
This book, together with The Cradle of All Worlds, took twelve years to write. Nearly a third of my life. There are far too many people to mention individually for all their love and support during this time, so let me start by sending a million hugs and a great big THANK YOU to all my friends and family who have stood by my side since this adventure began. Mum, my number one fan and pseudo publicist, I couldn’t have done this without you. Thank you for—well—quite literally everything (and apologies for saying “ain’t” in the dedication—I know you hate it). Dad, you’re not around to read this, but wherever you are in the great beyond, know that my love and admiration for you imbues every page. Brooke, my purely platonic soulmate, words can’t express how much our friendship means to me. Seriously, I’m tearing up. Thanks for the chats, the cheerleading, and simply being there every single day. Bailey the Golden Lab, my lil editing buddy, thanks for distracting me.

To my wonderful agent, Grace Heifetz of Left Bank Literary, and the entire Hardie Grant Egmont team—thank you, thank you, thank you. Big hugs to Emma Schwarcz, Marisa Pintado (special shout-out to little baby Raf), and my incredible eagle-eyed editor, Luna Soo. To Amanda Shaw, Tye Cattanach, Emily Wilson, Lauren Draper, Pat Cannon, Madeleine Manifold, Joanna Anderson, Annabel Barker, Troy Lewis, and the sales team, thank you for helping me share Jane with readers around the world. Thanks also to designer Pooja Desai and illustrator Alessia Trunfio for creating this astonishing, incendiary cover. I just love it.

More shout-outs to my dear cousin, Georgia Lyons Brown (aka Porge), for her aeronautical expertise, Elizabeth Tan for her correspondence and advice, and to my future husband, who still hasn’t shown up yet. How dare you.

To my fellow authors everywhere, thank you for making this such an incredible industry to be a (very small) part of. To the booksellers and librarians, thank you for championing adventure, celebrating queer heroes, and supporting Aussie kids’ literature. To my readers, I love you all. So many of you have reached out since Cradle was released, and your messages of support lift me up every time. Even if I didn’t have time to respond, know that you made my day.

Till next time, intrepid adventurers,
