Mince Pies


700 g (1½ lbs) beef suet

700 g (1½ lbs) cooking apples

225 g (8 oz) raisins

900 g (2 lbs) currants

grated nutmeg

½ teaspoon grated cloves

½ teaspoon cinnamon

300 ml (½ pint) French brandy

a few pieces of orange and lemon peel

225 g (8 oz) rough puff pastry

Chop suet, apples, raisins and currants fairly fine, and mix together thoroughly with the spices, brandy and finely chopped peel. Put the mixture into stone jars and seal. It will keep for several months.

Cut out small rounds of rough puff pastry. Fill with mincemeat mixture and cover with pastry. Brush over with milk and bake in a hot oven 200°C (400°F) Gas 6 for 15 minutes.

NOTE: If you choose to have meat in your pies, add 450 g (1 lb) boiled beef, chopped small, or 2 or 3 boiled lambs’ tongues.