh.
‘Of course I don’t. But if he could live with you, I could manage by myself, with perhaps a little help from Iris.’ She began to bite her fingernail.
‘I’m sorry Lize, I can’t ask Cat to do this. She really has enough to do.’
‘Well you can choose, Louis. Either you take Reggie, or you’ll have to take on a larger share of the load with Mum. She’ll have to go and live with you. I can’t take much more and I can’t have them both under the same roof!’
‘You know that wouldn’t work, Lize. Mum doesn’t exactly warm to Cat does she? I mean look at that notice she’s had put up on the gate, No Hawkers, No Trespassers and No Irish. How do you think that makes us feel?’
‘I know she’s got some prejudices against the Irish, Louis, and I don’t know why. But I can’t be the go-between.’
Louis looked at her and noticed for the first time her hair had begun to grey at the temples and she had a deep furrow between her eyebrows. Tears welled up in her eyes and he could see that she was at breaking point. He sat down and thought. After a little while he said he would go home and talk it over with Cat.
‘Perhaps if Reggie were to get another job it would help.’
‘He is looking for one, Louis.’
Louis remained silent for a while, and then looked at Lize.
‘This is only an idea, but one of the chaps I work with has a brother with a butcher’s shop in the High Street. I happen to know they are looking for an apprentice. Would you like me to ask him if he’d give Reggie a chance?’
‘Oh, Louis – would you?’
‘I will, but don’t say anything to Reggie at present, not until I’ve had time to ask whether it is viable. Or perhaps we should ask Reggie first whether he would like to do that.’
Lize looked horrified. ‘He’ll do as he’s told, Louis. He’s not in a position to pick and choose.’
‘That’s settled then. I’ll let you know.’ He got up to leave. ‘I’ll speak to Cat about him too; she seems quite fond of the boy.’
Lize just nodded in agreement and Louis left before she could ask him to do anything else.
When Louis reached home he braced himself; worried about breaking the news to Cat about Reggie. But he was surprised at her reaction. She had simply smiled at him.
‘Of course he can move in, Louis.’ Then she had mumbled something else which sounded to Louis like, God moves in mysterious ways.
Too tired to question her about what she had said, Louis slumped down at the table and poured himself some tea while Cat put his evening meal in front of him.
‘There ye are now, Louis. Eat this up and ye’ll feel better, Pet.’
‘You seem in a good mood, Cat. Are you sure about this business with Reggie?’
She turned away so that Louis could not see the smile on her face.
‘Of course I don’t mind, he can share the bedroom with Billy!’