He was used to reconnaissance trips, but he was having to be very careful. His prey was sharp, more astute than all his previous victims combined. But he was cleverer still. He now needed to make sure he had everything in place for this next killing. For the first time, he felt the pinch of being watched. It hadn’t taken him that long to realise that Professor Carla James had become invested in the mystery. Carla was close to discovering what was happening in Jericho, but it would be too late by the time she made the final connection.

When this was all finished, and that would be very soon, he was sure those left behind would pick over the case, searching for what they had overlooked. Of course, the funny thing was they hadn’t missed much. What they’d failed to do was listen to someone who had spotted the pattern. He knew there was tension between the Mayor’s office and the college. He didn’t think any subsequent inquiry would do much to resolve the mutual suspicion. He doubted Carla’s career would be much hurt by the role she played in events, but neither would she be getting a pat on the back anytime soon. This was a case earmarked for burial and Jericho would carry on as usual.

He watched as his target left her house, uncaring about her safety. Her absolute arrogance was a source of fury. In the trials of Salem, prosecutors had made sure that women knew they disapproved of the way society was changing. ‘And now the world is altered: young gentlewomen learn to be bold,’ quoting the famous jurist Sir Matthew Hale in their accusations. He was pretty sure he’d be called a misogynist, sociopath, deviant. But Jericho needed to turn in on itself and look for answers there. He was pretty sure that his final victim knew she was next, and the question was, what was she going to do about it?