“Do you really think we should leave Teddy alone with them?” Hannah frowned as she arranged the knitted blanket around the infant in his cradle, his adorable little face relaxed in sleep. Her heart swelled with more love than she ever thought possible. She turned to face Nolan. “After all, how much do either of them know about babies?”
“It’s one night, Hannah. They’ll be fine.” Nolan moved across the carpet of the Stainsby parlor, where they had temporarily moved Teddy’s bed, to drape an arm over her shoulder.
The physical contact sent shivers down Hannah’s arms, reminding her of the evening to come.
Iris had been staying at Stainsby Hall since Christmas, helping Hannah with the baby while Nolan recuperated. He had been released from the hospital on Christmas Eve, and Edward had kept the festivities to a minimum so as not to overtax Nolan’s strength. But now that he had recovered, Iris had insisted on giving them a night off. She and Edward would take care of Teddy so that Hannah and Nolan could have some time alone. As much as Hannah longed for private time with her husband, she dreaded leaving her child for the first time since his kidnapping three weeks ago.
“Molly, keep an eye on Teddy until Iris comes in, will you?” Nolan motioned to Molly, who sat reading by the fire, a loyal Daisy at her feet.
“I’d love to.” Molly smiled over the rim of her book. “Don’t worry, Hannah. We can manage without you until tomorrow.”
Nolan steered Hannah out of the parlor into the hallway. “There’s a whole staff of women here to give advice if need be—Edna being first in line.” He took her by the hand, his boots ringing on the floor, until he came to a stop in the foyer. “We have a nice dinner waiting for us at the Thornbridge Manor Inn, not to mention the plans I have in mind for later.” The heat of his look scorched Hannah’s cheeks.
He leaned down to tease her lips with his, igniting in her a passion she’d almost forgotten. “Yes, it has been too long,” she murmured against the demand of his mouth.
“There you are.” Iris’s cheery voice had them breaking apart as if they were still unmarried servants. Her skirts swished as she walked briskly down the hall toward them. “Edward would like a word with you before you go. He’s in the study.”
Hannah followed her aunt into the room, taking note of the subtle changes in the space. Most days now, the drapery was opened to let in the bright sunlight. Vases of fresh flowers adorned the side tables and the mantel over the hearth, filling the room with a subtle promise of spring, even though it was a few months away. Even Edward himself was lighter, less brooding, and his more colorful clothing matched his new attitude.
“All set to go?” Edward smiled as he rounded the desk to greet them. He kissed Hannah’s cheek and clapped Nolan on the back.
Once again, Hannah thanked God for Edward’s change of heart. Ever since Teddy’s birth, he’d been supportive and welcoming. The miracle of their son had gone a long way toward bringing them closer as a family.
“Other than Hannah’s nerves and your summons, nothing is holding us back.” Nolan grinned at his father.
Edward laughed. “Well, let’s get right to it then, and you can be on your way. I’m looking forward to spending the night looking after my grandson.”
Iris cleared her throat and raised a slim brow.
“Correction. I’m looking forward to assisting Iris as she looks after my grandson.”
“That’s more like it.” Iris laughed as Edward motioned the group over to the sitting area.
“Please have a seat for a minute. I have some news to share with you.”
Hannah’s curiosity spiked as she and Nolan perched on the settee. Had something happened between her aunt and Edward? But Iris’s questioning expression as she took a seat in one of the wing chairs told Hannah she had no idea what Edward was about to say.
Leaning an elbow on the mantel above the blazing fire, Edward glanced at all of them. “I received a letter from Victoria today. First and foremost, she tells me that Evelyn is doing better and has filed for a divorce. She believes there should be no impediment to her request, now that Orville is in prison for the foreseeable future.”
Hannah nodded. “It’s for the best. Evelyn deserves a fresh start with an honorable man.”
“One can only hope,” Edward said. “As for Victoria, it seems congratulations are in order. Her suitor Sebastian has at last asked for her hand in marriage.”
“Took him long enough.” Nolan chuckled. “I thought he’d have proposed long ago.”
“From what I gather, swiftness is not one of Sebastian’s prominent personality traits. His motto is more along the line of ‘slow and steady wins the race.’ Still, Victoria is very happy now that she, Evelyn, and Ophelia can begin planning the wedding.”
“I do love weddings.” Iris sighed, her expression euphoric.
Edward moved across the carpet to stand closer to the threesome. “On that note, I have one more piece of business to attend to.” He glanced at Nolan and cleared his throat. “It’s no secret that my life has changed tremendously over the last year. Before I found out you were my son, I was a lonely, bitter man who lived a hermit’s existence, rarely leaving Stainsby. I owe you all a great debt of gratitude for bringing me out of that darkness and back into the land of the living.” Edward laid a hand on Nolan’s shoulder. “The greatest gift I’ve ever received is learning I had a son. Because of you, Nolan, I’ve become a better man.”
Hannah looked at her husband, her heart swelling with joy for him. At last he had the father he’d always longed for.
“Thank you, Father.” Nolan’s voice was gruff. “I must admit I had my doubts that we would ever form a real bond. But I truly believe God has helped us overcome our differences.”
“I couldn’t agree more. Which brings me to my next point.” Edward turned his full attention to Iris. His gaze bore down on her as though Hannah and Nolan were not even in the room. “I must confess, Duchess, that when I first met you, I found your outspoken ways to be most annoying.”
Hannah stifled a gasp. Iris, however, did not seem offended in the least. Her lips tipped up in an amused half-smile.
“But the more I came to know you, the more I realized what a wise and admirable woman you are.”
“Oh, Edward.” Iris blushed. The flames in the hearth added to the glow on her face.
Hannah’s pulse quickened as she suddenly guessed where this conversation might be heading.
Sure enough, Edward dropped to one knee before Iris’s chair and took one of her hands in his. “My dear Iris, you are a woman of great beauty—both inside and out. When I’m away from you, my life is not complete. To my utter amazement, I have found myself in love again at this late stage of my life, and I wondered if you might do me the great honor of becoming my wife?”
Tears rolled down her aunt’s cheeks. The love that radiated from her eyes told Hannah what her answer would be.
“Nothing would make me happier, Edward.” Iris leaned forward to meet him in a kiss.
Edward wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him in a passionate embrace.
Nolan leaned over to nuzzle Hannah’s cheek. “Look what we’ve started.” He chuckled softly.
Hannah smiled as she moved back to look into her husband’s eyes. “You don’t mind sharing your father?”
“Not at all. My father is entitled to happiness after all the misery he’s been through. And I think Iris is more than a match for him.”
Hannah laughed. “I think you’re right.” She rose, pulling Nolan up with her, and they went to offer their congratulations.
Edward beamed, his wide smile splitting his face as he hugged them both.
“I’m so happy for you, Auntie.” Hannah kissed Iris’s cheeks.
“Thank you, Hannah dear. You’ll never know how grateful I am for that fateful day you and Molly knocked on my door. Since you came into my life, I’ve gone from a lonely widow to a woman blessed with more family—and more love—than I ever could have imagined.”
Hannah looked at Nolan and smiled. “I think the Lord knew we all needed healing in one way or another and brought us together for that purpose.”
“How wise is our God,” Iris murmured.
“Amen.” Edward dropped his arm possessively around his Iris’s shoulders and kissed the top of her head.
Nolan tugged Hannah’s hand. “And on that happy note, my dear wife, let us be off before these two decide to elope.”
“No worries there. I think this family has had enough elopements for one lifetime.” Edward winked at them.
A burst of laughter followed Hannah and Nolan out the door, and she marveled once again at the power of love to bring about such astounding changes. Who would have ever believed that the formidable Earl of Stainsby could turn into such a doting father and an eager husband-to-be?
And who would have ever believed that a stable boy—her stable boy—could turn into a most noble heir?
Proof once again that with God and with faith, all things are possible.