Avery took a deep breath and calmed herself as they exited the viewing booth with a picture in hand of Crystal Lewis signing into Skylar’s account.

Gary had probably broken into Skylar’s jewelry box to steal her ring but found the safe deposit box key instead. He’d tracked it to the right bank, made Crystal a fake ID—some things never changed—put a wig on her and sent her in to take whatever was inside the safe deposit box. It was likely whatever Skylar had on the college kids.

“So?” Parker rubbed his hands together as Avery climbed in his car. “What was in the box?”

“Nothing,” she said, still deflated on that point, but at least they had the next lead.

“What?” he said, pausing to wave to Griffin and Jason as they drove past them out of the bank’s parking lot.

“So . . .” Parker reversed out of their slot. “Skylar emptied the box already?”

“No. Someone else did.”

Parker arched a brow. “I’m guessing by that determined scowl you know who.”

“Crystal Lewis,” she said, waiting for Parker’s reaction.

Not a lot fazed him, but that certainly did.

“You’re kidding.”

Avery shook her head. “Nope.”

“Any idea what she took? What was in the box?”

“No. She entered with a large purse, so I’m guessing she put whatever it was in her purse, but we have her on camera.” She handed Parker the picture.

Parker clutched the image. “Time to pay Crystal another visit.”

“Yep. Griffin and Jason are headed there now. They said we could join them since I know Crystal and she might respond better with me present.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“I also think we—or rather, they—need to dig a little deeper into Amanda King and Kyle Eason. I’m betting whatever Skylar was hiding was dirt on Kyle Eason.”

“Which is why they couldn’t find it at Skylar’s place.”


“So now Crystal Lewis has it?”


“What do you think she’s going to do with it?”

“Knowing her and Gary, if they’re bright enough to figure out what they have, they’ll probably try to take advantage of it.”

“If Skylar was able to dig up dirt on Kyle Eason, then so can we.”

“Or maybe we’ll be lucky and Crystal will just hand it over,” she said as they crossed Bel Air Road and pulled into Starbucks’ drive-thru line.

Parker arched a brow.

“What?” She shrugged. “It could happen. You’re awfully charming.”

“Charming, eh?”

“Please, you know you are.”

“Mmm.” He leaned over while he waited in line. “How far will my charm get me?”

She kissed him on the cheek.

“Not exactly what I had in mind.”

“I know what you had in mind. Now drive.” She pointed at the line moving forward.

He stole a kiss on the lips and then did as instructed.


Now he was kissing her? Defiling her? Didn’t he realize Avery Tate was his? He’d already found a new place and was preparing it just for her. It would be ready soon, very soon. He could almost taste it.