Footage from the set of
A Winter’s Night

Melanie is sitting at a table wearing a white robe. Her hair is arranged in a reverse roll. She is eating from what appears to be a cup of yogurt. Frank walks toward her, his expression one of forced joviality.


Well, there you are! How’s my beautiful star today?

MELANIE (holding up the cup)

“Well, I’m in the club!”


I understand you had a rough morning.


I threw up, Frank. Actually, to be more specific, I threw up on John. How the hell do you think I am? I’ll give you a hint, though. It ain’t beautiful.

FRANK (faltering)

Ahh, yes. I think I heard something about that.


You think you heard something about that? Really, Frank? You’re not sure? ‘Cause, I got to tell you, if I heard about someone not only puking in front of the entire crew, but also all over her leading man, I think I might remember it. But then, I guess that’s just me. I’ve always been pretty good about remembering things. I guess it’s what makes me such a good actress.


You’re upset.

MELANIE (laughing)

Frank. Upset doesn’t begin to even remotely cover it.

FRANK (soothingly)

Well, I’m here to help. Tell me what I can do. You know I’ll do anything for you.

MELANIE (stares at him for a beat)

Really? Like what?


Come on, Melanie. I’m here for you. You know that. Tell me what you need so we can get you back to work. Remember, we have a picture to make. And this role, honey, it’s going to put you back on top.

MELANIE (scoffs)

Yeah, Frank. So you keep telling me. But if it’s all the same to you, I’m not sure if I want to be back on top.

FRANK (indulgent tone)

That’s crazy talk. You’ve just got that stomach bug that’s going around. Everything feels worse when you’re sick. Take the rest of the day off, and I’m sure you’ll feel better by tomorrow. These things usually run their course in twenty-four hours or so.


Actually, Frank. There is something you can do for me.

FRANK (smiling)

See? I knew I could help. Just name it.

MELANIE (turning her back to him)

Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.