Cow Heel Soup

This was chiefly used for invalids as it is nourishing and easy to digest. I remember having it cold, as a jelly, spread on toast.


1 cow heel

1.75 l (3 pints) cold water

1 carrot

1 onion

1 stick of celery

1 teaspoon lemon juice

25 g (1 oz) sago

chopped parsley

salt and pepper

Clean and scald the heel. Put into a saucepan with the cold water and ½ teaspoon salt and bring to the boil. Peel and slice the vegetables and add them to the pan. Simmer for 3 hours. Strain. Add the sago and boil for a further 15 minutes. Remove the meat from the heel and cut into small pieces. Return this to the soup, then draw it off the heat and add the lemon juice, seasoning and parsley.

NOTE: The vegetables would have been served separately, probably to the non-invalid members of the family.