Footage from the set of
A Winter’s Night
The scene is the living room of a modest house set in 1949 Germany. Christina Franklin enters the room in character as Freda. She is wearing a simple gingham dress. Her long auburn hair falls loose around her shoulders. John Cummings, in character as Donny, stands before her wearing a suit. He holds a bouquet of flowers in his hands. Christina nods to him.
Hanna should be down in a minute. Please sit down.
JOHN/DONNY (sitting)
Thank you.
Christina takes a magazine from the coffee table and begins to flip through it. John watches her.
Aren’t you going to the dance, Freda?
I am not.
CHRISTINA/FREDA (her attention on the magazine)
Because no one asked me.
Really? I thought that you were seeing Fredrick.
CHRISTINA/FREDA (still looking at the magazine)
You thought wrong.
JOHN/DONNY (frowning)
Did something happen?
CHRISTINA/FREDA (angrily flipping the page)
Do you want to talk about it?
Do I look like I want to talk about it?
No, I guess not. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude.
CHRISTINA/FREDA (angrily throwing the magazine aside)
Don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault.
John stares at the flowers and then looks over to the stairs as if wishing Hanna would arrive.
He’s getting married.
JOHN/DONNY (startled)
Who? Frederick?
CHRISTINA/FREDA (her eyes well with tears)
Yes. He told me last night. He’s marrying Greta Hoch.
But, why? I thought you and he …
Were in love? Yes. I thought so, too. However, Greta is having his child.
JOHN/DONNY (sincerely)
I’m sorry, Freda.
Don’t be. Love is for fools. And I despise fools. Enjoy your dance.
Christina leaves the room. The camera swings to show the director, Barry Meagher.
Cut! Perfect! That was great, you two. Now, let’s get Melanie out here and we can finish the scene.
Sara, Melanie’s personal assistant, steps forward.
SARA (timidly)
Um, Mr. Meagher? Melanie isn’t feeling very well. And …
What? Again? What the hell is wrong with her THIS time? Another headache? The stomach flu? Is she as high as a kite, or is she just hung over?
I promise you that she’s not using, Mr. Meagher. But she was sick earlier. She couldn’t seem to keep anything down. I think she may have had some of that lobster mac and cheese at lunch today. I gave her her medicine, and she’s resting in her trailer now. If we could maybe give her an hour or so, I’m sure she’ll feel better by then.
BARRY (glances at his watch)
An hour or so? (sighing) It’s four o’clock now. You know what? I’m done. I haven’t been home before midnight this whole week. (yelling to crew) Okay, everyone, that’s a wrap for today. Go home, go to a bar, go wherever the hell you want. I’ll see you all here tomorrow at the usual ungodly hour and we’ll pick up where we left off.
The actors and crew stand mutely for a moment as if unsure that Barry is serious.
Go! Before I change my mind!
Everyone departs. John grabs Christina’s hand and whispers something in her ear. She smiles and nods. They quickly walk off the set. The camera swings left. It lands on Janice Franklin. She stands off to the side, watching them go. She starts to follow them, but then appears to change her mind. She walks slowly toward the trailers.